British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 349: Critical mind

He has worked hard in British India for more than a year, and he always has some friends. After all, he has been busy traveling all over the world for a long time. How could he not have accumulated a little network? For example, the major kingdoms, and families including but not limited to Tata and Birla.

Alan Wilson, who was squatting in the telegraph room, famously said, don't take the opportunity to give gifts. If it is unavoidable, the gift is light and affectionate, and you can judge this measure yourself.

"It's righteous and awe-inspiring, and I specifically added this sentence in the telegram, didn't I just want to receive a gift?" Pamela Mountbatten pouted, disapproving of Alan Wilson's pretentious attitude.

"Even so, you can't say it." Alan Wilson said with a stern expression, and then boasted, "Isn't my contribution to the British Empire not worth the treatment now?"

"Does your contribution refer to embezzlement?" Pamela Mountbatten quipped, changing Alan Wilson.

"Why didn't I contribute? It's not because I was busy all the time in British India... Forget it, you don't understand when I tell you." Alan Wilson choked up again when he said that, and he didn't do anything with women. Battle of the tongue.

What he wants to say is, if it hadn't been for the greatest potential of the individual and a plan to fly on both sides, the UK could have achieved a record 600 million pounds in tax revenue last year?

This is without his contribution? The Malta-class aircraft carrier has been under construction, and has not been dismantled without being built, as in history.

Now the aircraft carrier of the same level as Midway and the aircraft carrier has been under construction, so there is no credit for it?

Alan Wilson is simply aggrieved. He has paid too much for this country. If the Malta-class aircraft carrier is directly dismantled, the Royal Navy will have to wait until the Queen Elizabeth-class in the 21st century to get back the feeling of a heavy aircraft carrier.

The sea is the source of the prosperity of Britain, and the most important way to trade with the outside world, expand power and exert influence.

Whether international trade in sterling, or importing and dumping raw materials from the colonies, relied on ocean routes. For Britain, the sea is both the front and the rear.

Wealth flows from the sea, and threats come from the sea. It is the two hundred years of countless ships that have transported the world's wealth into the British Isles day and night, as well as the two sea battles with the sea coachman and Spain that decided the country's fate, that this small island country can become the world's hegemony.

This is the fundamental reason why Britain is doing everything it can to maintain one of the most powerful navies in the world.

At least for now, Britain is still not ready to be marginalized. Alan Wilson has always regarded the so-called Labour Party as a joke. The only conclusive evidence at present is that British India really wants to become independent.

As for the rest? Alan Wilson remembers four events in the Conservative Party in different years. During World War II, Churchill terminated the alloy tube project and believed in the American commitment to incorporate it into the Manhattan Project. As a result, the United States was not prepared to share the results of the nuclear bomb after the war.

In 1956, the Prime Minister of the Conservative Party, Aiden, wanted to shake off the prestige of the old imperialism and launched the Suez Canal War.

As a result, Britain and France were directly removed from their tiger skins under the threat of the United States and the Soviet Union, proving to the world that Britain and France were no longer countries on the same level as the United States and the Soviet Union.

In late 1962, after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Conservative Prime Minister MacMillan and U.S. President Kennedy signed the Nassau Accords, under which the U.S. would supply the U.K. with the Polaris submarine missiles on the condition that U.S. support the U.S.’s multilateral nuclear force program. The United States can use the British nuclear strike force through NATO to subordinate the British nuclear force to the American nuclear force.

Britain was allowed to use its own nuclear forces only when its supreme interests were seriously threatened.

Since then, the UK's nuclear weapons have become what people call a subsidiary nuclear force that has no independent right to use.

During Macmillan's tenure as Prime Minister, there was also the African Year of Independence, when the colonies seceded from Britain exceeded the size of British India.

This also led to Charles de Gaulle's determination that the United Kingdom was a puppet of the United States and had been excluding the United Kingdom from the European Community.

In the 1980s, Mrs Thatcher directly killed the British industry and carried out de-industrialization. From then on, only finance was left in the British Empire.

From Churchill's termination of the alloy tube project, Aiden being humiliated in the Suez Canal War, to Macmillan's abandonment of independent nuclear forces, and Thatcher's de-industrialization, I really don't know how to bring up the argument that the Labour Party has wronged the country.

Any one of these four events would be countless times bigger than Labour's mistakes, let alone all of them. Thanks to the rich heritage of the British Empire, it has been able to toss until the 1980s before laying down.

