British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1348: peace in our time

In fact, no one is a prophet of May Storm. Except for Alan Wilson himself, no one will feel that it will definitely happen, but as I said before, it is always right to take precautions before they happen.

"Well, let's meet." Holding the microphone, Alan Wilson agreed to the meeting request of the Australian intelligence chief.

"Going out again?" A trace of displeasure flashed in Hepburn's eyes, why is this man always so busy, he finally came to the United States, and he couldn't accompany her every day.

Holding Hepburn's face in his hands, Allen Wilson kissed heavily on the red lips, and said in a flattering tone, "I don't want to either, but Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations also have things to discuss."

As we all know, the United States is not a country of the Commonwealth of Nations. As for the other three countries, the main dispute between the United Kingdom and Canada in the past two years was the issue of the Canadian flag. Alan Wilson really wanted to keep the British Union Jack, but in the end Still can't hold back the public opinion in Canada, watching the maple leaf flag come out.

This proves that although Britain has a better civil foundation in Canada, in fact, it surpasses Australia, but when it comes to competing for influence, it is better to choose Australia. Canada is too close to the United States, and the national strength of the United Kingdom is not the opponent of the United States.

Australia is far away from the United Kingdom and the United States, and Britain still holds colonies in the South Pacific, which can influence Australia's major policies.

"If it is really impossible to destroy North Vietnam, it is also possible for us to ensure the existence of South Vietnam as the basis for victory." In front of the intelligence chiefs of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Alan Wilson stopped hiding and set the bottom line of victory. It's a little bit lower, which seems a bit politically incorrect.

But the intelligence chiefs of the three countries didn't know that this seemingly peaceful proposal was nothing more than Alan Wilson's retreat, digging a hole and waiting for the Americans.

Because apart from him, no one in this world knows that there is no country called Nanyue in later generations, and Nanyue was eventually wiped out.

Therefore, taking the preservation of the existence of South Vietnam as a victory condition is simply a false proposition. The United States agreed to this seemingly suitable condition, and would only suffer a defeat.

The existence of South Vietnam does not depend on the United States, or even on a certain big country, but on the leader of North Vietnam, Le Duan.

Later, in the eyes of a certain big country, Le Duan was certainly a bully under the Soviet Union and a thug on par with Cuba, but his choice was not wrong, regardless of his national standpoint.

There is nothing wrong with a certain big country being able to benefit or not benefit the Soviet Union.

If it makes sense to attack a big country from a distance, then Vietnam also thinks it makes sense. Le Duan seized the period of time when the Soviet Union gave full support and wiped out South Vietnam in one fell swoop. From this perspective, she must be a hero of the Vietnamese.

How could Le Duan know that the Soviet Union had not mastered the practice of strategic determination, and finally used too much force in the global offensive.

But this is not to blame the Soviet Union. History will not simply repeat itself, and there will always be deja vu. After the Americans performed the trapeze in Kabul, their words did not work so well.

After expressing his position, the other three intelligence chiefs also expressed their approval, and Alan Wilson stepped on France again, "Actually, the de Gaulle government has been trying, hoping that the United States and North Vietnam can sit down and talk. The direction of Europe is about The future direction of the world, if we can use this to make de Gaulle play a role, maybe we can ease the uneasy relationship with France in the past few years."

"De Gaulle!" The Canadian intelligence chief looked a little unnatural when he heard De Gaulle's name, but finally nodded.

When Charles de Gaulle visited Canada last year, he spoke out loudly on the Quebec issue, which caused twists and turns in the relationship between Canada and France. Montreal held the World Expo, and then French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to make an official visit to Canada.

He crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a cruiser of the French Navy's Mediterranean Fleet, went upstream along the St. Lawrence Estuary, and landed in Quebec City, the capital of Quebec Province.

When de Gaulle arrived at Montreal City Hall, he gave an impromptu speech to a huge crowd from the balcony.

At the end of his speech, he unrestrainedly raised his arms and shouted: Long live Montreal! Long live Quebec! Then, leaning closer to the microphone, he shouted even louder: Long live Free Quebec! Long live French Canada! Long live! Long live! Long live France!

"I hope you can understand one problem. France's national power is not at the same level as the Soviet Union. With us and the United States, de Gaulle will not do anything to Canada." Alan Wilson assured the Canadian intelligence director, "Quebec is not a small problem. But it’s not a huge problem.”

This time, the intelligence chiefs of the Commonwealth countries connected in private. Of course, it was impossible to hide from the eyes of the Americans in Washington. Soon the Americans knew that these four English-speaking countries were planning to discuss the Vietnam War with the Americans. question.

