British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1048: Kremlin discussion

Facing the second secretary who was two years younger than himself, Brezhnev showed great respect.

In his eyes, Kozlov is a very bad-tempered person, and he is also the only person in the current Soviet political circle who dares to confront Khrushchev himself face to face.

Kozlov has a very good relationship with the military and has won the trust of the Ministry of Defense and the military industry.

In diplomacy, Kozlov is a representative of a hardliner. He even thinks that Khrushchev's moderation is too mild. He firmly believes that imperialism will never die, and the Soviet Union should fight back at an appropriate time instead of pretending to be friendly.

So in the case of the Congo, if anyone in the Soviet Union persuaded Khrushchev to give it a try, then only Kozlov would be the one.

Kozlov, who hadn't answered all this time, suddenly stopped and asked, "Ilyich, the imperialist encirclement of the Soviet Union is entangled in the throat. If we take the initiative to attack the Congo issue, can this pressure be relieved?"

"I think it's okay, Comrade Kozlov." Brezhnev immediately expressed his approval, "The Congo is a well-deserved center of Africa. If we attack when the enemy is not united, we can test whether the imperialists are united with each other."

"Maybe they will shirk their responsibilities after the fact? We don't understand them yet!" Kozlov paused when he said this. "Some foreign comrades complained about our gentle attitude. They don't know our difficulties."

During World War II, the Soviet Union was not one of the most severely damaged countries. The Soviet Union’s 27 million losses were the number of casualties, not the number of casualties. The number is seventy million.

It will take a few years for the population born after the war to enter society, so even though Kozlov has been advocating toughness with the outside world and has no intention of a showdown with imperialism, there are always people in his own camp who encourage the Soviet Union to fight imperialism.

Of course Brezhnev knew who he was talking about, nodded and said, "The comrades in the East are indeed too radical."

"However, in a place far away from Europe, you might as well try it." Seeing that Brezhnev agreed with him, Kozlov frowned and said, "We can't always be passive and not fight back."

While talking, the two of them entered the Kremlin, together with KGB Chairman Shelepin, Secretary of the Central Committee Furtseva, and leaders of important departments of Gromyko and Suslov.

Lumumba had already entered the sight of the Soviet high-level at the beginning of the year. At that time, Lumumba was only the leader of a party. He went to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, to participate in a round table meeting to discuss independence.

If you don't even pay attention to such people, it is undoubtedly the KGB's dereliction of duty, and there is no need for the Foreign Intelligence Service to continue to exist. As the new KGB chairman, Xie Leping naturally cannot accept this accusation.

Sit down, Xie Leping took out an important piece of information about the situation in Congo, "There is evidence that Lumumba has been on the must-kill list, and the United Kingdom and the United States want to solve this first issue of pursuing independence through assassination." Leader of the Three Worlds."

"Is the news true?" Fultseva nodded slightly. No one in the entire Soviet Union knew the truth of the news better than her. Asking questions at this time was just to emphasize the seriousness of the matter.

"Absolutely, the source of intelligence is unquestionable, and it is the KGB's greatest achievement overseas." Xie Lepin said that he was quite complacent. He only found out about the existence of the Cambridge Five after he took office. There are still such a group of enemy countries. People at the top serve the USSR.

He also had to be shocked by the layout of the KGB during World War II, and some conceit could not help showing.

Furtseva just asked casually, and she didn't take Shelepin's bragging seriously. She had a more reliable source of information, and she was on a rocket with the other party.

But the man reminded himself that it is best to show a harmless appearance in the Central Presidium and use his female identity to cover himself, so he didn't say anything about it.

"The United Kingdom and the United States can definitely do it. Think about the independent leader of the Gold Coast Independence Movement. He lost contact over North Africa and has not found his body until now." Suslov looked at Gromyko and asked, "What is it called? Got a name?"

"Kwame Nkrumah, the leader of the Pan-Africanist movement. A nationalist who pursues independence toughly." As the foreign minister, Gromyko has not forgotten this figure from a few years ago, and also agrees with Seuss Love's words, "This kind of thing has happened once, and it's hard to guarantee that it won't happen again. We can't overestimate the morality of imperialism. They don't have such things at all."

Alan Wilson, who is far away in Lusaka, never imagined that the capital of the hostile camp would have his own role.

He almost forgot about the pan-Africanist who was ignorant and insisted on taking the Gold Coast out of the UK.

But just because Kwame Nkrumah, who fought for independence for the sake of Britain, was brought up again today, although none of the Soviet bigwigs present knew that he did it, except for the cultural tsar.

