British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1004: have a bright future

With the entire debate recorded on electronic cameras, Alan Wilson knew what to expect.

When the United States broadcasts, it will turn up Nixon's voice and reduce Khrushchev's words, which will cause Nixon to defend the free world and Khrushchev to be suppressed and unable to move.

The Soviet Union's approach was relatively simple. When Nixon didn't exist, it only reported passages in which Khrushchev angrily denounced U.S. imperialism.

Then there is no third party present in history, and the UK's handling method is ready to be seen. As the conscience of the free world, the UK must adhere to the principle of neutrality and tell the world the objective facts.

Emphasizing the mediation of Foreign Secretary Macmillan in the middle, the United States and the Soviet Union are at odds with each other, thanks to my British mediation in the middle.

In this way, the three countries of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union can win the game. You lead your second world, I lead my first world, and each has a bright future.

Alan Wilson feels that this may establish the authority of the UK in the field of journalism, and get very wacky benefits.

He wondered if a kitchen in the United States costing $14,000 was really affordable for all Americans. Anyway, at this price, the United Kingdom, which is currently close to the per capita income of the United States, cannot afford it. Four years of income in exchange for only a kitchen is absolutely impossible, a house is not only a kitchen.

The kitchen debate was over. After a debate, no one could convince anyone. After leaving the exposition, the British and American delegations returned to the Ukrainian Hotel. Nixon did not have enough time. After completing the task of presiding over the opening of the American exposition, he was ready to fight. go home.

"The Soviets are more difficult to deal with than I thought." Nixon still had lingering fears, recalling whether his response was appropriate. Nixon, who was interested in the US presidency, naturally couldn't take this debate lightly.

This mentality can't be concealed from Alan Wilson, otherwise, what would this **** anti-Soviet element come to Moscow to do? It's a pity that it's still cheaper than the little white face of Kennedy.

"Vice President Nixon, it is admirable that you defended the idea of ​​the free world, and did not fall into the trap of the Soviets' words." Alan Wilson opened the tout mode, and pointed out the role of the United Kingdom, "It is to doubt the dark actions of the Soviet Union, We only came here specially, otherwise the Soviet Union would engage in conspiracy on this occasion.”

"The Soviets do conspiracy, but the electronic cameras in the field can't lie." Nixon laughed and boasted with the latest achievements of the United States, "Machine will not deceive people."

"I know." Alan Wilson nodded, and since he knew, then Furtseva knew.

Of course, in order to maintain the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Nixon is not suitable to know this.

Alan Wilson was not thinking for himself, but for Nixon, a man aspiring to the presidency who could be exploited by his rivals if he performed unreliably on such an important occasion.

As a gentleman, Alan Wilson felt obligated to avoid this embarrassment for Nixon, not all for himself.

Knowing that Nixon was about to return to the United States, Macmillan said goodbye after a few words of greeting, without disturbing Nixon's rest.

However, things on the UK side still need to be explained, such as how to highlight the role of the UK in this debate, and at the same time to show an independent third-party point of view, so as to avoid the image of the United States as a whole.

Alan Wilson had guessed it long ago, and asked Wick to greet the country immediately through the embassy in Moscow.

"The Soviet Union may not know the huge wealth that the United States has accumulated now." Macmillan felt a little bit.

"Maybe you know, after all, the Soviet Union is a country twice the size of the United States and almost the same size as the entire North America." Alan Wilson sighed, although most of the territory of the Soviet Union is tundra, but tundra cannot be cultivated. Representatives can't do anything else. Resources have nothing to do with tundra or not. Australia's barren land is only stronger than the Sahara Desert. Is it not the same as mining?

"Alan, it seems that you also have a certain understanding of the Soviet Union." Macmillan chuckled, "It is estimated that those ministers of the Labour Party, wishful thinking of pro-Soviet thinking, have affected you."

"Civil servants adhere to the principle of non-partisanship and will not be affected by such remarks." Alan Wilson flatly denied, "Dear Minister, the political differences between the Conservatives and Labour have nothing to do with us public servants."

"I'm not questioning the political neutrality of Whitehall." MacMillan immediately said that Alan Wilson had misunderstood, and he was not doubting the loyalty of the permanent secretary.

In fact, even skepticism is right, Alan Wilson has lived in both political systems.

Of course, he has never seen a fully planned economy. In essence, China can only be regarded as a planned economy in the five years when the Soviet consultant was a consultant. Will it be in the future? Planned economy on paper.

In his view, the two systems have their own advantages and disadvantages. The Soviet economic system relies on the index, and some plans cannot be calculated. For example, how many sanitary napkins did Soviet women need? The Great British Gentleman didn't know why he thought of this example, so it would be better to change it.

