British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1147: forward policy

69net69, the fastest update of British civil servants!    and Heidi Rama, the executive vice-minister of the surprise supplementary lesson, the feelings at this time are sincere, expressing the ruthlessness of treating the enemy like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, the warmth of treating the comrades like spring, Work is as hot as summer.

Every move is in line with the best position for moving the mirror in the movie, so that Heidi Rama, who is out of sight and holding the binoculars, can't stop nodding, muttering the man's occasional ridicule, "Those with poor acting skills have gone to Hollywood. ."

   When this classic was re-enacted, there were no Americans at all, which made Garyman stunned the most, and the first-level official crushed people to death. If Dulles came, the other party would never dare.

   He must have misunderstood. Even if Dulles came over in person, Alan Wilson would have dared to do so.

  Alan Wilson not only brought back Gravind, a legal citizen of the United Kingdom, but also fished out American pilot Bowers by the way, demonstrating the British Empire's diplomatic efforts and care for its allies.

   Without further ado, Alan Wilson decided to leave West Berlin immediately and let Bonn prepare a press conference immediately. He didn't want to stay in West Berlin for a moment.

   In West Berlin, surrounded by enemies, Alan Wilson did not dare to express his words. Bonn, the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the British Empire attacked with a heavy punch, with high spirits, I am Wilson, and the keys are like a long night.

"Great Britain, starting from its position of strength and through arduous diplomatic mediation, finally rescued Mr. Gravind, a legal citizen of the United Kingdom, every honorable British person, and a loyal subject of Her Majesty the Queen, deserves to be treated like this by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My respected Prime Minister Aiden, as well as Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary, Mr. Rabo Butler, a real gentleman, have also worked hard for a long time to achieve the best result today."

   "This time, we also helped our US allies and exchanged the reconnaissance pilot Bowers, which reflects the indestructibility of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, which is one of the most important bilateral relations for the prosperity of the free world."

   In the presence of reporters from various countries in Bonn, Alan Wilson was not polite at all, and all the glory was in me, emphasizing the role of the British Empire in this event.

   When he spoke, he expressed his disdain for the Soviet bloc and his hard-won sigh of life in the free world. After the press conference, he was still unfinished. As a senior Whitehall bureaucrat, he could obviously add two more sentences.

In the bedroom of Heilman Manor, the voice was coming from the TV. Anna crossed her legs and flicked, tilted her head and looked at the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was talking nonsense on the TV, "It's like it's true, what are you doing for yours? What has the free world done?"

"My expenses are donated to the welfare home in the UK without reservation, to protect the elderly and the disabled." Alan Wilson glanced at the little dragoon and said indifferently, "Don't think that I have no sympathy. Heart, I am not as inhuman as you think, but from a national perspective, I can only strive for all interests for my country."

   Even the most bad people have little conscience to find out, this time Alan Wilson answered the yin and yang of the little dragoons.

   He is not as hard-hearted as Anna imagined. Knowing the case of Jiang Ge and Liu Xin, he will also grit his teeth in hatred.

   I learned that p master Mocha fought until his death, and still has only 200 fans. Eating dumplings and strawberries is an extravagant hope. He will also cry secretly, lamenting the injustice of the world.

   "What's the matter with you?" Anna stretched out and stroked the man's cheek. As a top student in psychology, she could feel that this was definitely revealing her true feelings, and she had no reason to panic.

   caught the attacking prime, Alan Wilson has recovered his indifferent look, and said calmly, "It's all right. I'm still me, an old imperialist bureaucrat, the enemy of the entire Soviet system."

The rare discovery of conscience only lasted for a moment, and a moment of discovery of conscience would not change the fact that he still wants to maintain this system that benefits the first world. "If one day, the Soviet Union can prove that it is enough to defeat the entire free world, Then there is nothing unacceptable in this world becoming a communist world."

   "In the end, everything depends on strength. Other than that, it's useless."

   Alan Wilson still has a lot to do, of course, before that, he is also willing to personally promote the goodwill between Britain and Germany. He did not participate in the press conference in London, and first looked at some questions about the British troops stationed in Germany.

   After a few days, he returned to London exhausted physically and mentally, and woke up tired from Vivien Leigh's bedroom. Great Britain Treasure asked inexplicably, "Why is it like this for a business trip?"

