British Civil Servant

v1 Chapter 439: Dewey is popular

Even brand-new computers will die one day, chips will age, programs will fail, and new software just released will start to wear out immediately. And all of this happens naturally and has nothing to do with you.

Since people are mortal, of course Alan Wilson will not increase his psychological burden because of the tragic fate of others. Things are inherently unavoidable to natural inclinations, so why do things that are thankless?

The most fundamental reason is that these two are Americans. He is a glorious civil servant of the British Empire. Alan Wilson pointed to his heart. The tragic facts that appear in any country in this world except the United Kingdom will become him. The joke is any country, including the United States.

Although on some specific issues, Alan Wilson will also judge the situation according to the reality, but also needless to say, if the first nuclear bomb in human history is in his hands and he has enough power to plan, then there is no doubt that, All countries except the United Kingdom cannot escape the blow of the system zero bomb.

But this is the reality. After all, punching the American emperor and stepping on the Soviet Union is just a dream, and I can only retreat and strike hard in the third world, and continue to work as a paper craftsman for the British Empire. In reality, Allen Wilson should consider.

Alan Wilson witnessed the beginning of a power-money collusion. Although the Kennedy family finally chose the Democratic Party, there was a stage for the idea. McCarthy, a Republican senator, was definitely not an obstacle for the Kennedy family.

"Have a drink?" After McCarthy and Robert Kennedy exchanged greetings, Alan Wilson gave McCarthy a wink that an alcoholic understands, and the distinguished senator received the wink and responded.

"Are you looking for a place to eat now?" Robert Kennedy was a little surprised. Now is not the time to eat.

But now is the time to drink, Alan Wilson coughed softly, "The pursuit of food comes from the instinct pursued by human ancestors in ancient times. In essence, the problem of eating is the biggest problem facing human beings."

"Graduating from college is the beginning of a man's career, and Allen and I want to celebrate it for you." McCarthy, of course, has become a senator, and his words are one after another.

What's more, McCarthy hasn't drank yet, and naturally he can find a very logical reason for drinking.

While waiting for the food to be served, Alan Wilson took a newspaper to read the local news, "There was an isolated incident in this city, a man with a withdrawn personality who had never had any friends, in a state of unconsciousness, the fire of the gun caused the accident A tragedy."

Which white man can't figure this out? It is said that this kind of thing should not happen in the current economic situation of the United States!

Maybe it's a real mental illness. Alan Wilson has turned the page and has made a judgment on the news on this newspaper. The hottest person must be white.

American newspapers only use this kind of isolated incident when there are white shootings, and the murderer is also described as a naturally withdrawn person who has never had friends. If the killer was a black man, this modifier would not appear at all.

At the first meeting after Robert Kennedy's graduation, the most direct feeling was that two people who seemed to be in high society, like two hillbillies, were only interested in raising a glass. It seemed that all the pursuits in the world were concentrated in wine glasses. .

For McCarthy, this evaluation can be said to be correct, but for Alan Wilson, it is far more than that. He just has different attitudes towards different people. How can he not show a little sincerity when he penetrates the enemy?

In addition to alcohol, Alan Wilson is naturally concerned with key politics and women, especially the wars going on at this time, the India-Pakistan war and the first Middle East war.

The two wars are different. To be precise, the Indo-Pakistani war has already passed the brewing stage. The newly independent India and Pakistan have already fought face-to-face, chanting the slogan of allegiance to the British Empire, in the name of His Majesty George VI. , launched a violent attack on the opposing army that also represented King George VI.

The battlefields centered on Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, are intertwined, and the scale of the fighting has far exceeded history.

The delayed outbreak of the India-Pakistan war has given India and Pakistan better battlefield conditions, and there is no need to worry about unexpected factors such as heavy snow blocking the mountains and other unexpected factors to disturb this fight.

So far, this is no longer a territorial dispute in the pure sense, but has been endowed with a certain degree of religious significance.

At the other end of the spectrum, Palestine has not yet started a war, but the Arab countries in the Middle East are clearly dissatisfied with the partiality of UN resolutions. Recently, Sir Barron, the Persian Gulf Commissioner of the British Empire, in addition to handing over weapons and equipment, most of the time They are all used in the Middle East countries to show the contempt of the United States and the Soviet Union for the entire Arab nation, and the United Nations resolution has undoubtedly hurt the national feelings of the entire Arab people.