It has been two years since the last time the British Prime Minister tried to persuade a fight. At this time, the spring offensive was in full swing. The news of North Vietnam’s aggressive attack spread to the United States and let American citizens know. The three-year strategic bombing, basically After bombing a lonesome, the North Vietnamese had nothing to lose, otherwise they would not have taken the initiative to attack.

The spring offensive officially began at the end of January, and now two months have passed, with more than 3,000 American casualties and 5,000 South Korean troops killed. This fact has further expanded the anti-war wave in the United States, questioning whether the United States can win. Now the assassination of Martin Luther King, together with the anti-war movement, has become a major factor shaking the domestic order in the United States.

Or that the Americans should be grateful to Alan Wilson. If he hadn't defied all opinions and sent veterans of the British Indian Army to organize an advisory group, the number of casualties in the spring offensive in the United States this time should have been 6,000 instead of 3,000. Now the additional losses are borne by the Koreans, and it is not an exaggeration for him to be kind to the United States.

The biggest spiritual leader of the resistance wave is the younger brother of former President John F. Kennedy, Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy. With his elder brother aura, he is more popular than the current president in a certain sense.

The final results are yet to come, but few doubt that Robert Kennedy will lock down the Democratic candidacy.

In fact, as early as July last year, the United States had already negotiated with the North Vietnamese side once. The war has not stopped, and negotiations have been going on. It is not surprising that Panmunjom is the same.

"The British are still pretending in front of us." Hearing the CIA report, Lyndon Johnson was not in a good mood, and picked up the same set of Greek and Roman arguments, saying that the British are just pretending to be like this passionate.

But the problem is that Robert Kennedy fired guns and black riots inside, and the spring offensive outside has aroused the anti-war psychology of American citizens. He still cannot refuse this kindness. What's more, in July last year, the United States had already negotiated with North Vietnam, but there was no consensus.

"Sir Wilson is pro-American, we can be sure of this. It is completely different from the British Prime Minister." Richard Helms pondered for a while and said, "Of course, we are very opposed to the UK's involvement in the Commonwealth small circle this time. But Mr. President, I will express our dissatisfaction to Sir Wilson, and I also believe that the continuation of the war will not delay the start of negotiations."

The positions of the CIA and the Pentagon on the Vietnam War were not the same. Both departments supported the war, but there was a difference in attitude. The CIA always dismantled the Pentagon, pointing out that the military’s victory was not as good as it said big. So at present, the relationship between the two departments is still very delicate.

Alan Wilson understands this very well. Under normal circumstances, the relationship between the Central Army and the feudal towns is not very good. This can also be applied to the relationship between the CIA and the Pentagon.

But he got an accurate reply, and he still thanked Richard Helms, saying that this time it was not in vain, and he got the attitude of the United States. I also got a promise to open negotiations in Paris and sell de Gaulle a face, which is also worthy of praise. There are internal conflicts in the free world.

"We understand that the United Kingdom wants the United States to withdraw!" Richard Helms nodded, "The United States has not forgotten its responsibilities regarding the situation in This obviously refers to the fact that the Warsaw Pact has already In response to the announced schedule of major exercises, Britain has indeed taken on a lot of pressure now that the size of the US military stationed in Germany had to be reduced due to the Vietnam War.

"It's nothing, the United Kingdom and the United States are one family." Alan Wilson mentioned that talks with North Vietnam will be formed in Paris. The obvious reason is that France is always looking for trouble. In fact, there is another purpose.

The French run on gold is not a secret. The French did it openly. The United States also knows this. If the United States agrees that France will play a role in the negotiations with North Vietnam, it means that the United States has no intention of retaliating against France. Then there will be research on this matter. up.

On a larger scale, this is the Saigon Iron Fist incident in the financial field. If the United States does not retaliate against France, is it because it has no ability to retaliate against France? If other countries think so, America's future will see the consequences.

Not to mention others, the supreme authority of the United Kingdom is now calculating, when will the United Kingdom end? Of course not now, the plan can only be made after the French die down.

At this point, Alan Wilson returned to England without saying a word, preparing to tell the news to Prime Minister Harold Wilson. After all, he was just a humble social tool, and he could only come to hold the fruit of the Prime Minister's deliberation.

The progress in diplomatic work must have been under the leadership of the great Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and it was difficult to bring the United States and North Vietnam together. Before he went back, he had already informed Harold Wilson of the news. When he got off the Comet Airliner, many reporters had heard the news and surrounded him.

At this moment, Alan Wilson controlled himself with great perseverance, did not take out a piece of paper and held it up high, saying "peace in our time" or something like that.