British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1247: Who lost Indonesia?


"Alan, is there someone next to you?" Elena Dulles had doubts in her voice, and the Alan she was talking about was naturally not a guest who came to Dulles' house, but his brother Alan Dulles.

"There is indeed an important guest, Elena, if you have time, let's go home and talk about it." Dulles glanced at Alan Wilson and said to his sister.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Elena Dulles was silent for a moment, and gave a positive reply to her brother's invitation.

The phone call was short, but the information contained in it was huge. Alan Wilson scratched his head when he heard a few words, and hurriedly asked, "Why is this happening? What's the situation in Indonesia now? I said a long time ago that Indonesia should be attacked. Otherwise, it would not have evolved to where it is today.”

Faced with Allen Wilson's unkind accusations, Dulles was speechless. This embarrassment rarely appeared on Dulles' face, but this time he was indeed a little embarrassed, "You should know that in the U.S. How difficult it is to send troops 10,000 kilometers away if you take military action immediately.”

"Laughing dead, the 16,000 soldiers in Vietnam are British?" Alan Wilson asked in a tone that you can really joke, "In the past few years, we have discussed Indonesian affairs with the United States over and over again, and we have received cold reception. It is just to subvert the plan. Now they can all be packed in suitcases, and Washington’s hesitation is the root cause of today’s loss of Indonesia.”

After the start of the Korean War, the Republican Party accused Truman of specifically questioning who lost China. Now it's time for the second round, who lost Indonesia?

Alan Wilson was full of victim's aggrieved face. It seemed that today's news had hit the UK extremely hard. He even began to say, "The United States has never respected its allies. You can't see anyone in your eyes. I think you are I am afraid that if Indonesia is killed, the influence of British Malaya will increase, and it will walk a tightrope between Britain and Indonesia."

"Absolutely not." Dulles was taken aback. The reason for the startle was that Alan Wilson's suspicion was true. That's what he and his brother, the secretary of state, really thought.

He regards the Soviet Union as an enemy, and Britain and France as potential enemies, but he can think so, and he must not say it out loud. He cannot accept Alan Wilson's accusation.

Dulles also had his own difficulties. The plan formulated by the British side was not radical in the early years. In recent years, especially in the past two years, all amphibious landings have allowed the United States to send special forces with a scale of thousands of people to act together with the United Kingdom.

Dulles didn't even handle Cuba, so he traveled thousands of miles to clean up a country with millions of square kilometers and a population approaching 100 million? This has exceeded his ability, if his brother is alive, it will be easier to say.

Seeing that the situation is about to move forward, the loss of Congo is the responsibility of the United Kingdom, and who is responsible for the loss of Indonesia. Dulles predicted the opponent's prediction, "The situation is still unclear, maybe there is still a chance for a comeback?"

"Where is the opportunity? Now all eyes are darkened." Alan Wilson's face was tense, as if he was suppressing his anger. The information leaked on the phone also shocked him.

The evolution of the situation he envisioned is not like this. Why don't they have a battle of wits and courage to decide who belongs to the largest country in Southeast Asia?

What now? what is this? Work hard to make a miracle? Whether it was a temporary idea or a long-term plan, I don't know it at all.

Elena Dulles was a little surprised when she came. She thought that her brother had found a second life after retirement. How could there be several female stars at home? After asking, she found out that they were brought by guests. She had already figured it out. The image of a middle-aged rich man in Hollywood, but when he met the Secretary-General of the British Cabinet, he realized that he was wrong.

"Sir Wilson, I didn't expect to have such a good relationship with the opposite **** in the United States." Elena Dulles asked with a light smile.

"Not all of them are of the opposite sex. My relationship with McCarthy and Robert is also very good." Alan Wilson replied sincerely.

Elena Dulles raised her eyebrows, and stopped talking when she heard Robert Kennedy's name, and said meaningfully, "The Attorney General is indeed an admirable person."

"I think he may be a great president again in the future." Alan Wilson replied decisively.

Elena Dulles wanted to say something, but Dulles spoke first, "Elena, what is going on in Indonesia? Is it related to the Jakarta axis?"

The Soekarno government in Jakarta has a good relationship with China and North Korea. The so-called Jakarta axis refers to China, North Korea and Indonesia.

"Jakarta is still in the fog. We don't know much about the situation. It may also be the Soviet Union. This happened just after the fleet sent by the Soviet Union to Indonesia arrived. Moscow is also not free from suspicion." Elena Dulles I want to know more clearly, but there is indeed limited information right now.

Gu Yu

Alan Wilson said repeatedly that the United States should have joined forces with the United Kingdom for a surgical assault. Even if it fails, it will not evolve into the situation it is today.

