British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1019: Visit the Commonwealth

"You are the most confident man I've ever met. Although I don't know where this confidence comes from, it's really lovely." Pamela Mountbatten put her arms around her husband's neck. Going to take a rocket.

Alan Wilson's trip is to visit the Commonwealth countries, colluding, er, reviewing traditional friendship. But the main thing is to come here to see his wife and children being a good father, a good husband, and a good brother-in-law...

Out of his love for the royal family, he was concerned about whether Princess Margaret's life was too much. Anyway, he personally didn't think it was too much.

Convincing Australia and the United Kingdom to take a consistent stand, the Western Australia Regional Commissioner will communicate the latest progress, and Alan Wilson will meet each other at Mountbatten House.

"Executive Deputy Secretary, there is a traffic jam on the road, and I'm not familiar with the road conditions at Mountbatten Building. I'm sorry." Eckberg's sweaty forehead was obviously uneasy about making his immediate boss wait.

Alan Wilson made a face at his son, turned his head and nodded gently and asked, "What car is Eckberg driving?"

"Uh, it's Holden." Eckberg hesitated, not knowing why he was facing this question.

Holden Motors is the pride of the Oceania automotive industry. In 1948, the first self-produced car "48-215" on the Australian mainland was driven from the Holden factory. Holden's logo is a red circular relief of a lion rolling a ball. Holden is famous for forging powerful engines, and the red lion is even more symbolic.

Australian cars are similar to American cars in that they belong to large-displacement gas giants, which are also closely related to the living environment.

But as a British commissioner, driving an Australian car, that's it?

"The guests here are all Mercedes-Benz, all Rolls-Royce." Alan Wilson lit a cigar and threw the rest at Eckberg, "You are Holden, no wonder you are stuck in traffic."

"Okay, don't say a few words." Pamela Mountbatten understood, put down her youngest son and said, "I will hand over Commissioner Eckberg's car to me. Originally, the Louvre was more suitable, but last year Louvre launched a new car. The model has become famous, and it is too luxurious to be a civil servant's car. I think it is more appropriate to choose a Jaguar as a means of transportation for the commissioner."

"There is a problem with our auto industry. Every brand is going to the high end. There are not many mid-end models, let alone low-end cars. Without a huge number of models, the British auto industry is very dangerous. How much can the high-end be sold? What?" Alan Wilson said angrily, "If the Imperial Preferential System is washed away, with the strong exchange rate of the British pound, I can't imagine what kind of sky-high prices will be sold when it is exported."

Without enough models, the British auto industry will definitely not be able to beat Japan and Germany. The reason why the sales volume of Japanese cars in later generations can suppress German cars is also because Honda and Toyota have overwhelmed Germany in terms of volume models.

In any country, including Japan, the three German giants can crush the high-end models of Toyota and Honda. What is the reason for the lack of production capacity of Lexus? Playing hunger marketing is not the opponent of the German Big Three.

German cars are stabilized Japanese cars in the mid-to-high end, and high-end German cars are lower than Land Rover Jaguar here in the UK, which is very embarrassing. German cars are only higher-end than Japanese cars. Having been left behind by Japan, what will happen in the future for the British car brands whose positioning is similar to that of Porsche?

However, the success of Japanese cars is not without hidden dangers. At its peak, Japan was also a country where a hundred flowers bloomed, and many industries were in a leading position, at least before the Plaza Accord.

This is not the case with Japan, which was bled by the Plaza Accord. In Japan, which was in decline in its previous life, the entire national economy has already relied on the auto industry by 30%. That is to say, whoever can defeat Japan in the automobile industry, Japan, which loses automobiles and the derived materials, parts, and painting industries, will definitely plummet in per capita income.

Eckberg, who likes to mention the new car, made a solemn promise with a grateful face, "I will try to make Australia stand on the side of the United Kingdom. In fact, if it is not the United States, the Australians are still very brave."

"As much as possible is not enough. Of course, I don't know the specific situation, but I hope you can do it." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "Ike, it's actually not bad for you to be a regional commissioner. The Mountbatten Group is here. It gives you a lot of convenience."

A slap to a sweet jujube, what Alan Wilson said is actually not true. There are actually many headquarters of Mountbatten Group. If we compare it forcibly, it is very similar to the Wudu system in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The Asian headquarters are in Malaya and East Malaysia. Kuching and Kuala Lumpur in West Malaysia each have a headquarters.

The headquarters for Africa is in Northern Rhodesia, and the headquarters for North America is registered in Newfoundland, but the office is located in Montreal, Canada. The headquarters of the Middle East is in Dubai, and of course, London, the capital of the United Kingdom, cannot be forgotten.

