British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1135: reliable secretary of defense

The TSR.2 attack aircraft jointly developed with Sweden, the Belfast strategic transport aircraft jointly promoted with France, and the joint fighter unit uniting Europe.

In his opinion, now is the right time to make full use of the advantages of the aviation industry accumulated by the UK during World War II. As for the gap between Germany and Italy in the aviation industry and the UK is not even a little bit, the initiative to show favor can get the greatest say .

It will be financially difficult for the UK to advance so many projects alone, even if the current UK economy is fine.

Weapons are becoming more and more refined. For a country of the size of the United Kingdom, it is unrealistic to follow up all of them. What's more, the UK now has more projects to promote than the UK in Alan Wilson's memory.

Isn't an aircraft carrier a big project? Nuclear submarines are also a big project. This is not a technological imitation obtained from the United States for sale of benefits. It is all researched by itself, and these costs are borne by the United Kingdom itself.

Marshal Mountbatten and his son-in-law came out together. Looking at the last few sealed Giants unsealed, they will undergo necessary maintenance and improvement, and then they will become big toys for the royal family of Middle Eastern chiefs. The Royal Navy, the last vestige of it is gone..."

"The old ones won't go, and the new ones won't come, my marshal." Alan Wilson put his hands in his pockets and comforted him without squinting. It’s good to disassemble. In fact, I believe that the Navy is very clear that from any aspect, the Giant class is really useless, and the Centaur class can be used for low-intensity tasks.”

"I even sold several islands in Malacca to them. Only in this way can these small countries with rich resources but unable to survive alone in the world be tied down."

He is more than just being nice to these small countries. For many years, he has tried his best to convince the British government that the Kingdom of Egypt cannot become a real power.

"Your diplomacy is constantly looking for a community of interests in a monarchy country to bind." Marshal Mountbatten paused at this point, and had to admit, "But it seems to be very useful."

"Thank you, Pamela also helped me a lot." Allen Wilson said modestly, "I am lucky to have such a partner. Every time I think about it, I feel grateful that God has treated me well. Supreme authority, for the sake of the British Empire."

Mountbatten was noncommittal, and the submarine-launched version of the evil missile was being assembled. Once the reliability was proved, the UK would speed up the construction of nuclear submarines. The hull has never been a problem for a shipbuilding powerhouse like the UK. The problems are all new weapons.

"There is another question, what is the document that you asked me to hand over to the Secretary of Defense." Mountbatten has not yet heard the reason for John Provomo's change of attitude, and rationally told him not to be curious, but Mountbatten has a tailwind The marshal Shun Shui really couldn't bear it.

"Some investigation reports on private life, some clarifications of rumors. Of course, as a defense minister, this matter is still quite important. I will solve this matter immediately." Alan Wilson did not want to betray the rising star of the Conservative Party.

It is right to describe John Provermore as a rising star. The Secretary of Defense was born in 1915. Look at the ages of other giants of the Conservative Party. Eden in 1897, Eden in 1899 Macmillan in four years, Homer in 1903, Rabo Butler in 1902.

You will know the position of John Provomo, one of the four major ministers of state in 1915, in the Conservative Party.

By contrast, Harold Wilson of the Labor Party, who he remembered as the long-serving Labor prime minister in the 1960s and 1970s, was born in 1916.

From the perspective of normal correspondence, the current Minister of Defense should be the leader of the party with Harold Wilson in the future. Even if he does not become the prime minister, he will still be a stable leader of the Conservative Party and will shine in the British political arena in the next ten years.

It's a pity that such a person was involved in the Soviet spy case. He should play a bigger role.

So when John Profumo is open to increasing military investment and is willing to reach an understanding with the military, then he should not continue to treat this gentleman harshly. Of course, the Soviet espionage case will continue to be investigated, but the results will not be announced after full weighing.

Alan Wilson is also planning to use the captured Soviet spies to exchange the British diplomats who were arrested because of the Pinkowski case, but he will cut off the contact with John Provomo to protect the Rising star.

Even at present, there are many advantages to having such a minister who is concerned about the safety and security of British national defense in office. Doesn't the number of new aircraft carriers increase by one?

Aircraft carriers have been added, nuclear submarines and a series of military projects can be carried out step by step.

In other words, isn’t Alan Wilson trying his best to win over European countries to save costs? If the UK pushes forward by itself, it may cost a hundred pounds. If Germany and Italy are involved, the total cost of wrangling for half a day may soar to two hundred pounds, but it belongs to the United Kingdom. The burden of funds is still less.

