British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1153: £500 million

Alan Wilson said to his wife that this is a good opportunity to divert attention and avoid the appearance of the Cuban missile crisis as a foil to the United States. It can only be explained by consolidating Asian influence, "but to be honest, I am looking forward to this There is a war emerging, even imminent."

"That's not surprising, I understand." Pamela Mountbatten rolled her eyes. Her husband is such a person, and he doesn't like other countries. "It is foreseeable that there will definitely be our role in the UK after the fight."

"Of course, maybe I will criticize Britain for demarcating the border. But I have prepared my rebuttal. That is, the border between the two countries has been demarcated at all, and it does not have legal effect. As India's suzerain, Britain prefers colonial demarcation It is normal for the outside world. It is an objective fact that the other party disagrees, but today they still say that it has something to do with the UK?"

Alan Wilson deduced two out of one into five, completely removing the so-called British responsibility.

It's as if Nehru could coexist peacefully with its neighbors without Britain. They want to be a big country with a strong reputation and establish a sphere of influence with themselves as the core. Does this have anything to do with Britain?

"I can even ask, how long can the two countries claim to be dating back to ancient times? I think India may be a little more shameless, maybe it can be traced back to the Maurya Dynasty. As for the other one, let's not talk about it, but in short If you go back infinitely, you can use the hegemony of public opinion to spread this official statement all over the world, and it will be a laughing stock for people all over the world."

"What if it goes back to the relatively powerful modern empire?" Pamela Mountbatten nodded, but asked another question.

"That's great. If it dates back to the Qing Empire, it would be quite beneficial to Britain. Because the expansion of the Qing Empire ended in the eighteenth century, and at that time, many British colonies had already been established. If We can confirm that this is their official statement, and the solution is simple, Malaya has been an integral part of the British Empire since ancient times, and no country should pry into it."

Alan Wilson looked into his wife's eyes with a smile, "After all, we are not the original country of this statement, so it must be stated that Britain is also a follower, and shirks the responsibility. All glory belongs to the two ancient civilizations."

But in theory it is feasible to do so, but in fact Alan Wilson feels that the official of a certain big country will not express his position. Countries under the Soviet system, as long as they want to be ostriches, no one can wake them up.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be proud to have my husband serving." Pamela Mountbatten was amazed. Two ancient civilizations served me, Britain, and only one person. Isn't this a small blessing?

"It's really a good rhetoric since ancient times." Alan Wilson smiled happily, traveling through the history of human civilization, all the famous countries throughout the ages, none of them can be compared with the empire on which the sun never sets in this field since ancient times.

First of all, it is determined that the war has nothing to do with the United Kingdom. Once the United Kingdom is caught in public opinion, it will ask China and India since ancient times.

If this question is answered, then the question is simple. Britain has been a multi-ethnic country since ancient times, but its territories are not connected to each other. Malaya is an inseparable part of Britain.

However, Alan Wilson estimates that if this step is reached, the other party will pretend to be dead, and will fall into a language trap if the entanglement continues.

Pamela Mountbatten shook her head and said, seeing her husband's exhausted appearance, "Didn't you say that in this world, the fist has the final say, and you can set traps in the diplomatic field, but is it useful? "

"It's useful. Britain is more powerful than these two ancient civilizations." Alan Wilson replied confidently, "When the economic level is too far apart, it's best not to set up an opponent rashly. It's just a waste of money. We will be ridiculed. What I really want is to return to South Asia, but even if Nehru is defeated, he dare not let us go back."

But fortunately, after this war is over, Britain should abdicate from the most sensitive position in the hearts of Indians.

For so many years, Alan Wilson has not dared to return to South Asia. How much he wants to have a good talk with a big country. After this year, the relationship between Britain and India is believed to usher in a new development.

Pamela Mountbatten came back once, and this time happened to hear her husband talk about the issue of industrial layout. Portugal, a European cost depression, has a grand blueprint to go west to North America and south to North Africa.

"Land Rover Defender is changed to a pickup?" Pamela Mountbatten muttered hesitantly while holding the sketch given by her husband, "In any case, the pickup is the main series of Land Rover?"

The positioning of the Land Rover Defender is higher than that of the Land Rover Discovery. If it is arranged in this way, the pickup is more high-end than the off-road. Pamela Mountbatten felt unacceptable just thinking about it.

"And this!" Alan Wilson took out another stack of design drawings, and said succinctly, "Land Rover Range Rover. Naturally, the price cannot be lowered, at least twice the price of Land Rover Discovery."

"1998 pounds?" Pamela Mountbatten looked at the blueprint handed over by her husband, "Isn't it a little expensive?"