Can the amount of food be calculated? Even if it is, people's needs can not only be solved by baking flour at that time. What about other needs? Is the bread from flour not sweet enough? How to deal with it?

Is there a guaranteed supply of bread for every recipe? This will inevitably lead to great waste. On the one hand, the supply is opened up because there are not many options, which will lead to all the food supplied to be swept away, and these emptied food may not really be eaten. possible.

It is not that the Soviet Union did not feed cows with bread. The coexistence of waste and shortage was the problem of the Soviet economic system.

In some areas, the supply of the Soviet Union can be described as massive, ignoring the cost issue. The price of a set of wrenches was the same in 1959 and 1989, and the price of twelve kopecks was directly stamped on the wrench.

Once the planned economy is wrong, there will be facilities that are not particularly needed in construction, and a bunch of them will be built.

Almost every city or even a large town in the entire Soviet Union will have supporting cinemas, trade union clubs, children's palaces and libraries, auditoriums, football fields, gymnasiums, matching schools, kindergartens, etc.

Why Alan Wilson knew about these configurations, because he had seen it with his own eyes when he was young in his previous life. The town where he lived had a population of only tens of thousands of people, and there was a movie theater with a capacity of 1,500 people.

As long as the population of the Soviet Union reaches a certain number, all the above configurations must be available, and there are almost no exceptions. To say that housing may not be available in the Soviet Union, but the above facilities are political tasks and are much more important than housing.

With Nixon gone, so will the British delegation, and Alan Wilson will spend his final hours in Moscow.

Fortseva's red tide has not receded, and she has a contented expression on her face. This time, she is very satisfied with the brave performance of the British gentleman. Her husband saw this, which made Furtseva willing to give Alan Wilson a little sweetness.

"Ekaterina." Alan Wilson was a little embarrassed, and took advantage of the good mood of the cultural czar, "I think..."

"No." Furtseva categorically refused without waiting for Alan Wilson to say it. She had blown it before. Even if it's a reward, this man has to stop in moderation.

"Ah?" Alan Wilson didn't know the twists and turns of the cultural czar. He really had something to say, and he wanted Furtseva to help. "I have a big thing, and I need the cooperation of the Soviet Union. Only you can help the UK. ."

Only then did Fortseva realize that she had misunderstood. Fortunately, she was embarrassed because the red tide had not receded. "What's the matter? Don't expect me to betray my motherland. There is still such a thing as patriotism in this world."

"Don't listen to me. Make sure that you are the only one who knows about this. Once it is revealed that you are a big man in the Soviet Union, you can't explain it clearly." Alan Wilson pulled the cultural czar up, his eyes facing each other to show the seriousness of the matter , and then said, "Britain has a plan to subvert the Sukarno regime, and I know that the United States also has..."

Alan Wilson explained that the Indonesian government has become a thorn in the eyes of the free world, and he will definitely try to overthrow the Sukarno regime's move toward China and the Soviet Union. The United States provides financial assistance to the Indonesian military every year, and the Indonesian military and Indonesian political parties are in opposite positions.

Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Yanni, Lieutenant General Panjaitan and Major General Hayono, Major General Supraputo, Major General Perlman and Brigadier General Sudozo, General Nasution, Suharto are all named in.

"Are you going to do something to Indonesia?" Furtseva stared at Alan Wilson in a daze, as if judging the authenticity of the matter.

"Do you think we can't do it? Indonesia is an With the naval power of ours and the United States, we can't say that we will succeed. It is easy to provoke a civil war." Allen Wilson said indifferently.

"Aren't you and the United States wearing the same pair of pants?" Furtseva still didn't believe it, even though the two of them had just done a manned spaceflight that only the most intimate relationship could do.

"Britain and the United States have a gap in national strength that cannot be filled at the moment." Alan Wilson said gloomily, "The Malayan colony must be protected by the United Kingdom. If it is the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom will certainly challenge it. But if the United States puts pressure on Britain, the United Kingdom may compromise. If Indonesia becomes a Soviet model country, the United Kingdom will have a reason to stay in Malaya, and the United States will not take action against the United Kingdom to force the United Kingdom to give up Malaya. Sub-colonies. On the contrary, America will help Britain.”

"Sometimes, for national interests, we have to cooperate with the enemy and abandon the so-called close allies."

"It's all calculated by you." Fortseva looked into Ellen Wilson's eyes and shook her head.

"It's also good for the Soviet Union. You got Indonesia, so we all have a bright future," Alan Wilson promised, grabbing Furtseva's hand, "Ekaterina, I'm helping you too."