British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1270: tonkin bay incident


The Gulf of Tonkin patrol program was seen by some as worthless, most of the South Vietnamese agents sent to North Vietnam were either captured or killed, and the raids at sea were innocuous.

The U.S. Navy was wasting fuel protecting such a group of South Vietnamese agents, but soon the Pentagon will prove that the patrol program is useful, just not necessarily everyone's favorite.

Several South Vietnamese patrol boats attacked two North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin, believed to be supporting infiltration to the south. Early the next morning, the American destroyer USS Maddox, on a De Soto patrol, sailed to Tokyo Bay, far from the two islands.

At 3:40 p.m., the Maddox reported several fast gunboats approaching her, and a few minutes later the ship came under torpedo and automatic weapon fire. There were no casualties or damage aboard the Maddox.

There was no doubt that the Maddox had been attacked: the crew removed shrapnel from North Vietnamese shells from the deck and sent the shrapnel to the Pentagon to confirm that the attack had actually taken place.

Compared with the USS Maine half a century ago, the United States today is not the same, in all aspects, and there is no need to sacrifice a warship to achieve the goal.

At the time of the incident, the Maddox was moored on the open sea, more than twenty-five miles from the coast of North Vietnam. An attack on the world's largest navy by North Vietnam, which had only theoretical sea power, would not be tolerated. The entire United States is boiling, and the US Navy warships are being attacked on the high seas. This is a provocation to the dignity of the United States.

South Vietnamese ambassador Maxwell Taylor objected to the decision to downplay the incident. In a late-night cable to the State Department, he noted that failure to respond to unprovoked attacks on U.S. destroyers on the high seas would be seen as "a sign that the United States is afraid of direct confrontation with the North Vietnamese."

The public opinion of the whole world is boiling, and Britain is boiling ahead of the United States. The major British newspapers are extremely shocked, and the headlines are all sensational, expressing the reporting concept that I don't understand but I am greatly shocked.

The secretary-general of the cabinet, who was in a good mood, finished his day's work energetically and went home anxiously to express his loyalty to the female president.

"So good today." Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband coming in, took the remote control to turn off the TV, and floated towards her husband.

"When did I become misbehaved?" Alan Wilson hugged his wife's body and said in a tone that no one is more loyal to his wife than him, "A good relationship with the media will help both your career and my career."

"Do you think a destroyer with no casualties is worth causing a large-scale war?" Pamela Mountbatten acted according to her husband's words, which didn't mean she agreed with the man's point of view.

"Who is right? Not necessarily for the United States. Aren't they the world's hegemon?" Alan Wilson sat down together holding his wife's hand, and said happily, "The Americans have something to do. For most countries, it's a good thing."

"Then what are you going to do?" Pamela Mountbatten asked, frowning. South Vietnam was very close to Malaya. She really didn't want the situation that her husband said to develop like this.

Gu Yu

"Of course it is calling for peace. We want to emphasize the importance of Europe and persuade the United States not to start war lightly." Alan Wilson said firmly in a pacifist tone, "Isn't it the majesty of the world's hegemony, in fact, as long as the bottom line It’s not particularly important to be flexible enough.”

The more you don't want to do something, the more you have to keep emphasizing that you want to do it. It's a very basic truth. Is the British persuasion useful? That is of course useless. The British persuaded the Korean War at the beginning, but the United States entered the Korean peninsula without hesitation. Our efforts to maintain peace at this time are infinitely equivalent to the effect of Hun Tuo Dasheng.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident seems to be a little earlier. I wonder if it will affect the US aircraft carrier being bombed and sunk by North Vietnam. It would be a pity if it was affected. After all, it was the only aircraft carrier sunk after the war. Alan Wilson still hopes that this crown can be won by the hardworking and brave Vietnamese people.

Armstrong, the British ambassador to the United States, was practicing domestic instructions and doing his best to save the peace. He approached the US Secretary of State Dean Rusk to explain Britain's views on this matter. The British official position, like the Korean War, was that North Vietnam was not worth fighting for.

"Dear Secretary of State, war is terrible after all. Britain is worried about the development of the situation." Armstrong expressed Britain's concerns without concealment.

"Mr. Ambassador, I also understand your and the UK's concerns about this matter very well, but I can't promise anything." Dean Rusk is a very close person, and he took time to receive the British ambassador at this time, but this Being close to the people can't change anything, it's too late to say anything now.

"The U.S. warship was not damaged, not even a single wounded. In fact, it can be regarded as a misfire." Armstrong is still fulfilling his mission. never happened.

This means that even if the attack is real, the United States has no loss. This kind of view is very easy to stand and talk, and now even American public opinion knows that American warships have been attacked on the high seas.

How could Dean Rusk act as if nothing happened? This year is a general election year, and now is the time for bipartisan elections. If the United States keeps silent, the Republican Party will seize the opportunity to make a fuss. Not to mention the United States, now that even the British know about it, the United States has made a big deal smaller?

The Pentagon claims that the Maddox sent a cable saying that an attack from some unidentified ships appeared to be Maddox's intelligence came from a highly classified report from the National Security Agency, which intercepted Various orders in North Vietnam. An hour later, the Maddox cabled that radar contact had been established with three unidentified vessels.

Dark clouds and stormy winds thickened the night, making visibility extremely poor. In the following hours, the Gulf of Tokyo has been in chaos.

The Maddox and Turner Joy reported being attacked by more than two dozen torpedoes. They saw the wake of the torpedoes, the lights in the aft compartment of the enemy ship, the flashes of flashlights, and the firing of automatic weapons. Radar and sonar waves were received.

At this time, the Pentagon was discussing how to deal a head-on blow to North Vietnam, which despised the majesty of the United States. Armstrong bid farewell to Dean Rusk in disappointment, and returned to the embassy to tell London that the belligerent nature of the Americans made persuasion full of thorns.

"That's such a pity." Alan Wilson tilted his head and clamped the microphone in the Cabinet Secretary's Office, and said with joy, "We still can't give up our efforts to save peace, Dixon, when I express my condolences and thanks to Ambassador Armstrong, he has already Did everything that could be done.”

Putting down the microphone, Alan Wilson stood up and walked around the desk, lit a cigar and took a puff, with a long flavor.