British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1264: mccarthy candidacy

British Civil Service Volume 1264th Chapter 1264 McCarthy's candidacy Britain's attitude towards European countries is offshore balance, even if it wins, it will not kill. France during Napoleon's time was the most dangerous time for Britain. Britain did not do anything to France in the end.

Unconditional surrender, an original American slogan, can be said to have changed the rules of engagement of European countries, which is why the Germans resisted to the end even at the end of World War II.

Of course, the Germans may no longer remember the original intention of working hard at that time, and life must go on, and whether it is the Federal Republic of Germany or the Democratic Germany, the level of the two Germanys is not bad, isn't it?

Speaking of the German issue, because Alan Wilson played a role in it and established the connection between Iran and Germany, it is not difficult for the Germans to find out that the group that calls themselves the Aryans is actually not difficult to contact.

From this point of view, Alan Wilson is really good to the Germans. The special relationship between Germany and Iran is maintained, because the role of his British friend has not been interrupted, and he has resumed early.

"We can get the support of France on the Iran issue, but the Vietnam issue is not so simple. If you agree, you must agree, and if you oppose, you must still oppose." Alan Wilson solemnly urged that it is still the UK's responsibility to disrupt the restart of the Geneva Conference on the Vietnam issue. The pursuit, of course, must also let the United States know about Britain's efforts on this issue.

"Secretary-General, what should I do?" Brest had no clue, didn't know how to operate, and his diplomatic resistance seemed a bit too obvious.

Therefore, it is still necessary to operate from a force that has nothing to do with the government on the surface, that is, public opinion. Alan Wilson whispered embarrassingly, "I personally don't want to dig deeper. The bad things that France did in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, but this time is disgusting and disgusting." The French, too, are inevitable."

The most hated group is women and children, no matter what the ethnicity is, if you find a newspaper to leak some battlefield records, it is enough to form a sad report for those who hear it.

Disgusting France, but we also need to grasp a measure, otherwise it may arouse the anti-British sentiment of the French. This is not impossible. We do not blame the French, but the black French soldiers.

During the Vietnam War, there were many black African soldiers in the French army in Vietnam. In fact, considering that Algeria was still in the hands of France, it would be more appropriate to blame the North African soldiers.

Far from the native French, many Vietnamese women have shown an extremely savage and primitive temperament in their minds as a hybrid animal of monkey and woman.

In many French factories at that time, the guards were black mercenaries from the French colonies. Although they were discriminated against by their masters, they showed a strong sense of superiority towards Vietnamese women.

These black mercenaries often used the female workers to catch and **** them when they came home from get off work or took a bath in the creek.

Those black mercenaries also broke into the toilet during working hours and raped the female workers there. The black guards at the entrance and exit of the factory used the opportunity of inspection to touch the female workers almost every day. The affront to this daily routine sparked protests from the workers.

This kind of humiliation eventually caused the Vietnamese and the French to fight each other. The resistance of the Vietnamese finally gathered into a powerful military force and fought the French expeditionary force head-on.

Alan Wilson has already predicted the French ambassador's prediction, put Dixon on top to replace himself, accepted the French protests, and then expressed regret on his behalf. Britain is a society with freedom of speech. The newspaper that reported it was blocked, although he has a way to make the effect the same as the blockade.

"It's as if you British are so clean." Dixon, who returned to Whitehall, conveyed the anger of the French in every detail.

"It's really different. I dare not say that there is no crime in all the colonies, but in Malaya, it is safer than Paris, the capital of France." Alan Wilson replied indifferently, but the price was determined by the specific region. For example, Singapore, which specializes in attracting female workers from neighboring countries, or Thailand, which is not far away.

"I also expressed the attitude of the United Kingdom. The Geneva meeting can no longer solve the problem. At the same time, Switzerland is not a neutral country and cannot take on the role of an international meeting." Dixon continued to report, "Secretary-General, is this a little bit?"

"What's the matter? The goodwill of the Americans is more important, or the goodwill of the French?" Alan Wilson looked at Dixon with a look of reliability. "The French are now repeatedly singing against Washington. We maintain the special In terms of relations, this is already the lowest-cost method. Should we terminate the cooperation project between the two countries and show our sincerity to the United States with a way that hurts both sides?"

valley fear

Isn't this also proving to the United States that Britain is reliable, at least more reliable than France, which is becoming more and more rebellious. In this way, the United States will go to Vietnam with confidence and boldness to prove that the United States is stronger than France.

