British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1216: gold for food

"I haven't shown up for such a long time. Once I show up, I will ask people for money." Princess Margaret looked displeased. Let her pay for the development of the semiconductor industry?

Her Royal Highness must have misunderstood. Alan Wilson would definitely not be able to catch a sheep and pluck its wool. Ladies with the same status as his wife are no exception.

"The royal family is a symbol of the British Empire. If you can contribute to the country in such a potential industry, don't you think that would be a good thing." Alan Wilson embraced the princess in his arms and began to persuade with a good attitude.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you get more or less. The key is that the royal family needs to set an example. With this example, Alan Wilson can continue to think of ways to inject capital into my semiconductor business, and even think of ways from the government. exceed.

Take Deception Island as an example. Semiconductors are definitely not as good as Formosa Plastics in terms of job creation, but they can still create tens of thousands of high-paying jobs, which is also a good thing for the UK. Now that Malaya has been filled with several industries that have been transferred, we can’t count on the Malays working in agriculture to take the top spot, right?

Can the semiconductor industry be topped by just pulling a group of old farmers? Don't you want to do it locally?

"You are amazing, you are lofty, and you are the secretary-general of the cabinet, and you will pay it back to the country." Princess Margaret rolled her eyes at her brother-in-law, "It's hard to imagine that there is such a person as you."

"There is such a thing as patriotism in this world." Alan Wilson stretched out his finger and tapped the tip of his sister-in-law's nose, "Margaret, you are the princess of England. If England is not good, you, the princess, will not be good either. In fact, the royal families of all countries should understand this point, but some countries are really confused on this point."

Allen Wilson's feudal monarchs' extra-staff ministers' hearts broke out, and for a while they became a little worried about the country and the people. .

He only receives a British salary, but he has served so many monarchies. Sometimes he wonders, what kind of day is this?

The sister-in-law still knows the general situation. After a long period of persuasion, mainly thanks to the rocket, Her Royal Highness expressed her willingness to contribute to the development of British semiconductors.

"You have become the secretary-general of the cabinet, what should I do?" Princess Margaret hung on her brother-in-law and asked, lamenting that she is no longer young, and she is not young anymore, she is already thirty-three years old.

"Sometimes in the dead of night, I also think about this question. Out of the responsibility of a man, I can't let you live like this. At that time, I arrange that there should be a crystallization of love between us."

I thought about whoring for nothing in my heart, and I have always been whoring for nothing, but at this moment, Alan Wilson blatantly stated that he would be responsible. Although it was not sincere, how could the love brain see that he was reluctant.

Poor Tom, to be played in the palm of his hand like this...

"I don't have to argue with Pamela, but you know my feelings for you." Princess Margaret lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "Don't let Pamela know that you are the secretary-general of the cabinet. You should block the news. not a problem…"

"Whoever dares to corrupt the princess's innocence, God will not forgive him." Alan Wilson patted his chest loudly. As long as Princess Margaret could bear the loneliness, he would naturally find something that could make Her Royal Highness feel at ease. place to be born.

The Secretary-General of the Cabinet has sacrificed too much for the semiconductor industry in the UK. He has not returned to Whitehall for a long time. He was thinking about meeting with the UK semiconductor representative after the meeting. The phone on the table rang, and Alan Wilson picked it up. Microphone, "I'm Allen, speak directly."

"Permanent Undersecretary, Soviet Ambassador Victor wants to meet with you." The voice of Dixon, Chief Private Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs came, "Victor insisted on doing this, saying that there is something important, and I can only inform you."

"What are they going to do?" Allen Wilson said to himself, and then said, "Okay, arrange a time. After all, I am still the current deputy secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I should contribute to the work of this department."

What's wrong? Prime Minister Eden is in charge of foreign affairs, so why can't the Secretary-General of the Cabinet also be the Executive Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? He didn't even take on the role of Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Finance like the previous two supreme authorities. Don't worry now, think of a way later.

Victor was actually very hesitant in his heart. He knew that he had a heavy responsibility this time. Although the person he wanted to meet was young, he had a strong background. He was the head of the British civil servants at the age of less than forty.

The previous ambassador had dealt with Alan Wilson, and he knew that this person who had nothing to do was not easy to deal with.

But domestic voices seem to have recognized the ability of the head of the British civil servants. If he insisted on letting him meet with the other party, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Want to buy food?" Alan Wilson had a playful look on his face when he heard it, and he knew what was going on in his heart, so he asked directly, "Mr. Ambassador, hasn't the Soviet Union been carrying out a corn campaign in recent years? How do you remember?" I have purchased food, and I believe that the Soviet Union will not fail to understand that Britain is an island country."

