British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1099: american disease

"Let the FBI investigate and find out what the reason is." Kennedy said with a serious face, "If Director Hoover has time, let him come to the White House."

Dean Rusk overheard the conversation, and when Kennedy put the phone down he asked, "What happened."

"In recent months, a large number of deformed children have been born, which has attracted the attention of the media." Kennedy took a long breath to calm down, "You should follow up on the Iran issue and not be disturbed by domestic affairs."

At the Whitehall meeting, Alan Wilson left with the documents blankly. A large number of deformed children in the United States have been reported in the newspapers. As an executive deputy minister who often reads newspapers, he naturally knew about it.

But is this enough to mess up the United States? It is impossible, even if the number of victims in the United States is three times that of Germany, it is only 20,000 to 30,000. Things are big and small, and if you want to ignore them, you can ignore them.

The epidemic is about to cause millions of deaths in the United States. Has the United States been affected a little? It's just a little inflation.

Alan Wilson knows that the United Kingdom is not an opponent of the United States in any aspect now, and it is the Soviet Union that is really going to hit the United States hard. If the United Kingdom can protect itself, it will be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

"You're about to go on a business trip. But did you hear that something happened in the United States?" The world is such a small place. After seeing his friend, Maggins talked about the reaction stop incident in the United States.

"I know, may God bless the United States." Alan Wilson said casually, and then said, "The Ministry of the Interior did not check to see if there is such a thing in our country."

"No, the proportion of deformed children is in line with that of previous years, and there is no obvious increase." Maggins has obviously paid attention to this matter. No country can guarantee the health of all newborns. There are indeed born disabled people, but It is obvious that the UK has not changed from previous years. "If you don't check which countries are they, are they affected?"

"I'm also waiting for news." Alan Wilson replied calmly. He is the secretary-general of the Joint Intelligence Committee, and it is normal to express concern. "Fortunately, this tragedy has nothing to do with Britain."

Maggins also felt the same, and he was short of singing God Save the Queen, Great Britain is indeed a sacred place, but when he looked up, he saw Alan Wilson with a thoughtful look on his face.

Maggins swore how evil Alan Wilson's expression was at this time, and couldn't help blurting out, "What are you thinking?"

"We must dig deep inside and know what the source of this incident is. European security still depends on the United States." Alan Wilson said righteously, "In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again in the UK, this incident is necessary, I respect Sir Sheffield."

"Just say what you have to say." Hearing Sir Sheffield's name, Maggins' teeth were itchy, and he showed great discomfort.

"I just think that the BBC should play a positive role. Make special documentaries to wake up British citizens." Alan Wilson said wholeheartedly, "After all, you can't rely on luck every time, can you?"

"It's a good idea. I'll talk to them." Maggins pondered for a while, saying that he could give it a try.

MI6 is just a department under the Joint Intelligence Committee. As the leader, Alan Wilson had a good talk with Mr. M about the investigation, which is completely reasonable.

Then he returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and discussed with Macmillan how Britain could fight for its interests at the Basra Conference.

"Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a short time." Alan Wilson walked out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building and decided to go home to discuss logistics support with his wife. With the foreign minister accompanying him, he was number two.

The number two person is not like before, casually bringing a lady with the same status as his wife to support the logistics. What if you get caught? He doesn't care, but he also needs to consider what the lady thinks.

"Why do you think you are a little pessimistic." Pamela Mountbatten couldn't help but feel a little distressed after seeing her husband's disguised desolation, "Is it difficult to deal with?"

"The United States is obviously impatient. Our cards have been played. Obviously, the United States has not been frightened." Alan Wilson shrugged helplessly, showing that there were not many ways to do it. "The United States directly gave up the interests of Aramco. achieved a higher moral high ground, and then forced us to give up our previous interests."

"Then do we have a solution, how about uniting the Soviet Union?" Pamela Mountbatten said, and came up with a suggestion that was so wide that it almost startled Alan Wilson, and he wondered if his wife had been taken away. , said dumbfoundingly, "If you are facing imperial Russia, it is not impossible, but the anti-colonialism of the Soviet Union is more direct than that of the United States."

If it could be done, wouldn't Alan Wilson try it? In fact, he actually asked the Prime Minister's permission to try it out. If Brezhnev was in power, maybe it would be. But Khrushchev did not respond.

Alan Wilson didn't have much confidence in uniting the Soviet Union. During the Brezhnev era, there were problems at that time. It was the peak period of the Soviet Union. If the United Kingdom wanted to conduct secret operations with the Soviet Union with that kind of national power, it would probably lead wolves into the house.