Pamela Mountbatten is back and Alan Wilson, who ended his career as a **** officer in March, is back as a family man. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, and I miss you so much. The couple have endless things to say, such as, “You’re doing well in London. Margaret’s child will definitely be born with more love.”

"Honey, can't you forgive my mistakes? In fact, no one can compare to what you think in my heart." Alan Wilson was only two knocks on his wife, so he could only change the subject, "This year's international situation It took me a lot of time and I really needed my wife's understanding."

"You're going to get me." Pamela Mountbatten rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it the Iran and Vietnam issue? I think the United States seems to be expressing that they cherish peace or something."

"That's because the United States is going to have a general election this year." Alan Wilson chuckled. "Based on the current polls, no one thinks that Lyndon Johnson will lose. So he has a conservative attitude and tries not to speak out on the Vietnam issue. Instead, the Republican rhetoric is out of line, trying to attract attention when there is no possibility of victory."

"I heard that your friend McCarthy announced his candidacy." Pamela Mountbatten said suddenly, "Do you know about this? How is he planning to run?"

"Whether he can win the opponents of the Republican Party is a question." Alan Wilson shook his head and expressed little hope, "The Republican Party may choose extremely radical election slogans. If Lyndon Johnson doesn't express his position, the Republican Party will act as a spokesperson for war. By looking at it, you can also see how many Americans are truly conservative."

Several Republican candidates are now advocating war by coincidence. They may not be very belligerent, but the Republican Party has to adopt a strategy of attracting people's attention because of the great disadvantage of Kennedy's assassination.

During this period, the military and political situation in South Vietnam deteriorated dramatically, making it even more difficult for Washington to choose between avoiding direct military intervention or preventing the fall of South Vietnam. Serious differences of opinion arose over what to do about the faltering Saigon regime, vacillating Lyndon Johnson and confusing policy in Washington.

Growing frustration and desperation about this difficult and dangerous issue runs like a black thread through the government's debate.

One of the Republican candidates, Barry Goldwater, had taken a hard line on Vietnam.

He yelled at his supporters at Republican rallies that when French troops in Vietnam were surrounded at Dien Bien Phu ten years ago, the United States should have dropped a low-energy atomic bomb to destroy the woods where the attackers took cover.

The next day, he expanded on this point. If the United States intervened, he said, it would surely be able to "advance the war into North Vietnam — which we should have bombed a decade ago without risking our lives." Needless to say, this bellicose rhetoric surprised many voters .

With such a colleague, even McCarthy became milder, and of course McCarthy also supported the United States to solve the Vietnam problem once and for all, just like it did in the Korean War.

"Participating in the general election this time is a very critical step in life for me, and it may be the only opportunity. Up to now, I am so emotional that I can't help myself. Can you feel this feeling, my friend!"

Across the Atlantic, Alan Wilson could also feel the excitement of his old friend. As a politician who started out as an anti-Soviet, McCarthy was not immune to the presidency.

At this time, McCarthy still maintains correspondence with Alan Wilson. How can the secretary-general of the cabinet not be moved~ He called back without stopping, expressing encouragement for McCarthy's campaign path in the telegram "We have survived crisis and danger for a long time, and we have almost unanimously agreed that the United States is concerned about any threat to this order ... because we have learned the hard way that we can no longer wait for the torrent of conflict to come. Invade our shores. Aggression and instability anywhere in the world will sow the seeds of our own freedom and civilization."

"Can McCarthy win?" Pamela Mountbatten asked her man after seeing her husband complete a provocative call back.

"I can't win, but he is my friend, and I want to encourage him." Alan Wilson remembers that the disparity in this general election was either the first or the second in American history. Apart from the historic breakthrough, it can be called a crushing defeat.

However, the capture of the southern states that the Democratic Party lost because of the affirmative action also marked the beginning of the two parties stealing from each other. The Republican Party became more and more conservative, and the Democratic Party followed the political correctness and never returned.

The affairs of the United States have nothing to do with him, but McCarthy is his friend and is running for election at this time. He must stand by his friend, even if this friend is not very popular in the eyes of many people.