Valley destroyed

It is not Alan Wilson's style at all not to pretend to be reluctant at this time when the other party begs to come to the door.

He knew that there must be a risk to the food security of the Soviet Union, otherwise he would not have said anything about purchasing food.

According to the basic conditions, the Soviet Union's agriculture should not be a weakness. After all, the world's largest black land is in the Soviet Union. But, there were indeed agricultural weaknesses during the Soviet Union, which must be admitted.

On other issues, for example, the distribution mechanism in the Soviet Union was much worse. Many commodities in the Soviet Union had not changed their prices since the founding of the country. In the later period, the price inversion in the Soviet market became more and more serious.

For example, the cost of producing grain is higher than the bread sold, and it is not unheard of for the Soviet Union to feed livestock with bread.

And in terms of the degree of attention, heavy industry is greater than light industry than agriculture. Although no one seems to have paid more attention to agricultural issues than the CPSU at meetings at all levels, in fact the emphasis on heavy industry, light industry, and agriculture has never changed.

This is also related to the population of the Soviet Union. From the perspective of employment creation, heavy industry is smaller than light industry and smaller than agriculture. But the Soviet Union's emphasis was completely opposite, because the Soviet Union had to fight against the free world with a population far larger than itself, so it could only arrange it this way.

The population of the Soviet Union was not enough, so the labor force had to be allocated to heavy industry first. Light industry would be poor, and agriculture could only make do. If the Soviet Union had a population of a large country, even if it had a population of 400 million, this problem might not arise.

Alan Wilson said in his heart that the food problem is not impossible to solve, for example, the price can be raised. But it is estimated that the Soviet Union will not do this. They want to compare the military with the United States, and compare the welfare with Europe. Doesn’t the price increase mean that the great motherland is not good?

If the tone is high, you will encounter this kind of problem. You see that the per capita grain of Russia in later generations is far less than that of the Soviet Union. Hasn’t it become a major grain exporter like India? Poor, poor.

Britain is an island country is just a rhetoric. Even if Britain is really an island country, the food self-sufficiency rate is 75%, which is quite high among island countries, and it is definitely higher than Japan, which lost Hokkaido.

"Actually, it's not impossible to help this business from a commercial point of view, but Britain is not the Soviet Union, and everything is clearly marked. From a commercial point of view, the UK is willing to sell grain to the Soviet Union." It's fun to say that Britain is an island country, Alan Wilson It does not think that purchasing food is a problem for the UK. The UK has pounds in its hands, not rubles that no one recognizes.

"This is a gold-standard world. If the UK purchases, it also needs gold as a guarantee. If Ambassador Victor is okay, I will be happy to persuade the Prime Minister to carry out a normal economic and trade cooperation."

The USSR had to be bought with gold, Britain would not accept rubles, not even dollars. Because the price of the US dollar and gold is not the ratio of the Breston Woods system, so why the US dollar? It's more realistic to use gold.

Victor said that he would inform Moscow of the opinions of the British side, and Alan Wilson couldn't help but sigh that he was able to carry out a grain business while developing semiconductors. He is obviously a very focused person, which is really annoying.

A few days later, Victor seemed to have received instructions, and appeared in front of Alan Wilson again, expressing that he wanted to purchase 10 million tons of grain. After Alan Wilson knew about it, he took the written report and went to No. 10 Downing Street .

The great Prime Minister Eden was thinking about whether to announce a general election, and when he was thinking about it, he met the Secretary-General of the Cabinet, "Alan, what's the matter?"

"There is one happy thing." Alan Wilson directly took out a memo and put it in front of Soviet Union wants to buy food? Use gold? Aiden read the memo and asked directly, "How much?" "

"Preliminary estimate, 220 tons of gold wheat." Alan Wilson smiled like a fox, "Dear Prime Minister, it may be that the Cuban Missile Crisis gave the Soviet Union a step, and the United States just confronted the Soviet Union, which led to There is hostility between the two countries, I specifically asked, the Soviet Union has only made a purchase request to the UK at present."

Two hundred and twenty tons of gold? Aiden was shocked. This was almost two years' output of the Gold Coast, and 4% of the UK's gold reserves. Even though he had experienced strong winds and waves, he couldn't help but calm down, "This is really a big deal."

"So if the UK plays an important role in the international situation, there will still be rewards." Alan Wilson nodded and smiled.

"Can you handle this?" Aiden asked immediately. Obviously, the Prime Minister also hoped that the business could be done.

"I think it's okay, it's called the Gold-for-Food Program." Alan Wilson promised that in addition to the places directly controlled by North and South Rhodesia and Malaya, they can also be purchased through Canada and Australia, which recognize the value of the pound.