"Secretary, you are waiting for my good news, I will arrange a meeting with Australia." Eckberg showed reliability.

Alan Wilson nodded, watched the other party leave, and then picked up the thermos cup by himself, "Just take this opportunity to see if Australia treats the United Kingdom as always."

"Where are you going?" Pamela Mountbatten asked softly, "Why didn't Macmillan come out by himself."

"Can a foreign secretary do such a trivial thing? Jogging around the earth in parallel? Which minister would do such a thing." Alan Wilson sighed, "It's not like those of us who started the job have done everything well, and others have come forward to harvest labor. fruit."

"Actually, what I want to ask is, are you sure about the diplomatic dispute with the United States this time?" Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband with burning eyes, obviously wanting a correct answer.

"No. But sometimes victory is defeat, defeat is victory. If results can be achieved in Australia, after visiting New Zealand and Canada, I will visit the United States. Persuade the United States and the United Kingdom to take a common position and sanction German biopharmaceutical companies." Alan Wilson went around and told his wife what he thought.

"The United States will not agree. The more you go, the greater the chance of failure." Pamela Mountbatten shook her head, "I don't know why you are entangled in this matter, doing something doomed to failure."

"Failure is victory, victory is defeat, dear, you have to have a long-term vision before you can even go beyond." Alan Wilson smiled but did not answer. He would ask the United States to look at the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and stand on the side of the United Kingdom to impose sanctions on Germany. .

It's good not to mention this, but the US will give the green light for German medicines to enter the US market.

"If you have time, pay attention to what's going on in the car." Alan Wilson saw his youngest son being confused, he picked up his wife and put it on his lap, "With the cost of manufacturing in the UK, car companies are still rooted in high-end cars. Manufacturing and the automobile industry are facing a very dangerous situation. The labor cost must be reduced, and the children who arrived in Malaya have grown up and can do some technical work. It is good to keep high-end brands in the local area, and divide the labor in this way. cooperate."

Traditional manufacturing is not very profitable, and labor-intensive industries can make a profit of 5%. The profit of some high-end industries is less than 10%. It is a good thing for the British auto industry to diversify. It is also good for the United Kingdom to select some car brands to take the volume.

The method to contain the manufacturing power is also simple. High-end manufacturing is suppressed, and the origin of the lowest-cost raw materials must be controlled.

It is enough to deal with the general manufacturing powers if the opponents are swaying at 5% to 10% of the profits of the low-end and middle-end.

The shipbuilding industry in the three countries of East Asia in later generations will be terrifying, right? Combined, the company that holds the patent for LNG ships in France is not as profitable.

The cost of each 170,000 cubic LNG ship is about 200 million US dollars. GTT does not charge patent license fees based on its own research and development costs, but directly charges 5% of the cost of each ship as patent license fees. That's about ten million dollars.

The profit of manufacturing LNG ships is about 5% to 7%. In a better situation, it can still give the shipbuilding enterprises in East Asia a remaining 2% So don’t worry about the automobile industry The transfer to Malaya would make the colony expand, the raw material market fluctuates a little, and the patent barrier is enough to suppress the manufacturing industry in Malaya, and the simple and crude method of garrisoning the army is simply not necessary.

Not to mention Malaya, even if it is the Soviet Union with terrible production capacity, Alan Wilson is not afraid. With the profits of the Soviet industry, if there is a stock exchange in the Soviet Union, it is estimated that the stock king of the Soviet Union is vodka, which is the same reason that the liquor industry is sought after. .

"I'm waiting for Marina to give me an offer to see how much Land Rover is willing to sell." Pamela Mountbatten nodded, then lowered her voice, "Honey, I'm back now."

"It's really good news." Alan Wilson, who received the signal from the rocket, said with an intelligible tone.

At the meeting arranged by Eckberg, Alan Wilson explained the current British foreign policy. Regarding Australia's concerns about the diplomatic friction between the United Kingdom and the United States, he said that he did not deny that there was some diplomatic friction, but mainly the current hostility. Germany and Iran have not forgotten to put their hats on Germany and Iran and say something about the ambitions of the Aryans.

As for the deterioration of relations with the United States, Alan Wilson categorically denied that, saying that there is no conflict between the United Kingdom and the United States, and that the last stop of his visit this time is to go to Washington.

Finally, considering the sentiment that blood is thicker than water, Australia officially announced before Alan Wilson left that it would follow up on the decision to sanction the German biopharmaceutical field and issue a ban on German biopharmaceuticals. New Zealand followed suit three days later, and Canada followed up with sanctions before Alan Wilson arrived in Washington.

"At least for now, the Commonwealth still has a role to play." Alan Wilson walked out of the airport with a smile on his face, mentally preparing to be disgraced in the United States.