What happened to the Soviet Union, which was directly brought down by Ge Tu’s five-year plan, and I, Great Britain, far surpassed the Soviet Union.

Churchill gave up the alloy tube project. After Attlee came to power, he is still filling the pit. Historically, until he stepped down, the nuclear bomb was successfully tested. Alan Wilson hopes that with more financial investment, the progress of the alloy tube project can be faster.

Even if the Soviet Union can’t be driven out, don’t be too late. It’s best to succeed before the Korean war breaks out. In this way, there will definitely be more room for manoeuvre in the face of the US’s request to send troops.

With a Malta-class aircraft carrier and a nuclear bomb in hand, the situation will be much stronger than in history.

The news that Ellen Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten will choose a date to get engaged has also caused waves in small circles in London.

Prime Minister Attlee is most concerned about the issue of British India. If there is another issue, it is the recovery of the British-occupied areas, which can basically be regarded as one issue.

At present, the problems of British India are all related to Mountbatten. When he learned that the Governor's daughter was about to be engaged, Prime Minister Attlee also sent a telegram to express his congratulations, and Churchill also sent a congratulatory telegram.

Congrats to more than just politicians, Edward Bridges and Norman Brooke got the news.

Norman Brooke, who was holding the telegram in his hand, couldn't help but smile, "It seems that Allen is not only professional in colonial issues, but also unique in this regard."

"Then we will also send a congratulatory telegram." Edward Bridges thought for a while and said, "If possible, transfer him back to China. Except for the medical company, there is basically no big deal."

"He's even made a withdrawal plan, so it shouldn't be a big deal." Norman Brooke shook his head helplessly, "With such a subordinate, I don't know if Barron should be happy or sad. But in what name? , you must know that people are very interested and want to go directly to Malaya to work."

The two did not understand the spirit of Alan Wilson, who took the initiative to work in the colony.

But the British Empire needs such scumbags, especially in the field of diplomacy, and there should be people like Alan Wilson.

"Didn't he mention Europe in the telegram?" Edward Bridges asked. "We can find out where he can be used."

"It's not that he didn't. He has been very concerned about the sale of Soviet engines by Rolls-Royce, and it was mentioned in several telegrams. This should be his main concern above other things. Governor Mountbatten does not I know if I listened to him, but I also mentioned it once, saying that the Soviet Union ignores intellectual property rights and requires the country to review Rolls-Royce's foreign trade. Either simply don't sell it, or slaughter the Soviet Union, don't expect the Soviet Union to do so. Pay royalties on time

The engine foreign trade of Rolls-Royce has been reviewed for several months, which is not how much Alan Wilson has a face.

The one who has the face is the Governor of British India, Mountbatten. The issue of British India has been so concerned by the Prime Minister. Of course, he has to respond to Mountbatten's concern, so he has been reviewing it.

Norman Brooke said a few words, and the corners of his mouth could not help but lift up, and asked Edward Bridges, "Edward, during the Potsdam Conference, did he talk to the Soviets about him?"

"I think..." Edward Bridges took a long tone, and finally gave an affirmative answer, "Yes, let him come back to deal with this matter, and see if he can get rid of his idea of ​​going to work in the colony, and take good care of him. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs settles down."

"Then officially transfer him back after the medical company and the license the engagement ceremony is over." Norman Brooke made a final decision, the issue of the medical company and the license is still important, after all, it is already a British India's last big income.

Alan Wilson definitely disagrees with the words of the two heads of civil servants. They don't even know how happy the heads of British Indian companies are at the moment, pilfering and selling raw materials accumulated during the war.

Of course they can't move the factory directly out of India, but can't they sell it to local entrepreneurs who need it?

Another thing to congratulate is that his second iron box is finally full. Alan Wilson is like a farmer after the start of the autumn harvest, his face is full of joy of harvest.

Sometimes happiness is so simple that it doesn't need any grand scenes to set off, just like he is now, although he is poor, he is still very happy.

The gift this time is very in line with the standard of politeness and affection. Don't always give those conspicuous things such as tiger skins and cars. He has to sell gifts that are too large.

Just like now, it's good to get some inconspicuous plugs that are calculated by dragging. This is in line with his temperament.

"I've watched it for several minutes." Pamela Mountbatten stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Alan Wilson. "The saliva is coming out."

"I feel the degeneration of money worship with my heart. Only when I see these things often can I not be confused by these things." Alan Wilson wiped the corner of his mouth and said confidently, "I'm not interested in money, if I want to, do It will be far easier to succeed in business than to be a civil servant.”

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