British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 367: I know colonies best

The layout of the Nelson-class battleships can be said to be very extreme. The original 48,000-ton battleship was reduced to 35,000 tons. The purpose of this extreme layout is to save displacement. During the treaty period when the displacement was very stuck, there were meaningful.

But it also has some flaws, such as poor seaworthiness, limited arrangement of the engine compartment, unfavorable trimming, etc.

Therefore it has not been widely adopted. Japan, which followed the British example in the field of warships, introduced several plans for the front of the main guns when designing the Yamato class, but in the end these plans failed, perhaps because of these shortcomings.

The current Nelson-class can be said to have no need for modification. The 48,000-ton battleship has been shrunk to this extent. How can there be any potential for modification?

Why are Soviet warships so difficult to refit? Just like the fault of the Nelson battleship, the design was to use a smaller tonnage to do more things, all small horse-drawn carts, and the battleships that came out of this mode were naturally difficult to rebuild.

It's not that the British Empire hasn't played with the violent aesthetics of the Red Navy. If you don't believe me, take a look at the frontal photo of the Nelson-class battleship, which is almost a Soviet-style battleship.

The Nelson-class battleship is commendable for its protection. It is not only the best in its era, but even surpasses the American and German battleships that served later. It is undoubtedly backward in the hands of the naval powers, but it is still a Zentraedi weapon in the eyes of the third world. .

Considering the protection of Portuguese Goa, Alan Wilson really wanted to help, but some of them exceeded the capabilities of his civil servant, and he needed to think of a way.

In terms of value, the two Nelson-class battleships have no modification potential and are destined to be dismantled.

In fact, there is no problem in leasing or even selling it to Portugal, not to mention that the Portuguese Goa really needs this kind of big killer in the eyes of the third world. The level of the Indian Navy, at least for now, it should be said that Portugal, which is the main force with five destroyers The navy is on par.

In fact, there are not many ways to deal with the Nelson battleship. The most important thing is that even the navy and the cabinet do not pay attention to this class of battleships. Everyone knows that the era of battleships has passed, the world war is over, and the Royal Navy still does not see it Has it become a foregone conclusion that aircraft carriers will replace battleships?

The battleships that have been in service in the near future still need to be temporarily reserved. Old guys such as Nelson-class battleships are forgotten by the Royal Navy who loves the new and hates the old.

The most important thing is that Prime Minister Attlee does not reject the lease and sale of battleships or even aircraft carriers. In order to support France's return to Vietnam to lease aircraft carriers and the Netherlands to lease battleships.

For the same reason, what's the fuss about supporting Portugal, as long as Portugal can eat it, maybe it can still generate income?

As far as the Portuguese Navy currently owns five destroyers, it has no experience in manipulating large warships at all, and the Royal Navy must provide some supporting services.

"Olivia, you know, battleships are very powerful weapons, especially for colonies." Alan Wilson looked embarrassed, but it was not so much persuasion, but encouragement, battleships were the only way to deal with colonies sharp weapon.

It's not too much to blow, after all, it was the main force that killed the battleship Bismarck. The second ship "Rodney" participated in the siege of the German battleship Bismarck.

During the battle, the "Rodney" fired more than 380 16-inch rounds at the "Bismarck", while the accompanying "King George V" fired more than 360 14-inch rounds. , the number of hits reached 100.

Because the final distance from the "Bismarck" was too close, the "Rodney" shells could only swept the superstructure and could not effectively hit the core compartment. At this time, the "Bismarck" has been turned into a coffin floating on the sea.

It was because of the attack of the "Rodney" that the "Bismarck" lost its ability to fight back in the final battle, the main battery turret was destroyed, and even a shell made its two turrets incapacitated, serving the Royal Navy. The sinking of the Bismarck made a huge contribution.

"The latest battleship is not for sale!" Alan Wilson's words made Olivia's heart cool, but she heard it right away, "Only the Nelson-class battleships may be leased or sold, and I'm just saying that it is possible. And I can't make this happen, and while I'd love to help, I don't have the status, and I'm so sorry."

Just when Olivia couldn't hide her disappointment, Alan Wilson said again, "I'm willing to think of a way, you can make it at tomorrow's meeting as a formal request."

"Can you explain it a little bit more clearly?" Olivia was confused. Alan Wilson expressed his willingness to help at one time, and then expressed his inability to do so. What did he mean?