"Using assassination as a terrorist method to promote neo-colonialism. Only shameless imperialists can do it." Fultseva was filled with righteous indignation, and she had a deep understanding of the shamelessness of imperialism, and suffered a loss because of it.

A scathing denunciation of imperialism's despicableness almost immediately took over the central point of the discussion.

First of all, it can be proved that Lumumba's death threat is definitely not groundless. It is confirmed by the intelligence of the KGB lurking inside the enemy and the lessons learned from the past. Lumumba's situation is already quite dangerous.

This has become the consensus reached by everyone here. The death of a leader of the third world does not matter, but this leader is someone who is valued by the First Secretary. The Soviet Union's African strategy was set by Khrushchev himself, and the independence of Congo also The consequences of the Soviet Union's constant influence.

But now it seems that the independence of Congo is just the beginning, and the competition surrounding Congo has reached the point where the imperialists are trying to see it. Kill him, should he lose face as the first secretary who set up the African strategy?

Is there a problem with the African strategy? Where is the authority of the supreme leader? Khrushchev frowned and asked, "How is Lumumba doing now?"

"I went to the United Nations and called on the United Nations to intervene in the separatist forces." Gromyko immediately replied, "Could it be that the imperialists will do something along the way?"

"If you do this, there has been an incident involving Kwame Nkrumah, and it will inevitably cause suspicion twice. He may be safe for the time being. The situation in Congo is so complicated. It is true that a backward country wants to buy some ambitious people No problem."

Fultseva repeated what Alan Wilson said to her to others, "Once you do this, you will clear the suspicion. If Lumumba is fine during this visit abroad, then the probability is the second one." See, the imperialists want to kill people with their swords.”

Gromyko immediately said, "If Lumumba arrives at the United Nations, ask Dobrynin to find a way to meet him."

"Comrade Gromyko has a solution?" Brezhnev asked at this time.

"It's just an idea. After Dobrynin and Lumumba met to explain our position." Gromyko thought while saying, "Then we proposed that the United Nations send peacekeeping troops, but this proposal is proposed by the Americans to cooperate with the Soviet Union. The proposal is completely different. Once the United States has doubts about this, Britain and France will also stand by the United States. We must be mentally prepared for this, and there is a high probability that it will be rejected."

"Lumumba will be disappointed in this way!" Shelepin's eyes lit up. "We can use this to show that the Soviet Union and Lumumba stand together."

"It's far more than that. The next step is the strength of the KGB. African countries are generally backward, and even the Katanga provincial warlords who are fighting against the Congolese government forces only have 20,000 to 30,000 people."

Brezhnev followed this line of thinking and continued, "If we want to keep Lumumba safe, we don't actually need too much force. As long as an armed force of several hundred people goes there in the name of aiding the Congo, it is enough to guarantee Lumumba’s personal safety, as long as he is not assassinated and there are huge supporters behind him, we are certain that this African mine will become an ally of the Soviet Union.”

"It's very important to look at the work of the KGB in this way." Furtseva sighed directly at Shelepin, "Shulik, will there be any difficulties?"

"No!" Shelepin replied firmly, and then asked Khrushchev, "First Secretary, do you want to take action?"

"There is no need to hesitate at all." Kozlov said with a firm expression on his face. "Since we have seen through the enemy's plot, we must do our best to crush them and safeguard the national interests of the Soviet Union."

Khrushchev's African strategy focused on French-controlled Algeria and Britain's sphere of influence in Egypt.

But things backfired, and there has been no progress. It would be unreasonable if the Congo was stolen In fact, Khrushchev’s African strategy had no results, and was evaluated by Brezhnev who came to power later pile of garbage.

Then Brezhnev began to focus on military support, aggressively promoting a global offensive.

Because the African strategy he formulated was in danger of going bankrupt, Khrushchev made up his mind to "shatter the imperialist conspiracy and let them know that the Soviet Union is not easy to mess with."

When Lumumba arrived at the United Nations headquarters, the Congolese civil war was raging, the Kremlin was determined to support it, and Alan Wilson was chatting and laughing with representatives of Portuguese Angola.

At the UN General Assembly, Lumumba expressed his hope that the UN would maintain the integrity of the Congo’s sovereignty. Immediately, Dobrynin and the allies of the Soviet Union expressed their support in unison. Attitude.

Dobrynin received domestic instructions and met with Lumumba before he entered the UN headquarters, expressing that the Soviet Union was willing to support Lumumba's proposition and completely eliminate the remnants of the West from the political, military, business, and civilian circles. power, nationalize all economic rights and return all power to the Congolese.