British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 113: Antarctic Treaty

"Deputy Secretary of State, this?" The appearance of such a scene caused a commotion on the side of the American representative.

"It's alright, we will persuade the British, and even making trouble will not change the result." Smith signaled to take it easy, and his eyes turned to the Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko. What's the hurry? It should be the Soviet Union who should be anxious.

"This is for the sake of world peace and to leave a piece of pure land for the earth." Gromyko said in a businesslike tone, although he was angry, he didn't show it. At this time, he did not forget to pull the United States into the water, "This is the Soviet Union The result of the consultation with the United States is also the view of the vast majority of countries in the world, although many countries did not participate in this Antarctic conference."

"This is power politics." Alan Wilson left the corn cobs on the table with a look of indignation, just like Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference, Poland at the Tehran Conference, and China at the Paris Peace Conference.

After all, he has also been taught by many actresses through words and deeds, and his performance in killing thieves and being unable to return to the sky is still in place.

The reason why this scene was performed at the venue is just to hope that the Iran issue can be exchanged for concessions from the United States, but this possibility is extremely slim.

"Temporarily adjourn the meeting, we believe that we can come up with a result that is acceptable to all parties." US Deputy Secretary of State Smith said at this time, not willing to fall out with the British Deputy Foreign Secretary in public.

British Deputy Foreign Secretary, there is such a saying, but Whitehall generally does not recognize this title. It is still more acceptable to accept the title of the deputy minister, and the deputy minister is generally the statement of other countries.

Smith thinks it may still take a few days to convince the British that the British should understand who should be in charge of the world. At that time, I will notify Secretary of State Dulles to come to Paris to sign the contract.

As for the farce of raising the corn cobs in the conference hall, although Smith is happy to see this scene from a personal point of view, in order to ensure the solemn atmosphere of the diplomatic conference, he still feels that it is not appropriate to publicize it. This is not conducive to the relaxation of the atmosphere between the United States and the Soviet Union. It's only been less than two months since the visit to the United States, and even if he turned his face, it was a little too fast.

After the meeting, US Deputy Secretary of State Smith sent a person to invite Alan Wilson, who first expressed his understanding of Britain's anger, and then explained that the two countries should talk privately.

This invitation is actually not unexpected. Alan Wilson is very familiar with black box operations, and he is the one who sells Poland.

"The sovereignty of Antarctica, why does the United States stand on the side of the Soviet Union." After meeting, Alan Wilson expressed the indignation of the United States at the betrayal of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

Of course, because the United States has no reason to swear sovereignty over Antarctica, it cannot allow other countries to take advantage.

The truth is such a truth, but Smith can't say that. It is peace and environmental protection. He said a lot of clichés, and then directly said, "Britain should be in the same position as the United States, otherwise it may affect the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States."

"Your Excellency is threatening Britain." Alan Wilson asked with a long face, "because of an icefield?"

"Sir Wilson, there are some things that just because the two countries are allies, you must take an attitude." Smith shrugged absentmindedly, "It's like the Soviets said, so many countries in the world, to a few of you The country’s occupation of Antarctica will definitely not be approved. If this issue is discussed at the UN General Assembly, it will make you very embarrassed, right? We put the Antarctic Conference in Paris to preserve the influence of the UK and France. I hope the UK and France can understand Washington's woes."

"Then do I have to thank the United States." Alan Wilson sneered, "otherwise the United Kingdom would be embarrassed at the United Nations."

What does it mean to conjure a card out of thin air and grab it in your hand. I didn't expect that I could learn it in my previous life. In this life, I can still meet it in another country. The United States is really better than blue.

"Sir Wilson, I still suggest that London consider it carefully." Smith said lightly, "How much benefit can the UK actually get? Almost none. The UK is nothing more than safeguarding the interests of the two countries of the Commonwealth, Australia and New Zealand. The attitude of a country doesn’t really matter.”

Smith is telling the truth, Australia and New Zealand, far from the hotspots of today's world, do not necessarily have a higher presence than Latin America. Currently, the main interests of the United States are still in Eurasia.

"I will inform the minister and the prime minister of the attitude of the United States." Alan Wilson looked at Smith with three points of humiliation and seven points of unwillingness, and his tone was unprecedentedly heavy, "Iran issue?"