"I don't have the position to operate the lease of battleships, but my fiancee's father is coming back." Alan Wilson habitually looked at the time and said in a flat tone, "You know, the crown prince is getting married. Mountbatten As an important member of the royal family, the general has a very good relationship with the crown prince and the prince. It can be said that he taught him first-hand, and he will definitely come back. At present, for the cabinet, the affairs of British India will not end in a day, and British India is the current government. The thing I care most about. So General Mountbatten has this identity and the conditions to facilitate this, I really don't have the ability."

From a personal point of view, Alan Wilson is very willing to help, but his civil servants have not been able to speak their minds.

I'm not a politician or an important member of the military. You can spread the word, but if you want to manage this matter, you must think too much.

But if General Mountbatten cares, as an important member of the royal family, the number one figure in the noble group, and most importantly, he is now the deputy king in British India, and the cabinet also relies on the independence process he organized.

Coupled with a series of external conditions, such as the precedent of leasing French aircraft carriers and leasing Dutch battleships, Prime Minister Attlee himself did not reject it, but was only interested in making money, and the Nelson-class battleships did not have the potential to be refitted for a series of reasons.

It’s not impossible for this matter to be successful, but the possibility of Alan Wilson’s success is too low. It needs a person with extensive contacts who can do it in the military and aristocratic circles. If the doubt was born, Mountbatten, who received the script of Daying Long Aotian, took care of himself personally, which would greatly increase the success rate.

"As far as I know, General Mountbatten's daughter is Mr. Allen's fiancée." Olivia finally understood Allen Wilson's plan and said, "There will be gratitude after this is done. ."

"As I said earlier, I no longer work in the colony. As for General Mountbatten, if it really succeeds, the Portuguese government will award a special medal. You should know how to do it, just say to commend General Mountbatten in the Southeast Asian battlefield. His exploits protected the safety of Portuguese India."

Speaking of this, Alan Wilson stood up and was about to leave, and he did not forget to instruct, "Diplomatic efforts are necessary. Everyone's interests are common, especially in the colonies."

Alan Wilson sees Portugal as a potential hitman, especially during the Salazar government.

As a leader in building a centralized government, Salazar will be more attentive in protecting the colonies.

It can even be said that it is more attentive than electoral countries. It was not without reason that Salazar died as a Portuguese colony.

As for what happened after Salazar's death, there are still 20 years left. If the United Kingdom will become an American servant in the end within 20 years, no one will be blamed.

Alan Wilson has always believed that a country that has retreated to the British Isles in the 21st century is patriotic no matter how much he struggles.

The Brussels Conference this time, still in the name of restoring people's livelihood and being vigilant against Germany, is talking about the issue of colonies.

From the very beginning of the meeting, it entered the stage of Alan Wilson pointing the country, because he had just returned from British India, and he was an expert who had been on the front line. He knew more about the situation in the colonies than these diplomats in Europe.

As soon as I opened my mouth, no one knew colonies better than me, and I introduced the British position on British India. Avoiding the partition of India and Pakistan is just a dream that the Congress Party is unwilling to wake deliberately pretending to be asleep.

In fact, the countries with colonies in Europe all know that the division of British India into two is inevitable, because these countries are all concerned about what the British do.

"Considering the contradiction between peace and Hinduism, it is a high probability that a war will break out after British India is divided into two. Although the British Empire has always tried its best to avoid such a future, but at present there is little hope." Alan Wilson at this time Turning to Armand, the representative of the Netherlands, "Mr. Armand, the Netherlands' actions in the East Indies are not decisive enough. From an outsider's point of view, I would like to explain how I feel about the East Indies?"

"Mr. Allen, please say it!" Armand nodded. He knew that Alan Wilson had been in British India for almost two more years, and he was definitely more qualified to talk about colonial issues than them.

"In the long run, our European countries are bound to shrink, which is why the British Empire let go of the colonies." Alan Wilson paused, "Of course, the situation is different in each country, if France is willing to send troops to maintain it is not It's wrong, but whether it's shrinking or maintaining, once a decision is made, you must make up your mind. The current situation in the East Indies is quite complicated, and I'd like to give two opinions."

"Military is still mainly to control the entire East Indies, but the expatriates in the East Indies where the Netherlands is located must be evacuated to Kalimantan immediately. Once the situation in Java gets out of control, the largest island in the East Indies, Kalimantan, can be retained. Part of the island is also in British hands, and our two countries can support each other and retain part of our territory. This is extremely important for our post-war recovery.”

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