"More than five thousand dollars is not particularly expensive. It is indeed a bit more expensive than the discovery of ninety-nine pounds. But it is expensive for a reason." Allen Wilson said unhurriedly, "This is a luxury off-road vehicle , the positioning is different.”

In the era when **** is rough, this is the first off-road vehicle positioned as "luxury". The price of 1998 pounds not only provides excellent off-road capability, but also provides perfect details and comfort to many original high-end car customers. Brings a whole new feeling.

Unbeknownst to Pamela Mountbatten, her husband had gone to Portugal and bought a map of the world for £500.

Pamela Mountbatten, who just came back to handle the listing of Land Rover, was very interested in the positioning of Portugal in her husband's mouth. She never questioned her man in terms of vision, but she had some doubts about changing the Land Rover Defender to a pickup.

"Just say that this year's Land Rover Defender is the last generation. Finally, the Land Rover Defender model will be cancelled." Alan Wilson suggested to his wife that what he should think about now is to cut the last wave of leeks, not others.

"But having said that, this time I am coming back to let Land Rover go public. How much money are you going to raise?"

Pamela Mountbatten was very direct, and said to her husband, "The London Stock Exchange suggested that Land Rover be listed at an estimated value of 500 million pounds. Now we are doing the calculation."

"The current market value of General Motors in the United States is 17 billion U.S. dollars. This valuation is very appropriate." Alan Wilson nodded. He is very clear about the current state of General Motors in the US stock market. The reason is that he owns stock in General Motors.

The current car sales in the United States are around 6 million, which is five times that of the United Kingdom. Of course, this is only for comparison with the local market, and the production line in Malaya has not been included.

In fact, Alan Wilson doesn't care how much the stock is worth. There are industries that are suitable for listing, and there are industries that are not suitable. It is not necessary to have no shortage of funds to operate as a non-listed company.

Some industries are naturally suitable for the family business model. Pamela Mountbatten did not plan to list the steel base in Kuching. In fact, the good days of the steel industry are numbered. Now is not the era of Carnegie. , It is not enough to create a myth of wealth, and the car still has a good life for a while.

In the enduring myth of wealth, the oil industry is of course an evergreen tree. With such a secure source of income, Pamela Mountbatten naturally cannot let go easily to prevent being interfered by so-called external factors.

The entire London Stock Exchange is waiting for the venerable British richest woman to once again create the myth of wealth and lead the British stockholders to become rich.

"If you want to list in Xiangjiang, these stockholders should be **** off." Alan Wilson said directly.

"Then why don't I list in Australia." Pamela Mountbatten asked rhetorically.

"That's right, half of the aristocrats in the UK are now dragged to Australia to start businesses. I don't know if the Soviet Union has created new theories for us? Noble capitalist class?" Alan Wilson couldn't help laughing when he said this.

In the eyes of stockholders, the Great British Treasure is just a joke. The real Great British Treasure is coming to the loyal London with the news of Land Rover's integration and listing.

On the side of the Ministry of National Defense, Marshal Mountbatten formulated the steps for this Indo-Pacific military exercise with a relaxed expression.

The Middle East Joint Operations Command and the Far East Joint Operations Command have received instructions for this military exercise. The Centaur-class aircraft carrier battle group with Xiangjiang as its home port has already set off from Xiangjiang and headed straight for the Bay of Bengal.

The Eagle-class aircraft carrier battle group in the Middle East cruised in the Arabian Sea with the nuclear submarine Intrepid, and the Marine Corps also set off with the fleet. The British Ministry of Defense silenced this and did not notify other countries.

But the United States immediately discovered the anomaly of the British Royal Navy, thinking that the United Kingdom was planning some secret military and immediately communicated with the United Kingdom through the Five Eyes alliance.

"The Royal Navy will conduct military exercises in the Indo-Pacific region. The specific actions are still being kept secret, but there are no military actions, so it is not worth making a fuss about."

Soon the United States asked again, "As allies in a special relationship, Britain and the United States should not have secrets between each other."

"What about the trust between Britain and the United States? Could Dad still harm you?" Alan Wilson muttered, but he could also see that the United States was always afraid of the old father's fraudulent corpse.

After a long consideration, he informed the United States of his original intention to mediate the hostility caused by India and Portugal while maintaining the traditional influence of Britain. To reassure Washington, I, Daying, want to safeguard traditional interests.

Under the long-awaited call of the London Stock Exchange, Land Rover Motor Company went public amidst much anticipation, and the response was even more enthusiastic than that of the Nigerian Petroleum Company. The car fans who learned that the Land Rover Defender was about to become out of print, I also decided to tighten my belt and live for myself.

At this time, Alan Wilson was at the Mint, holding a Commonwealth Games medal and asking some questions.