British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1315: Labor is back

"What's more, the Prime Minister has announced the opening of the general election, and this matter should be put on hold for the time being." Speaking of this, Alan Wilson asked Brest, "Does the Prime Minister know the European Parliament's proposal?"

"Not yet." Brest opened his mouth, and then said, "Then I will inform the Prime Minister immediately?"

"Not yet, the prime minister is busy with the general election, which may distract the prime minister, and it's hard to say what impact it will have on the general election." Alan Wilson waved his hand, "Actually, we know very well in our hearts that no matter which party's supporters , is not interested in the United States of Europe, although this statement was first put forward by Churchill. There are some Europeanists in France, but in fact de Gaulle himself is not necessarily interested in the United States of Europe, he cares more about France Leading Europe, not being equal to the rest of Europe."

If the United States of Europe really appeared, but it was not led by France, and France was just an ordinary member of it, would France still care so much? You have one vote for France, but not one for Hungary?

Those pro-American Eastern European countries in later generations listened to the call and did not listen to the announcement. If the French knew this, they would not have taken them in at the beginning.

The current European Community system is very good. Both Britain and France maintain a relatively strong strength, and there is no such urgency to survive in the cracks of integrating Europe.

"Then what is the reason for our opposition, and how can we explain it to the United States?" Brest asked, mainly on the latter question, the former is not a big problem, as Britain has always been conservative about European integration.

"Let's just say that France and China and the Soviet Union are hooking up. We can't judge what the French think, so we can just say that." The indetermination of foreign affairs will lead to disasters. It is an expedient measure for us to carry out cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union. Don't deal with it, but if France does this, France will vote for the Communist Party.

The European Parliament's most concerned proposals are actually nothing more than Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. As long as France's attitude is clarified, these countries can be easily handled.

Due to the critical moment of the general election, this is not a priority in itself, and it is not necessary to tell the Prime Minister. Even if he is told, Aiden may not necessarily take it seriously.

Aiden is more concerned about the reforms in Egypt than in Europe. After all, the Soviet Union did not seek trouble in Europe. Even West Berlin, the source of the trouble, can't get rid of the weeds.

The Egyptian reform has been carried out with the support of the two queen mothers, the two women who carried Egypt through adversity. There are several aspects to promote the construction of the Aswan Dam and complete the electrification of Egypt. In order to increase national strength and take back the Suez Canal, the front is full of old slogans, but the following part is the reform of the industrial layout.

But in fact, this is not industrialization. There is a term called import substitution strategy, which means banning a certain type of foreign products and freeing up the market to develop its own manufacturing industry.

Gradually replace imported products with domestic products in the domestic market, create favorable conditions for the development of domestic industry, and realize industrialization. Also known as the import substitution industrialization policy, it is the product of an inward-looking economic development strategy.

The general practice is that the state encourages foreign private capital to establish joint ventures or cooperative enterprises in the country by giving preferential treatment in taxation, investment and sales; or through processing trade such as incoming materials and parts to improve the level of industrialization.

The inward-looking import substitution strategy is a very rudimentary industrialization. Industrialization at this stage is actually not a threat to Europe and the United States. Egypt during the Nasser period, Iraq during the Saddam period, and Syria during the old Assad period were all like this. route, the upper limit of this route is nothing more than India, Brazil, and Argentina.

When import substitution reaches a certain upper limit, it will stagnate. It is similar to cleaning the house in the second stage of opening the door. In fact, very few countries can make it.

Based on Egypt's basic conditions, 97% of the land is actually desert, and this upper limit will only be lower, so it is not worth making a fuss about. What Whitehall meant was that encouraging Egypt to increase its ability to take care of itself would not have an impact on British interests, and it took a lot of spit to get Eden to agree with this conclusion.

Naturally, British public opinion reported positively. Now that the two kings and queens of Egypt have reformed, I have to say that the two queens are still very deceptive. Maybe this is a unique advantage of women. Judging from the feedback from the Egyptian people, the Egyptians are actually looking forward to this round of reforms.

It is also a reasonable approach to use economic reforms to buy time for political reforms. As long as Egypt is stable, Britain can relax a little. Don't worry about the aorta being cut.

As for the prudence of the Egyptian royal family, it is not incomprehensible. The Free Officers Organization, which originated in Egypt, has gained power in Yemen. Yemen is not far from Egypt, which is enough to make the Egyptian royal family more vigilant.

If Alan Wilson guessed correctly, the National Development Strategy that the Free Officers Organization is in power in Yemen should also be an import substitution strategy. For most countries, there are only a few ways, and there will be no kingdoms that can be used. The Republic Just can't use the difference.

