British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1250: bad consequences

British Civil Service Volume 1250 Chapter 1250 Bad Consequences The current director of the Central Intelligence Agency, McCone, quickly spoke to appease, "Sir Wilson, things are always accompanied by setbacks."

"But we have too many setbacks." Alan Wilson sighed quietly, "Now I want to know why the United States always responds coldly when the United Kingdom has notified so many times that it should pay attention to Indonesia's movements? Huh?"

The answer is naturally that Dulles missed in Indonesia and avoided Indonesian affairs. However, although Dulles was dismissed and his brother had passed away, his sister still had a huge network in the State Department.

Dulles is still very powerful in the CIA, and McCone can only hide it for his predecessor, saying something that affects the whole body, "Because we know the strength of the Indonesian Communist Party, we must be careful and weigh it carefully. .”

"It is indeed a mature view after considering all the conditions, and we have seen the consequences now." Alan Wilson sarcastically said.

It must be strong in the face! Allen Wilson said in his heart that the Indonesian military and the Indonesian Communist Party have strong book power, which seems to be quite bluffing, but it is obviously the evaluation of the Iran-Iraq War, which can be summed up completely.

The Indonesian military defeated the Indonesian Communist Party in history, and in this world, the Indonesian Communist Party killed the Indonesian military. It was because the opponent was not doing well before the attack. I was scared in my heart. When I really did it, I found that the opponent was far less powerful than I thought. .

It's like before the war, where the Russian steel torrent passed, Ukraine just didn't look forward to it? But people also take it for granted that Ukraine is also the second leader in the Soviet Union.

When the United States threatened to kick Russia out of the trade settlement, people exclaimed that the financial nuclear bomb was coming, and the ruble would fall into waste paper. Moscow then told other countries that the essence of the currency must be linked to the real thing.

Wherever the torrent of steel went, the watchful fall did not appear, and the financial nuclear bomb fell and the ruble turned into waste paper, and it also fell through.

So the United States and Russia are numb! Originally, I thought my strengths were not so strong.

The United States, which controls the world's financial system, can't deal with a country whose economic aggregate is only one-tenth of its own.

A country known as a military power is so strenuous to chew on a Ukraine, and everyone has a bright future.

It's hard to say who will suffer more, but the United States will certainly not be as calm as it seems on the surface.

A world overlord keeps saying that Russia is a gas station. You, a world overlord, can’t shake your opponent even with the most powerful financial system. Will the financial system you control cause more countries to think like this?

We must know that the per capita income of the United States is 20,000 U.S. dollars higher than that of most developed countries, which is the dividend brought by financial hegemony. If the 20,000 U.S. dollar premium falls, I don’t know if the Americans who have enjoyed it are old-fashioned. So resistant.

The relationship between the Indonesian Republic and the Indonesian military is as fearful of each other as the United States and Russia. Otherwise, the situation of mutual dislike would not be maintained until 1965. As a result, after doing it, I realized that it was overestimated.

Just as Alan Wilson remembered that the Indonesian Communist Party was killed, it didn't make the Indonesian military feel too difficult. Judging from the news we have now, the Indonesian Communist Party took care of the Indonesian military very smoothly.

The question is what to do now, a solution is needed, what good is bashing? Sukarno has come out on the platform, and Indonesia's sharp approach to the Soviet bloc is inevitable. Is the free world ready to deal with it?

Don't look at Alan Wilson's idea of ​​discoloration in Indonesia, but he has no idea. Similarly, McCone is also confused. It still needs to be studied and researched. It is best to hold a meeting of the Five Eyes Alliance.

Alan Wilson, a guest who came to attend the state funeral, had to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the interests of the United Kingdom.

Temporarily unable to return to China, he will stay with Lana Turner for a few more days. For this reason, he must also thank this American friend for providing reliable logistical support. During the waiting time, Alan Wilson expressed his gratitude with practical actions.

In the morning, Lana Turner wakes up next to the man. She lay quietly, watching the sleeping secretary-general of the cabinet.

Her body had never felt so satisfying in her memory. She didn't think about why she had such a strong reaction to a man who wasn't very close; she simply accepted the joy and joy of this temporary stay.

She really didn't want to leave his warm body, but the growing chill in the room indicated that the fireplace downstairs needed more wood.

Lying next to a sleeping man like this, listening to his steady breathing—she hadn't had such simple pleasure in so long. She wanted to snuggle up to him, but didn't want to wake him up.

