British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 316: Reliable person

Walking out of Churchill's room, Sir Barron and Alan Wilson were still chatting about the great Prime Minister, "The Prime Minister has not forgotten those of us overseas, the emergence of large-scale national enterprises must have managers, and at the same time to the British The empire is also a good thing, these companies have to be managed by someone, not the Labour Party or the Conservative Party."

"On this basis, the Prime Minister is more admirable than Mr. Churchill." Sir Barron said indifferently after listening to Alan Wilson's words, "Mr. Churchill still thinks that he was wronged for losing. Who does he lose?"

"That's right, the most important thing is to eat. I believe that Sir Edward and Sir Norman agree that these nationalized enterprises are most suitable for reliable people." Alan Wilson maintained the same line with his immediate superiors, " Maybe we can find a good position when we return to China, and it is not too early for us civil servants in British India to think about it now.”

The widely respected former prime minister has become Mr. Churchill again in a flash, as can be seen when people take tea.

Zipton seems to have a phrase that sums up Churchill's current situation, "Idiot, the problem is the economy."

But this is the real partnership between civil servants and politicians. What's the problem?

If necessary, Alan Wilson can even be friends with McCarthy and help him capture pro-Soviet elements, especially Hollywood, which looks like a base camp for pro-Soviet elements and must be strictly investigated.

After meeting with Ali Jinnah and Gandhi one after another, the next agenda will be the agenda of showing people-friendly actions, and then the process of discussing the Rohingya problem, and then? The Governor should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, so he should go to Ceylon for vacation.

The special envoy Churchill of British India and the governor and his wife have their own busy schedules. The special envoy is also prepared to let Governor Mountbatten calm down and deal with the problem step by step when difficulties arise.

At this time, Alan Wilson, of course, still has his own business. He is now engaged in two tasks, one requires divergent thinking and is full of nonsense, and the other requires rigor, involving Malayan history textbooks.

Pamela Mountbatten looked curiously at Alan Wilson's pen, and square words appeared one by one, this man is really talented.

Alan Wilson, who does not yet know that he has been judged as talented, is still working on a history textbook that will occupy exactly half the population of British Malaya in the future.

How to educate the Malays is not something he can manage. He can't leave such a large piece of colonial work to himself.

A pile of reference documents was piled up beside the table, but he didn't even look at it, he had studied the history textbook of the People's Education Edition. He didn't brag about it, but he learned it well. He didn't need to refer to anything at all.

No **** mixed with any national feelings, in fact, he can do it.

There is even time to chat with Pamela Mountbatten, and the chat is also about the work at hand.

"It's because China is too powerful?" Pamela Mountbatten didn't know Chinese characters, so she naturally didn't understand what Alan Wilson was holding. She just made a guess based on the man's bragging about India.

"It's different. It's for students. It has to be completely free of personal feelings." Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "If India's teaching materials are formulated according to the standards of boasting India, then of course it is to brag about the Peacock Dynasty, as long as India When people are happy, what do they need to be objective?”

"But this will not work. If the Mauryan Dynasty is revived, it will be great for us British. For more than a hundred years, we have been unable to deal with the huge population of India. If the Mauryan Dynasty is revived, the people of the subcontinent can finally get the American continent. The treatment of the Indians is gone, but unfortunately we are dealing with the Mughal Empire."

How can an empire of more than 2,000 years be compared with a modern empire? Does this mean that mankind has not progressed for thousands of years? The metallurgical technology of Ironware has been updated for several generations.

The opponents that the British Empire defeated after the Industrial Revolution were undoubtedly the leaders of local civilization.

Ottomans, Mughals, Qing Dynasty, and Imperial Russia are all. This is the real law of historical development. In exchange for an ancient dynasty where distance produces beauty, these opponents will only be worse, and the results will not change except worse.

The Mauryan Dynasty with an estimated population of more than 20 million? British India should now be similar to Australia, with no natives at all.

Alan Wilson's textbook will also remove some narratives that promote national sentiments, what national sentiments a colony wants.

At least not against the colonial government, but you can focus on describing the process of the Yuan Dynasty's expeditionary forces attacking the East Indies, which will help to provoke conflicts between the two ethnic groups.

Similarly, in the textbooks of the Malays, it will also focus on the passage of how the Majapahit defeated the Yuan Dynasty expeditionary army.

Majapahit is not a Malay, how to judge this? In a broad sense, the island countries in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, are all branches of the Malays. If it is applied to concepts such as the Chinese nation, of course it is established.

