British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1280: America punches hard

British Civil Service Volume 1280th Chapter 1280 The United States made heavy blows to the leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement and the leaders of the Third World. They are all real, and this is a status that India has never achieved in the future. At the time of the Geneva Conference, India also appeared as one of the parties mediating the French-Vietnamese War. Who can still think of India now.

"Honey, what are you thinking?" Pamela Mountbatten flashed a smirk on her face. She felt that her husband, who was in a trance, must be recalling the glorious days of the colonists.

This time she really guessed wrong, Alan Wilson didn't think so, "I was just thinking, if you choose war, you must be prepared for all wars. Otherwise, it will be India's end."

When the Indians stand up bravely, the enemy will retreat? Is this a strategy that modern people can think of? It is no surprise that Nehru was unhappy.

War will have an impact on any country, but because of the gap in national strength, some countries can resist hard.

Take the United Kingdom as an example. The United Kingdom has at least survived the Boer War and the two World Wars, and now it is really unstoppable. At least not with the permanent members of the United Nations.

While Alan Wilson has a profound artistic conception, the ceremony to commemorate Nehru is still going on. Indians still have great affection for this de facto founder of India.

In a sense, Gandhi, whom Allen Wilson ridiculed, is also a hero of India. Although Gandhi's idea was indeed to turn India into a large rural area.

Every era has its own ideas, and the era when Gandhi fought for independence cannot be judged by the ideas of later generations.

When did Gandhi claim independence? It was before the First World War. At that time, Gandhi, not to mention non-violent non-cooperation, would have been betrayed by the Indians themselves to the colonial government of British India if he chanted two slogans.

At that time, Britain was a genuine empire on which the sun never sets. When the soldiers were recruited from India in World War I, Indians were all eager to join the army to maintain the glory of the empire on which the sun never set. Their enthusiasm was no lower than that of the British mainland. In the eyes of Indians at that time, no country in the world could compete with Britain. What Germany, it will surrender in three months!

In a society that was going through fire and water for the empire on which the sun never sets, Gandhi dared to call for independence, of course he deserved Nehru's praise for Gandhi. As for India's discovery that Britain was actually not much stronger than other powers, and its thinking began to change, that is another issue.

As the last Governor-General of British India, Mountbatten is of symbolic importance, appearing from start to finish until standing next to the pyre where Nehru was to be cremated.

On this occasion, Allen Wilson thanked him for being insensitive, and took Pamela Mountbatten away by the way, not wanting to witness the cremation ceremony.

Anyway, both the Foreign Secretary and Mountbatten were there, and the U.S. Secretary of State Rusk also had a strong desire to perform. In front of the top leaders of the Congress Party, he called Nehru the greatest figure of our time.

But in fact, what Rusk wants to communicate with the British most now is how the future situation of India will develop, especially whether India will fall into the arms of the Soviet Union like Indonesia. If this is possible, the United States hopes that the United Kingdom will use its influence to intervene.

"Although the National Congress Party tends to be socially fair, it still has a very different concept from the Soviets." Alan Wilson said in his heart that Americans really look down on Britain, and a country of India's size can be easily Intervened? "Some hasty thinking and action could escalate the situation in South Asia. Our view is to wait and see."

Rabo Butler also deeply agrees, and his consideration is naturally similar to that of Alan Wilson. The United States highly values ​​the influence of the United Kingdom. Once the colonization withdraws, it will never go back. Do you still hope to influence the political situation in India? I really think too much.

"We just think that Britain should play an important role in Indian affairs." Rusk said calmly, "The United States has always respected Britain's interests in South Asia."

"Thank you for the respect of the United States!" Alan Wilson responded with a smile, "We hope that the situation in South Asia will be stable, and we will try our best to maintain the current situation."

You can't just get carried away just because the United States is pouring ecstasy soup. Now that India has become independent, it is impossible for Britain to come back.

If you really believe in the United States, the United Kingdom is short-sighted. Faced with a dilemma, it is probably equivalent to a certain big country releasing an aircraft carrier promotional video to prove that I can build it, and at the same time testing anti-ship ballistic missiles to prove that I can also do arsenal ships, and then Ask the Americans how to follow.

This kind of far-reaching decision-making cannot be done in one go. The reason why the United States encounters naval problems is not because the Soviet Union felt that it was invincible after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and then made such **** as the Zumwalt-class and Littoral Combat Ships. , squeezing the normal update schedule? When I came back to my senses, dozens of capital ships lined up to reach the service life, resulting in continuous spending of money and the fleet getting smaller and smaller.

It can be seen how terrible the decision-making mistakes are. No matter what the Americans say, the UK must remain calm. Alan Wilson did not forget to take the opportunity to say, "I hope to solve this problem with the new US government."