Elena Dulles naturally knew that her two elder brothers were anti-Soviet representatives who had to guard against Britain and France.

But no matter what, Britain and France are also allies of NATO, so they can only change the subject and say, "Sir Wilson, if military means are effective, Britain will not pull the United States to form NATO."

"There is a saying in the theory of monarchy that the most unreliable and vulnerable thing is that there is no strength to back it up, and there is nothing but a name or bluff." Allen Wilson quoted the classics and said slowly, "Does Ms. Elena think that, The United Kingdom can only rely on the United States. I would like to remind you that the United Kingdom has done everything that the United Kingdom should do when it was leading the world. Yes, everyone believes that the United States and the Soviet Union are now the leaders of the world."

"However, the United States has not yet shown that it is willing to uphold the will shown by the free world."

Alan Wilson's words can be described as a gun with a stick. Britain's world hegemony ended, at least it ended in the war. Regardless of whether it was World War II or the Suez Canal War, British military power also fought to the last moment.

The most unreliable and vulnerable thing is that there is no strength to back it up, and the words of false name or bluff are actually more suitable for the United States decades later.

From the moment of Kabul, the United States was incompetent and furious until the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Russia's fight was indeed not good, but it would not look good for the United States to sell teammates after the fire.

The problem is that you don't shout, the United States will never send troops. It's fine once, it's still yelling like a repeater.

Russia can break the pot and smash the pot, but you, the United States, are also on par with Russia? The cake you divide is the biggest. If you can't prove your national strength, what's the use of you? Brothers, just surrender directly. If you surrender early, you will not lose high officials and rich salary, just like Poland after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, for this city, the Indonesian Communist Party seems to have a particularly high sense of presence today. Members of the People’s Youth Association, trade unions, and women’s associations affiliated to the Indonesian Communist Party can be seen on the street in real time, as if they have received some kind of order.

Some gossip is circulating, saying that it is the US spokesperson for the military, and the United Nations is mobilizing forces outside the country to overthrow the Sukarno government, making Indonesia the spokesperson of reactionary forces in Southeast Asia, and at the same time giving up its sovereignty claims to Kalimantan and New Guinea .

This kind of gossip that was circulating was immediately officially announced by the noon broadcast, "Lt. Brigadier General Dozo, General Nasution, and General Suharto conspired to launch a coup, but the coup has been thwarted, and President Sukarno is safe and sound."

In the Soviet embassy, ​​Alexeyev said that the radio was turned off, and he continued to write a report on the maintenance of Indonesia's sovereignty and independence. After finishing the report, he happened to meet Ambassador Yegentimov when he left the room.

"Alyosha!" Yegentimov stopped Alekseev with a complicated look in his eyes, and he decided to have a good talk with the instigator of the miracle, "The battle in the suburbs is still going on. It is still unknown whether the bombing by the Figure 16 bomber can force Suharto to disarm and surrender."

The Soviet Union not only sent over a fleet, but also forty Figure 16 bombers. Of course, the pilot also took office with Alekseev. It was a great success, but Suharto still escaped, and contacted the Mechanized Siliwan Mechanized Unit.

Siliwang Yishi has already arrived in Jakarta. Of course, this side will not sit still. Forty Figure 16 bombers aided by the Soviet Union came in handy at this time and bombed the activated Siliwang Yishi.

It can be said that there is still the possibility of being received the telegram to be sent, and replied, "Comrade Ambassador, Sukarno is in our hands, as long as the mechanized troops are disarmed." Armed forces basically control the overall situation in Indonesia, and the fundamental reason is to prevent President Sukarno from making mistakes.”

The Indonesian Army also has armed forces supporting Sukarno, such as the Tiponegoro Division. Compared with the Siliwangyi Division, the main members of the Tiponegoro Division are progressive youths.

Diponegoro's division has also accepted the order issued by Sukarno, and is defending to prevent the Xili Wangyi division from advancing to support the military general.

After Alekseev came to Indonesia, he quickly learned from Edina of the Indonesian Communist Party that the strength of the Indonesian Communist Party has three million members, three million members of the People's Youth Association, and three million trade union members. What are you still hesitating about?

"Is President Sukarno still in the Independence Palace?" Alexeyev said of this suggestion, "In fact, we should have a deep talk with Mr. President to show that we have no malicious intentions."

At this moment, a man with the appearance of a diplomat came in, first gave a military salute to Alekseev, and then reported to Yegentimov, "Mr. The marching plan was thwarted. After a city-wide search, Suharto has also been captured."