India's later generations are typical countries that implement the import substitution strategy, and it has been implemented for a long time. It has been implemented since the Nehru era. If it is implemented for too long, it will naturally have disadvantages. Under the protection of the Indian state, various industries have continuous technological content. The goods in Southeast Asia can't beat it, and the free trade treaty made by it has become a big country and becomes the dominant country.

Originally, Southeast Asian countries wanted to bring India in to balance the economic aggregate of a certain big country, but India really failed the expectations of Southeast Asia. What about the agreed eastward strategy?

Some of the current problems will naturally be resolved after the general election. After work, Alan Wilson walked out of the Whitehall. Radwig was already waiting beside Gintama. When he saw the boss coming out, he said directly, "Mr. Lin Lianyu, the president of the Malayan Chinese, today Arrived in London."

Raising his wrist to look at the time, Alan Wilson nodded and said, "Schedule a time, and I will have a chat with Mr. Lin."

With his support, Lin Lianyu, a scholar, succeeded in becoming the president of the Malayan Chinese Labor Union after Chen Zhenlu died of illness. From the perspective of Allen Wilson, it is more at ease to use traitors.

However, the level of traitors is generally not of great help, so it is still necessary to use some people who protect the interests of the Chinese to control the MCA.

In this way, it is also easy to maintain a good relationship with a certain big country. The two sides may not be friends. After all, a certain big country in the Vietnam War was one of the backers of North Vietnam, but there is no need to become an enemy.

For profit in Southeast Asia, Britain still needs Malaya to play an important role, especially since the Netherlands has already started to promote the independence of Kalimantan, but retains the Dutch influence on Kalimantan and retains its military base.

Since Guyana's independence, there have been scenes of a large number of Guyanese running away with money before independence, and these people have poured into the Netherlands.

The Netherlands does not have his supreme authority. Knowing that British Kenya will cause a large-scale influx of Indians into the UK, it has tightened the immigration barriers in advance, and now it still insists that Kenya will not allow independence.

Hundreds of thousands of Guyanese poured into the Netherlands, letting the Netherlands know what colonial sequelae are. Now the Dutch government has followed the example of the United Kingdom in the past few years and tightened immigration standards for colonies. The population of Mandan is not large in Southeast Asia, but it is countless times larger than that of Guyana. The Dutch do not want another immigration wave.

"Master Zhongtang!" Lin Lianyu greeted the arrival of the supreme British authority. As one of the two bridges between the Chinese in Malaya and London, Lin Lianyu did his best.

"Mr. Lin, it's not been a long time." Alan Wilson took the initiative to shake hands with the other party, and then explained his idea of ​​economic support for the Chinese in Malaya.

In fact, his and his wife's purpose is the same, but people have to walk on two legs. Pamela Mountbatten is a businessman, so she wins over the wealthy class, and Alan Wilson is an official, so she wins over most of the Chinese workers.

In the shipbuilding competition with Japan, the UK had to focus on transforming the comprehensive shipbuilding industry into a specialized shipbuilding industry. The industries that were moved out had already been decided to be located in Penang.

Apart from Vietnam, which is at war, and Indonesia, which will expand and become more pro-Soviet as time goes by, Southeast Asia is still the territory of the free world. Chinese are naturally widespread in Southeast It is natural to follow a certain big country because of national sentiments, but they should follow Britain because of class sentiments.

Alan Wilson believed in the Soviet Union very much, so he wanted to use class unity to fight against the national sentiments of a certain big country.

"Industrial transfer has never been said and done. If the Chinese in Penang can accept it, a community of British immigrants will appear, and the salary of British masters will be higher at the beginning. I am willing to promote this issue." Alan Wilson wrote a check "Of course, the next time we discuss this matter formally, I hope that all the senior officials of the MCA will come and have a good talk with the new prime minister who we don't know yet. If Mr. Lim is not busy, he can wait until the end of the election in London. This is not impossible."

The general election will start next month. It is impossible to judge the final result of these elections, but there are some signs. The Welsh and Scottish Labor parties will generally gain the upper hand. But in England, the main battlefield, Harold Wilson has fully integrated the Labor Party, and this time it can be described as menacing.

As for the Conservative Party, diplomatic efforts have been made. The UK still has a high sense of international presence. As for the economic aspect, Eden himself is not very concerned about it. This is also a fact that voters know.

On March 21, the general election began again, and the whole of Britain once again pretended that the real master of the country decided the future. The entire Whitehall once again entered the state of spectators, and even some unreliable colleagues even offered odds, treating this sacred occasion as a child's play, which is unbearable.

"The Labor Party has won the election with an advantage of ninety-six seats!" Alan Wilson, who was like a puppet, saw the news of the Labor Party's victory on TV when both shoulders were occupied by Anna and Pokina. Surprised, he felt Labor might win, but nearly a hundred seats?