Mountbatten finally came back with the unique atmosphere of Indian open-air cremation. Alan Wilson immediately avoided and asked his wife to bite his ear. It is more appropriate to leave this occasion to Mountbatten.

During these two days in India, the U.S. general election officially kicked off, and McCarthy challenged Lyndon Johnson like a fighter.

President Lyndon Johnson succeeded his predecessor, John F. Kennedy, as president of the United States nearly a year ago after the assassination, and Johnson has managed to link himself to Kennedy's popularity.

Many people think that Lyndon Johnson will lead the Democratic Party to a big victory, which is exactly the case. Public opinion is generally not optimistic about McCarthy.

In particular, many Republican candidates have taken a radical stance on the situation in South Vietnam, including McCarthy himself. Lyndon Johnson declared that if McCarthy won, nuclear war with the Soviet Union would break out.

The war accusations against McCarthy, combined with Kennedy's influence, made Lyndon Johnson invincible, and even the Republican camp just hoped that McCarthy would not lose a record.

As the voting began, McCarthy's disadvantage became more and more obvious. In the end, Alan Wilson, a good friend, did not perform miracles and lost in this general election.

However, it is worth noting that although McCarthy lost this election, he managed to win seven southern states. In the past, the Republican Party had never won in a southern state. Because many southern Democrats were dissatisfied with the Democratic Party's support for the civil rights movement, they began to support the Republican Party. The idea of ​​the Republican Party marked that the Republican Party gradually gained an advantage in the South.

This change was also noticed by the Republican camp. Although McCarthy was defeated, he was also encouraged by his Republican colleagues.

Alan Wilson, who got the news, knew that this general election was an exchange of the fundamentals of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and the layout of the American general election in later generations has also begun to take shape. From this, it can be seen that the Democratic Party lost the South for the first time without splitting. Base, since then, the term Southern Base has officially entered history.

Alan Wilson, who had finished attending Nehru's funeral, immediately sent his blessings to McCarthy, hoping that this old friend would not be discouraged and make persistent efforts.

Lyndon Johnson, who was re-elected, does not need consolation. He has been successfully re-elected, but now he must practice bravery and give a severe blow to North Vietnam, which bombed the US aircraft carrier and opened fire on the United States.

The first person to arrive in Washington was South Korean Foreign Minister Lee Dong-won. With the expectations of South Korean President Park Chung-hee, Lee Dong-won met Lyndon Johnson and expressed South Korea's willingness to join the war. This was a boon for Lyndon Johnson, who struggled with the potential for civil discontent over conscription.

"We are willing to deploy 2,000 soldiers to provide support for the U.S. military operations in Vietnam." Lee Dong-won spoke with great sincerity. Of course, he did not hide the fact that South Korea is now impoverished and was almost swallowed up by famine last year. South Korea must guarantee Domestic stability requires some economic support from the United States.

This is the right time for South Korea to express the value of the united front. For Lyndon Johnson, the United States could not have given support to a country like South Korea. On the contrary, few allies such as the United States are willing to send troops. Needless to say, France is now confronting the United States in almost all fields.

Both the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy were defeated countries, especially when Germany faced the Soviet Union directly, and the United States was unwilling to weaken Germany's armed forces in the face of the Soviet Union's ground threat.

After encouraging the Koreans, Lyndon Johnson held a military meeting and called in former President Eisenhower to listen to the views of the five-star general.

"Bombing helps to achieve this goal. Bombing will not completely eliminate infiltration, but it will help weaken Hanoi's resolve to continue fighting So, I think the time has come for the president to change from retaliatory strikes to pressure campaigns Already." After listening, Eisenhower said to Lyndon Johnson, "Has the Pentagon assessed how many troops it needs?"

"It may take eight divisions." Lyndon Johnson didn't hide anything, and said 1510, "If we don't pay attention, the entire Indochina Peninsula and even the entire Southeast Asia will be lost."

"I wish I didn't have to use so many troops, but since that's the case, let's do it this way." Eisenhower did not hesitate for long before expressing his support for the ground war.

Since even Eisenhower, an American hero, supported the war, Lyndon Johnson had no obstacles in front of him, and the three-year bombing of North Vietnam officially began at this moment. At the same time, together with South Korea, they continued to increase troops to South Vietnam and began to prepare for ground war.

"Do you know what to do when you get back to Perth, dear?" Alan Wilson asked confidently as he took his wife's arm to see him off at the airport.

"The Americans are invincible, and the North Vietnamese suffered heavy casualties." Pamela Mountbatten answered her husband knowingly, "I understand, and Australians love to hear this."