When her husband rarely lacked confidence, Pamela Mountbatten decided to accompany her husband to Basra. During the meeting in the past few days, Alan Wilson hopes that the country can give firm support to the Basra meeting, and try all means except war.

Naturally, the reaction stop incident was also arrested and made a fuss. MI6 began to follow the clues to investigate how many countries have experienced a surge of deformed children similar to the United States. After the investigation, they could not help but be shocked.

But before the British intelligence agency announced the results of the investigation, the British public opinion led by the BBC had already one-sidedly, arbitrarily, and very irresponsibly attributed this large-scale deformity to the United States.

This kind of report that whoever discovers it is the responsibility is very irresponsible, and it aggravates the stereotype that Americans are all country bumpkins. Alan Wilson personally firmly opposes it, but he is the executive deputy secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cannot interfere with the media. According to the statement, that is the job of the Ministry of the Interior.

And he didn't have time to interfere, because it was the American media that reported on his country's affairs first, and the British media only followed up the report, at best they were regarded as an accomplice. At most, the words may need to be considered carefully.

After this turmoil is over, it is a big deal to issue an apology statement, but it cannot be issued now.

The British Lancet magazine, the medical authority also expressed concern about the large number of births of deformed children.

"It's really terrible." Pamela Mountbatten carried the suitcase and followed her husband in fear, "How sad those mothers must be."

"Yeah, a complete tragedy." Alan Wilson also looked grave, but the reason for his solemn look was because the speculation was confirmed, and this kind of thing really has no effect on the United States.

Seeing the figure of Foreign Secretary Macmillan appearing and striding forward, this dignified look became more intense.

Pamela Mountbatten blatantly infiltrated the team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a private person, but no one felt that something was wrong. After all, our country has its own national conditions, and the rules are used to restrain ordinary citizens. Just find a way , there is always someone who can break away from this constraint.

Alan Wilson, who was leaning on his wife, had already arrived in Basra in a half-dream and half-awake, when he heard Pamela Mountbatten ask whether he should stay at the Windsor Castle Hotel or let the staff here arrange the place of residence.

"We have no problem, Madam Sir arranged, and we will definitely not treat us badly." Several diplomats were full of respect for the wife of their immediate boss.

"Then I won't be polite." Pamela Mountbatten greeted the pick-up staff, and began to arrange the residence of the British diplomatic team, as if everything should be like this.

French Foreign Minister Maurice Courve Demville, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko had arrived in Basra, and American Secretary of State Dean Rusk had not yet arrived. As for who Germany and India will send, whoever loves is who.

But when Nehru arrived in Basra, Alan Wilson was quite surprised. He really admired the attitude of the Indians, and Nehru came over in person.

Heavyweight figures gathered, and the Kingdom of Iraq also expressed great importance. The security force of the entire Basra has been raised to another level, and sufficient security forces have been arranged for all countries.

As for Pamela Mountbatten, she was chatting and laughing with Princess Badia, talking about whether money or power is important in the world, which has been the most concerned issue of careerists throughout the ages.

Alan Wilson didn't want to accuse anything, but he was uncomfortable seeing McMillan expressing kindness to Dean Rusk, the US Secretary of State who had just arrived, and expressing sympathy for the deformed child incident.

Even if there is nothing wrong with caring about it, should it be taboo when this kind of bayonet becomes popular?

The official meeting Secretary of State Dean Rusk presented a plan prepared by the United States to replace the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company with a consortium of BP and eight European and American companies. The United States also provides development assistance and consultants.

In this plan, the interests of the Soviet Union were also taken into account to ensure that the interests of the Soviet Union would not be damaged. At the same time, Dutch Shell and Hellmann Petroleum Company of the Federal Republic of Germany were proposed. This plan was proposed by the US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, and only the United Kingdom was damaged. Discussions began at the Six-Party Talks.

"I firmly disagree." After the meeting, Alan Wilson was filled with righteous indignation in front of Macmillan. "Minister, once this plan is passed back to China, many citizens will misunderstand your ability. This is a very terrible thing."

"But you have also seen that the United States has won over the Netherlands and Germany." McMillan was also distressed by the ineffectiveness of the previous overtures, "Even the Soviet Union did not object."

"Minister, do you want to communicate with Gromyko?" Alan Wilson made a proposal that seemed reasonable, but actually contained evil intentions. This proposal was quickly rejected by Macmillan, "It's better to see what Nehru said."

What he said was the same as if he didn't say it. Alan Wilson almost laughed out loud. Will the United States look at India?