Regarding the bullying of the US-Soviet partnership, Alan Wilson very much agrees with his former boss, but he is now busy attending the Republican convention secretly. After all, he is a British consul and cannot be publicly involved in the internal affairs of the United States. Philadelphia is actually here to see the excitement.

And it was entirely because of McCarthy's kind invitation that he refused to come. Alan Wilson swore with the national fortune of the United States that he did not want to come.

The Republican Party was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and this was the first time such a convention was televised nationally. As the meeting opened, it was certain that Dewey would win the support of a majority of the delegates.

Dewey's main opponents, Statham and Vandenberg, met in a hotel room to discuss plans to "stop Dewey". However, they failed to reach a consensus on pushing one person to confront Dewey, but agreed to stabilize their respective supporters to prevent the Dewey faction from forming a majority. The countermeasure didn't work because Dewey's campaign garnered enough other delegates to win the nomination.

After two rounds of voting, Dewey was only thirty votes away from winning. In this case, Dewey's nomination was passed unanimously.

Before the Democratic Party, the Republican Party first came up with a candidate for the Democratic Party election, Dewey, who had fought against Roosevelt in his prime.

At this moment, a mysterious force in the far east began to play a role. The Artillery Party aide said in his report to Chang Gong, who was in trouble in the transportation business, "Dewey is a formidable enemy. In the last election, he and Roosevelt also fought hard. If the Democratic Party cannot put forward a strong candidate, in other words, if Truman comes forward to run against Dewey, it can be said to be a gesture of admitting defeat.”

"Niang Xipi!" Chang Gong, who has always won thousands of miles away, has already made a decision in his heart, and decided to help Truman, who was in trouble, a righteous backstab in his transportation business.

Alan Wilson, who has returned to the Boston consulate and is telegraphing to London, has not concealed his recent interactions with some American politicians, interpreting them as personal friendships of mutual interest.

Then it was stated in the telegram that the most popular thing in the United States at present, the US presidential election every four years.

Alan Wilson is not a regular. In fact, judging from the mainstream Republican thinking of this era, the Republican Party tends to be conservative, not as aggressive as the Democratic Party.

If the factor of aid to Europe is not included, this is of course a good thing, and it can make the world more peaceful, but if the aid to Europe is included, the United Kingdom will definitely be more inclined to the re-election of the Democratic Party, which will not affect Europe. aid, of which the UK will take the largest share.

The telegram clearly stated that from the perspective of polls, Dewey is indeed far ahead of any Democratic candidate in the polls, but since the results have not appeared, everything is still unknown.

Alan Wilson also used the 1945 British general election as an example, "I believe that before the Potsdam Conference, Mr. Churchill would not have imagined that the esteemed Prime Minister Attlee would replace him. But the fact was obvious later, the great voters The right decision was made."

"The great voters made the right decisions?" Pamela Mountbatten pouted, didn't her fiancé always think that the so-called voters are the best group to deceive?

"Don't care about these details, we have to take care of domestic feelings." Alan Wilson gave his fiancee who broke down, and then expressed from multiple perspectives and levels that the Democratic Party may have the possibility of turning over from adversity like the Labor Party.

The point is, of course, on touting the great Labour government, with the analysis that the Democrats are not dead just by the way.

In the end, Alan Wilson sent out this telegram, which took up half of the A few hours later, the telegram had passed the hands of the cabinet secretary and was placed in front of Prime Minister Attlee. .

The analysis that the Democratic Party may turn over is not so much an analysis as it is a roundabout expression of flattery to the Labor Party's policies. The telegram shows that the Democratic Party is caring for the public, and President Roosevelt's legacy is still very rich, although the candidate seems to be inferior. Dewey, but definitely not as one-sided as it seems.

"By the way, my dear, the Crown Prince and his wife have been scheduled to arrive in Newfoundland at the end of September for condolences." Pamela Mountbatten whispered after seeing Alan Wilson's busy work, "Sir Norman said that London seemed to be preparing for the end of the year. Let Newfoundland vote."

"It's great, the time is just right." Alan Wilson's eyes lit up when he heard it, "At that time, the American election was in the heat of the day, and there was no energy to focus on other things. And in November, Newfoundland, Labrador area. The climate is already very cold, and local residents tend to join Canada. In such cold weather, if the weather is bad during the referendum, many people will not come out to vote. The climate in St. Johns is not so extreme. Our favorable results."

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