The man slept very deeply, which showed that he was really exhausted. After all, this man had to deal with Vanity Fair, which was far bigger than Hollywood.


His strong arms were hanging on the pillow, and she could see the marks of the watch on his wrist, which she guessed was because Alan Wilson attached great importance to the concept of time.

But even if he was so busy, last night he was still so lively and energetic, it was exciting to think about it.

Alan Wilson, who is like a dead pig, doesn't know that he is being judged and tried out.

It was three poles in the sun, and Alan Wilson, who was running for the country, woke up slowly, and took Lana Turner to do some morning exercises by the way.

"A high-ranking official like you must be surrounded by a lot of women, including young and beautiful ones." Lana Turner praised, "This time, it's still the same as before. Don't you want to change something new?"

"Indeed, but I'm a nostalgic person." Alan Wilson understands what Lana Turner means. Apart from Her Royal Highness, Pamela Mountbatten, a pair of dragoons and Hepburn, Xia Meng, other relationships are better Ma'am, she is indeed a little older now.

Lana Turner was also past forty, but when he met these ladies, they were still exciting, if not at the pinnacle of women.

How could Alan Wilson ignore someone who is so loyal to his feelings just because he is older?

He also has feelings, like Heidi Lamar, there are not many women who are not old, anyway, he has only seen such one.

People can't just focus on desires. You enjoyed them when they were at their best, but now that you're old, it's okay to turn a blind eye.

Besides, the secretary-general of the cabinet is already in his fourth year, so he has no right to pick others.

"I also have a lot of feelings. I didn't expect that those marriages would be better than you as a passer-by." Lana Turner couldn't help sighing after hearing this. Compared with this man's help, what she gave was really not much.

"We are all friends, and we should help each other." Alan Wilson straightened his back, and he liked others to praise himself. Like a poor worker in the East End of London, he proudly raised his chest.

This is a sense of accomplishment from the heart. Although he is not the husband of these ladies, he does not reject the role of a husband.

In an era of confrontation like the Cold War, a cabinet secretary-general with a heroic attitude was needed to **** him.

"I said, when can we eat?" Cheryl couldn't help but urge her mother and the man of the same status as her husband. She didn't mind this strange relationship before her eyes. She treats her like a daughter, but it would be better to talk about these things in private space, not now.

"Don't talk to your Uncle Wilson like that." Lana Turner reprimanded her daughter, and then her tone eased. "Wait, I have been in Europe for so long, and I haven't learned how to fill my stomach."

Compared with hard-working foreign friends, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is also busy, constantly convening experts on Asian issues to assess the possible consequences of Indonesia.

When the two tired intelligence directors met again, they both deeply admired each other's dedication. It can be seen at a glance that in the past forty-eight hours, the other party must have put in a lot of energy, look at the dark circles under the eyes, tsk tsk...

Alan Wilson no longer asked the question of who lost Indonesia, and McConn no longer entangled the existence of British Malaya, whether it was the root cause of the Sukarno regime's hostility to the free world after the war.

The two discussed openly and honestly, how to curb the sharp and bad situation in Southeast Asia, this is the top priority.

"Malaya is divided into two parts. East Malaysia is an island, and West Malaysia has a peninsula. It is not a big problem to defend. But if you want to suppress Indonesia, it will become extremely difficult. Regardless of the area and population, Malaya is at a disadvantage. The party." Alan Wilson said directly, "I suggest that the Paris Coordinating Committee immediately include Indonesia in and immediately list the embargo list."

Compared with the previous official attitude of wanting to cooperate with the United States to carry out amphibious landings, this change is quite pragmatic. In fact, it is the simple truth that if you say you have weapons of mass destruction, you better really have them.

Alan Wilson's explanation is that before the Indonesian military forces were still there, amphibious landings were carried out quickly in and out, and internal and external cooperation could kill the Indonesian Communist Party. Now that the pro-American high-level Indonesian military has been eliminated, military operations will It doesn't make sense anymore, but it will be true to what the Soviets said, the rhetoric that Britain and the United States colluded with the Indonesian military to want a coup.

Trade sanctions are acceptable, as are military exercises, embargo lists, and other means. In the process of meeting this time, the two reached a series of consensus.

"The biggest threat in Southeast Asia now is that once North Vietnam goes south with the support of the Soviet bloc." Alan Wilson was worried. "Once this situation occurs, the free world will lose completely, and the situation will evolve to the point where it cannot be controlled."

If such a bad consequence occurs, it will have a huge impact on the entire confrontation situation. It is no wonder that Alan Wilson will express his concern.