"Let's settle the Antarctic conference first. We are talking about the Iran issue. Thank you Sir Wilson for conveying the message. The special relationship between the UK and the US is unbreakable." , "Look, it's actually not difficult to communicate with the UK."

"I'll give you a hard time sooner or later, to let you know that your father's sword is not old." Alan Wilson, who was driving to the British embassy, ​​slapped his face, but to say how humiliated he felt, it was not.

He had long been prepared for the Antarctic meeting to fail, and put on a parody, just for Australia to see. As for the Iran issue, it will not be as simple as Smith said. If the sanctions continue, the United States will be looking to the United Kingdom.

He just walked away, just not thinking about how to make a price to see how long the United States can hold up Iran.

Telling London about the attitude of the United States, Alan Wilson decided to go to Woodpecker Pictures to relax. At this time, he needed the comfort of the movie queens to relieve the mood of pretending to be affected by diplomatic failure.

"Through this Antarctic conference and the Iran issue, we can test out the deep-seated attitude of the United States toward the United Kingdom. If it succeeds, even if the interests are taken away by the United States, we can adjust our diplomatic strategy and deal with it carefully."

While the latest progress of the Antarctic Conference is being discussed in London, Alan Wilson is negotiating with Anna, a little dragoon who has sneaked to Paris, about developing the friendship of the Aryans since ancient times.

"If it really can't stand it, it is the time for the Hellman family to enter the Persian Gulf and get a piece of Iran's oil share." Alan Wilson, who caressed the slender waist of the dragoons with his hands, helped the development of the Hellmann family. Make plans.

"Don't think I will thank you, you are also thinking about your son." Anna held the man's face and pressed it against her chest, laughing, "Just think about it, I will make you unable to breathe today."

Philosophical thought does not hinder the appreciation of art, and the thinker does not suppress the expression of emotion; he distinguishes between imagination and rhapsody.

Now, for example, he blames ideas but appreciates style; he curses political intrigue but praises all the details; he hates politicians but loves their dialogue.

Adhering to the fact that he was submissive to the United States and the Soviet Union and attacked the third world, the way to adjust his mood is also very simple, so he went to the slums of Paris to increase his happiness. Charity on a private level, as he saved French women on the streets of Paris many years ago.

There is only one house on the ground floor. Next to the wall next to the inside, there is a large bed without a tent, and there is a noodle tub by the window. The glass is broken, and it is glued with a sun pattern cut out of blue paper.

In the corner behind the door, under the slate of the laundry floor, there were half-spiked boots with bright nails, and beside it was a bottle full of oil with a feather inserted into the neck of the bottle; This Matthew's Almanac is thrown on the dusty mantelpiece, among flint and candle heads and bits of tinder.

Finally, what appears to be superfluous in the room is a portrait of a trumpet-playing goddess of honor, cut out of some perfume advertisement, of course, and nailed to the wall with six studs.

"It's an imperialist bureaucracy." Anna wandered around with Alan Wilson, watching the man seem to be doing good deeds with charity, and sighed that Gartzner's education was also a reality in this world.

The river flowed silently, looking fast and cool; the slender aquatic plants fell in pieces in the running water, floating with the water, like uncombed green hair, and the reflections of the two of them could be vaguely seen. .

"There are two sides to it, we are not as evil as you say, and the Soviet Union is not as great as he claims. They are all living on this earth, why do you have to look like saving the world, it's disgusting."

After doing a good deed every Alan Wilson was in a much better mood. Before going out to hang out, London had called back and commended his efforts to safeguard the interests of the United Kingdom. Now that he has already gained enough favor in front of Australia and New Zealand.

Anna looked at Alan Wilson angrily, pinched her waist and said, "Don't you have any ideals?"

"I will be a spy if I have ideals. I have never had ideals in my life. I have a family and plan to be a civil servant for the rest of my life." Alan Wilson boasted proudly, "It seems that I have protected you too well, you should go more often. Come and see the real world."

Anna pursed her lips and mumbled, "I've seen it before, and I gave birth to two children for a certain occupying army. I was young at that time, and you can do it."

Allen's play has ended, and the final result will be left to US Secretary of State Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Macmillan, who arrived in Paris at the end of November for face-to-face negotiations, and then on December 1, The Antarctic Treaty was adopted, in which Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty clarified the issue of sovereignty, and any State party renounced its previous rights or claims to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica.

The news came and the whole of Australia was in shock and disappointment, wondering how this could have happened.