British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1112: new foreign secretary

The key to the integration of British capital into management and control is not who has the deeper knowledge between Alan Wilson and the Governor of Hong Kong.

In terms of power, it is how London makes decisions. Isn’t there Pamela Mountbatten in terms of capital?

Regardless of whether the Governor of Hong Kong is willing or unwilling, it will not change the final result. Just like the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong's opinions were not solicited. As long as the relationship with London is opened up, the Governor of Hong Kong has nothing to do.

Now the struggle of the Governor of Hong Kong is not on Alan Wilson's mind at all, who is being fooled by financial autonomy. Even the governor of Hong Kong should not be too selfish and should consider the interests of all civil servants.

"None of the four major family businesses objected, so it's his turn to object?" Pamela Mountbatten, who returned to Kuala Lumpur, also agreed with her husband's judgment, and also informed the communication with Princess Badia that Her Royal Highness is willing to help conclude the arms sale, and A series of cooperations in the purchase of islands to strengthen the strong alliance with the United Kingdom.

"There are only a few Giant-class ships left, and they are finally packed out this time." Alan Wilson heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had got rid of a heartache. .

This year, the Royal Navy still has a tonnage of 2.3 million tons, including the Eagle-class, Queen Elizabeth-class, Queen Victoria-class heavy aircraft carriers that have not yet been fully completed, plus four centaurs, still maintaining the global navy s frame.

Compared with 1945, the tonnage of the British Royal Navy has dropped by one million tons. The drop from 3.33 million tons to 2.3 million tons is the result of the continuous decommissioning of old ships and packaged sales.

If compared with the United States, the proportion is still a quarter of that of the United States. The total tonnage of the U.S. Navy in 1945 was nearly 12 million tons, and this year it has become 8.8 million tons.

In fact, the tonnage of the U.S. Navy is also declining, but the change cycle is exactly one cycle later than that of the Royal Navy. The U.S. Navy's replacement cycle should have accelerated sharply after the 1970s. It happened to be the time when the Vietnam War was raging.

From 1970 to 1980, the total tonnage of the U.S. Navy dropped from 8 million tons to 4 million tons. At the same time, the Soviet Red Navy made great strides forward, and only then did Reagan come to power to revive the US Navy's large fleet plan.

Alan Wilson believes that it is better to quickly complete the replacement of the Royal Navy's warships while the cost is not too high. Otherwise, when the United States secretly prints money, even the United States itself cannot guarantee an orderly replacement of naval warships, and it will be even more difficult for the United Kingdom to replace them at that time.

As for the next cycle, let’s talk about it when the time comes. Let’s get through the 20 or 30 years in front of us first.

The current United States is definitely not in a hurry, and it will not feel that the tonnage of the Royal Navy is any threat.

The United States did not enter the quagmire of the Vietnam War, and its national strength was intact, and it could start the shipbuilding plan at any time. They don't pay much attention to the Royal Navy, which is only a quarter of its total tonnage. Americans don't look down on the Royal Navy, let alone the Red Navy, which is not very strong.

Alan Wilson thought from the perspective of the United States. Before getting involved in the Vietnam War, the Americans would not have thought that this war would have such far-reaching significance.

A war caused five workers and seven injuries in the United States, and the country was about to be turned upside down, not to mention the normal change of the navy.

As long as Britain can stay out of the matter and maintain a normal naval change, this will be a good opportunity to narrow its maritime power.

If the Red Navy remains unchanged in history, it will pose a strong challenge to the U.S. Navy in more than ten years. At that time, in order to maintain the advantage of the free world over the Soviet Union, even in terms of the size of the Royal Navy, the United States will do more to win over the United Kingdom.

So far, Alan Wilson is still thinking about how to be independent and be a powerful ally.

I didn't think about how to defeat the Soviet Union, let alone defeat the Soviet Union independently. If you want Britain to defeat the Soviet Union independently, it is not enough to give a map, unless the Soviet Union is talking about his son, is this possible?

On the issue of the navy, the daughter of the Admiral of the Navy naturally has a say. Pamela Mountbatten asked if Alan Wilson wanted to strengthen the naval power in the Far East.

"No, a few centaurs are enough, there is no need to add more." Alan Wilson flatly denied.

The current layout of the Royal Navy, simply put, is getting weaker and weaker as it goes east. The mainland and the Atlantic Ocean are the Queen Victoria class that has not been fully completed. class and a bunch of battleships cruising normally at fourteen knots.

Of course, it is still enough to deal with Indonesia. Besides, Malaya has air force support, and Western Australia also has Vulcan bombers.

The table was covered with detailed intelligence on the current situation in Indonesia, especially now the assessment of the strength and influence of the Indonesian Communist Party.

After Iran killed Mossadegh, Allen Wilson is now thinking about how to take advantage of the victory.

Complete the plan that he has planned for a long time, but has been patiently waiting for the opportunity to appear. The reason why Pamela Mountbatten just suggested strengthening the Royal Pacific Fleet was because she saw so much information about Indonesia and thought her husband was going to do something to Indonesia.