In the current period of time, the UK has plenty of time to wait for the European Joint Fighter to enter service.

The Iranian oil crisis has come to an end, and the Federal Republic of Germany has obtained the benefits it wants. At this time, the German government urgently needs to repair relations with the United Kingdom. The cold relationship between the two countries is not conducive to the unity of Europe.

As for Italy, the last time Alan Wilson went to North Africa, he talked quite well. He was happy to see Italy help Britain and maintain its influence in Libya, an important oil-producing country in Africa.

With a world war, Italy will not change the plight of pauper imperialism. The situation in Italy is somewhat similar to that in Japan, where there is almost nothing in the mainland.

Back then, it claimed to be one of the six great powers in Europe, and even my Qing Dynasty couldn't fool it, which shows its own embarrassment.

Britain is willing to balance France's influence with Italy on the interests of North Africa, which Italy is also happy to see.

At the year-end European Community Foreign Ministers Meeting, the foreign ministers of various countries gathered in Brussels. According to the usual practice, the meeting was divided into two parts, the overseas part and the European part. The former paid more attention to the legitimate interests of various countries overseas, mainly for countries with colonies. The latter is a matter for Europe itself.

Feeling that it was not easy for Hepburn to grow up in the Netherlands, Alan Wilson had a good impression of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, so he took the opportunity to communicate with the Dutch side, and the gang of Dutch Guiana might not think about the possibility of independence.

And handed over the local polls before and after the independence of British Guiana to the Dutch side, "that is, London can see the opportunity quickly, otherwise those people will almost rely on the UK."

"France also has this problem. If you don't believe me, your French intelligence agency will check it out, isn't it?"

"For this kind of worthless colony, even if Venezuela is annexed, it is better than lying on us and sucking blood."

At the same time that Alan Wilson and diplomats from all over the world are giving and receiving ... an enlightened attitude towards the colonies, Rabe Butler is delivering an impassioned speech at the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting, calling for European unity.

Once common goals are identified, European countries will cooperate in the most efficient way. The leaders of Britain and France will jointly respond to the crisis through communication and cooperation. The goals of Britain and France are the same, the unity and development of Europe, and the restoration of the vitality and economic status of European countries before the war.

Europe will be strong only if it is united. This is not just a matter of Britain and France, but also involves the vital interests of Germany and Italy, as well as European countries.

When Rabo Butler spoke, the foreign ministers of various countries nodded to show that you are right. There is no problem with the big framework, but the overlapping of industries and the specific steps to cooperate with each other will certainly not be as smooth as the big framework.

However, cooperation in the military field is often easier than in other fields. Alan Wilson's promotion of European defense autonomy is actually paying for the development of the British aviation industry with the economies of other European countries. It is not a day or two.

He has been preparing for this matter for the past two years. Finally, at this European Community meeting, the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy jointly announced that they will adopt a united attitude and cooperate to develop a replacement, F-4, F- 104, "Canberra", "Predator" and other new types of fighters.

The United Kingdom and Sweden have also signed an agreement to support Sweden in the development of attack aircraft in the face of large-scale armored clusters from outside, and to jointly develop and deal with threats in this area. The United Kingdom will use the prototype of the TSR.2 attack aircraft as technical support and jointly develop it with Sweden. .

As for France, the UK and France have also agreed to continue with a more united attitude on the Belfast strategic transport aircraft project. Dassault and French Aerospace will connect on behalf of France and the ~ At the same time, France has also attracted the German MBB company and the United Aviation Technology-Fokker company to join in the development together.

Britain is naturally responsible for the most critical part of the engine. As for the requirements of France, it is roughly the same as that of the United Kingdom. It has a large-capacity cargo hold, the rear passage **** is at the tail of the rise, and it uses straight wings and turboprop engines. Perform cargo and troop transport missions, operate directly from forward positions, and evacuate casualties.

In flight, the cargo area is pressurized and kept at a constant temperature by the integrated air conditioning system.

Britain, the United States, and France finalized their requirements, and clarified their intention to order a total of 270 aircraft. The UK and Germany each ordered 100 aircraft, and France ordered 70 aircraft. Although France has a common demand with the UK on the issue of strategic transport aircraft.

However, Germany, which also takes into account the supply of West Berlin, obviously needs a larger quantity.

There are voices in the Federal Republic of Germany that want to give up West Berlin and exchange some land with the GDR, but there are only such voices, and such voices will never be taken seriously.

This move by the Federal Republic of Germany also hopes to cooperate in the air force field, and to make up for the differences caused by the Iranian oil crisis with the United Kingdom.