"Running for the country, that's what it is." Alan Wilson replied with a classic saying, "How can the years be good, but it's just me who is carrying the burden on behalf of British citizens. I'm going to visit Lisbon soon. "

   "Portugal? What are you going to do there?" Vivien Leigh was a little puzzled, and seldom heard men mention this country.

   Of course, the explosion delay fuze is installed! Alan Wilson said without concealment, "To mediate the colonial dispute between Portugal and India, the UK does not want the two countries to have a good relationship with the UK."

There is actually no problem in fighting. Don't fight now. Goa can earn a few years for a few years. It is best to maintain it until Salazar's death. Don't think about it after that. Portugal can meet a leader like Salazar. It's already a miracle, and I can't expect too much in the future.

   But Portugal's dictatorship is more annoying to other countries. The United Kingdom likes the parliamentary system as much as the United States. The main reason is that this system is easy to be interfered by outsiders, and the initiative lies with the powerful countries.

   And small countries with dictatorships do not have this entry point,

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 2 It is true that sometimes we are forced to cooperate with powerful countries. But the initiative is still in these countries, unlike the parliamentary system. Powerful countries can interfere whenever they want, as long as they have ideas together.

   In the face of the current Salazar government in Portugal, Alan Wilson can only persuade him with a smile, and make it look like we are all Portuguese today, I hope Salazar can relax.

   The golden age of Portugal has long since passed, and the Portugal ruled by Salazar is just grabbing the tail of the last glorious age.

   Having breakfast from Vivien Leigh, Alan Wilson will continue to carry the load to go to work. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs building is as usual, each performing its own duties without any abnormality.

   "Executive Undersecretary." Dixon greeted him respectfully when his immediate boss came to work.

   "How is our minister feeling?" Alan Wilson asked with a smile.

"Very good!" Dixon answered comprehensively, exchanging a spy with much fanfare. The British didn't think so at first, but there is no doubt that this will be of great benefit to the British Foreign Office. The biggest beneficiary is Rabo. Butler the foreign secretary.

   This incident shows that the UK will never give up a citizen's determination, of course, it's just publicity.

  The Congo, the heart of Africa, has been fighting for a long time and continues. At dawn, the Congolese government troops attacked. The Katanga Free Army protested that they were woken up so early and rushed to the position. The various sandbags and the long guns between the sandbags defended them, and the white man said the position was safer and ensured that everyone was ready to fight.

   Yet when the attack came, and barbaric calls came from all directions, the whole situation was like a swarm of wild beasts rushing towards them. Everyone was stunned at first, and then someone shouted: "Shoot, fool, this is the beginning!"

  The soldiers saw a group of black-skinned government soldiers rushing towards them from the gap between the positions, and they ran straight towards them almost as fast as they ran, and then opened fire with a devilish cry.

  The sound of the gunshots was deafening. Some people pushed each other out of the way, and the next thing was to shoot each other. In the interval, they were busy reloading the hot and smoking guns, and there was no time to be afraid.

   Neither of them could take into account the scalding of the metal, nor did they have time to guess whether the bullets would be shot or not, and the movement of the gun had become fully automatic.

The Katanga Free Army also fired with guns. After the white people in Northern Rhodesia told them to aim and shoot, although the soldiers' shoulders must have been bruised by the recoil of the gun, they still shot steadily and calmly. shooting.

Occasionally bullets will shoot sandbags to ensure their safety, and the sound of gunfire has not diminished in the various shouts from both After two consecutive attacks, the government left a few corpses and retreated. .

   In the next stage, both sides count their casualties with each other, waiting for the next round to repeat itself.

   "My friend, the telegram can't be described in detail, but I don't think the present time is right." Grace read the telegram sent by Alan Wilson before his departure.

  In the telegram, Alan Wilson reconfirmed his credit. Once the trip to Lisbon is over, the two can have a deep talk. Some things must be carefully considered, and international influence must be taken into account.

   Grace doesn't know any international influence. He came here to grab land, not really as an internationalist fighter.

  The fighting went on like this, and Grace couldn't stand it. They were so many people that they couldn't fight here all the time, or help the black people to fight.

  If Alan Wilson has time, he will come directly. Isn't he trying the Portuguese government now to give Britain a face? To this end, the persuasion work was carried out to decompress the Goa issue.

   Even during World War II, Portugal maintained good diplomatic relations with Britain under the leadership of Salazar.

   Allen Wilson naturally couldn't be hard, but fortunately, the entry point is not without, he is ready to discuss the forward policy with the Portuguese.