Do something for sure, but nothing to do with the Royal Navy, what does strengthening the Pacific Fleet do? An amphibious landing on Jakarta? Isn't that the Asian version of the Bay of Pigs landing? It's enough for the son to do something embarrassing, and Daddy will save face.

"Indonesia is an archipelago, so why not use the Royal Navy?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled, how to deal with Indonesia without the Royal Navy.

"This matter has to be considered in the long run. Sukarno is not stupid. If the Pacific Fleet is strengthened, it cannot be hidden from the Jakarta government."

Alan Wilson took the assessment report of the Indonesian Communist Party and said in his heart that if I can't succeed, can I still fail? Where there is success, there is failure. Whoever said that instigating a coup d'état will surely succeed, failure is the mother of success.

When it comes to action, one must choose a good entry point. He thinks that in the months after the Cuban missile crisis and the battle for the roof of the world, when the whole world rejoices that peace has not come easily, it is very appropriate to start.

Everyone has just breathed a sigh of relief from the haze of nuclear war, and when they are still exhausted, Alan Wilson can try to cooperate with the cultural tsar. It can't be any later, otherwise there will be the possibility of long nights and many dreams.

When the civil servants of the Overseas Assets Management Committee arrived in Xiangjiang, the Hong Kong Governor's round of protests was officially declared a failure. This round of power struggles that had never met at all came to an end with Alan Wilson's victory.

Holding the Indonesian intelligence documents, Alan Wilson considered returning to London, concentrating on planning how to maximize the benefits next year.

In Lagos, the capital of Nigeria, under the witness of British Foreign Secretary Macmillan, the Dominion of Nigeria declared its formal independence under the announcement of Governor Azikiwe, amidst the cheers of 100,000 people present.

The newspapers in London uniformly expressed their optimism towards Nigeria's prospects. It seemed that a natural African hegemon was about to emerge. The last person to receive such treatment was Nehru, who had already become a powerful prime minister of a major country.

It seems that Azikiwe is also going to lead Nigeria on the road of fame and glory, preparing to start a glorious road to hegemony in Africa, not paying attention to France at all.

McMillan's recent days have seen both opportunities and risks. Britain finally accepted the plan offered by the United States and signed a memorandum. As the foreign secretary, he naturally bore the brunt of the Labor Party's firepower.

Fortunately, Eden, as the prime minister, expressed his trust in Macmillan in time. Just now that the Nigerian Dominion is about to become independent, Aiden suggested that Macmillan take the opportunity to reduce his sense of presence and go to Lagos to witness the independence ceremony, so that the Labor Party will lose the target of criticism. , and he stayed to deal with the Labor Party.

This was a good idea, and Macmillan readily accepted it. As a result, there was a rare situation in the Foreign Office of the British Empire where neither the Foreign Secretary nor the Permanent Undersecretary of the Foreign Office was in London.

Alan Wilson and McMillan almost returned to London. Only one day later, the results of the cabinet reorganization were announced.

"Dear Minister, you are welcome to lead the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!" Alan Wilson welcomed the arrival of Labo Butler. As for the former Foreign Secretary and current Education Minister Macmillan, he has already forget.

It is normal for people to take a cold tea, but it is said that the foundation of a country lies in education. Macmillan's appointment as Minister of Education also reflects the importance that Prime Minister Eden attaches to the cause of education. And this time the cabinet was reorganized, McMillan was not kicked out of the cabinet, and he was still one of the cabinet ministers. Isn't this a good result?

"Alan, I've heard about You are a very thoughtful executive secretary." Rabo Butler reached out and shook Alan Wilson, "There are a lot of jobs, and there will be more work in the future." We need to cooperate sincerely.”

"Of course, our aim is to fully cooperate with the minister's work." Alan Wilson smiled and said in a firm tone, "I thought the former ministers would attend the NATO foreign ministers' meeting. Now that the minister has just taken office, let's discuss this matter." Things come in time."

In fact, fate is sometimes very interesting. The Minister of Education appointed by Macmillan was exactly the post of Rabo Butler before the war. Rabo Butler served as the Minister of Education in World War II. Reform Act, establishing free secondary education.

After Churchill lost to Attlee, Rabo Butler assisted in reforming the Conservative Party and announced the "Industrial Charter" on behalf of the Conservative Party, and then promulgated the "Agricultural Charter" and other documents, formally agreeing to the nationalization proposal proposed by the Labor Party The policy of mixing the economy and building a welfare state, thus eliminating the difference in policy with the Labor Party, has greatly changed the image of the Conservative Party in the minds of British voters and has won the support of many workers.

Rabo Butler supported the Munich Conference in World War II and consensus politics after the war. This time, the purpose of being appointed by Prime Minister Eden as Foreign Minister is ready to come out, reliable... and resolutely defend any propositions of the Prime Minister and the party leader.