Having said that, there is also the concept of the Indian nation in the propaganda of the Congress Party. The subcontinent does not speak all languages ​​and religions, and they are all brothers and sisters in the same family. The Muslim League is very opposed to this theory.

"Go out for a walk!" Alan Wilson, who was busy with the work at hand, extended the invitation. Pamela Mountbatten has been waiting. Where can I find such an obedient girl? The key is to start early and focus on training.

The life of the Governor's wife seems to be busier than that of the Governor. Even in British India, she is paying attention to the turbulent stock market. Not being able to invest in stocks in New Delhi is simply overthinking. Chang Gong can micro-manage the US stock market across the Pacific Ocean. Is New Delhi more convenient than the battlefield? There is no problem with a remote focus on U.S. stocks.

It would even be better if the Governor's wife suffered a loss. Alan Wilson could embezzle some public funds, pull the Governor's wife into the water, and make the Governor's wife completely side with the British Indian civil servants.

Some financial losses, compared with the future of 100,000 civil servants, he can still handle which is more important.

"I heard that in some places, there has been damage to Indian cultural relics?" Holding hands, Pamela Mountbatten asked, "I saw it in the report of the Governor's Office."

"There is such a thing, I also know who did it, but there is no need to investigate. People are panicking now. It is understandable that some people want to leave a way out." Alan Wilson nodded and answered the question head-on.

As the ruler of the subcontinent, what's wrong with selling some cultural relics? This is not a big problem, and it is not a very important cultural relic.

Indians have no reason to object. You see how docile the Germans are, and countless wealth has been turned into cigarettes and flowed into the British Occupied Trade Commission.

It is said that the preservation conditions of cultural relics in India are not good, and it is more appropriate for these cultural relics with historical value to be preserved in the hands of reliable people.

Alan Wilson even considered communicating with the French, digging up Angkor Wat, and maybe he can get some collections and put them in the Emerald House.

There seems to be one of the largest Hindu temples in the world in the Dutch East Indies. He dug two statues and placed them at the entrance of the manor. He felt that it was not too much. Pamela Mountbatten might be very happy.

Thinking of this, Alan Wilson asked, "Pamela, don't you have any favorite sculptures?"

"I'm fine, I'm not interested in these things." Pamela Mountbatten shook her head slightly, and in one sentence, the disaster of Angkor Wat was avoided, and it was absolutely possessed by virtue and virtue in the world of Xianxia, ​​and it became holy on the spot.

"I am very happy that you are with me like this. It's so boring to engage in politics every day." Pamela Mountbatten raised her face and told her joy in her heart.

"Every man is a potential politician, pretty much all," Alan Wilson chuckled, "and you don't need to understand. Politics—it's not a woman's business, you have to say that to everyone. You'll be likable, please smile, don't get involved in politics, and everything will be fine. You don't know, it's very natural what's going on lately, so the main point is that if you think something isn't like that, you Don't think you'll find me in the crowd. Don't be afraid, everything will be fine."

"You know, a lot of people think that civil servants' wives should and can handle everything. If I were a big idiot, people wouldn't understand me."

"You and I both believe that a wife should be the strong rear that provides security for the husband, giving him spiritual support in great undertakings. Be the mistress and the most beloved woman, as any successful man's There will always be a woman he trusts, loves and loves the most. Do you remember?"

"I don't understand what you are saying, but I instinctively tell me that you seem to have made some demands on me." Pamela Mountbatten tilted her head and thought for a long time, then suddenly said, "Shameless, who promised to be your wife? ."

"Come on, let me experience my husband's treatment first." Alan Wilson put his arms around Pamela Mountbatten and bowed his head. "Put your tongue out."

"No, the base of my tongue hurt last time." Pamela Mountbatten avoided, not wanting to let this person succeed easily.

Work is of course important, but personal problems are also important. If you don’t solve personal problems, you will be distracted at work and reduce work efficiency. Alan Wilson also does this for a better job, which is very reasonable.

The days passed in the process of micro-manipulation of the people in the Governor's Mansion, in the actions of the Governor's showing his closeness to the people, in the indoctrination of private goods by Prime Minister Churchill, and the cultivation of Alan Wilson's feelings little by little.

Gandhi suffered the biggest crisis since leading the Congress party, ceding power to Jinnah? Not to mention the fact that the majority of Hindus knew about it, even the top leaders of the Congress Party could not agree.

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