British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1354: Aspiring middle-aged

Two days later, 50,000 student demonstrators, waving red flags and black flags symbolizing anarchism, sang the Internationale from Danfelt-Rocher Road to the Etoile Square. Their demands: the immediate opening of the University of Paris, the withdrawal of the police stationed at the campus, and the release of the arrested students.

On the same day, Sartre, Beauvoir, Michel Lely, Colette, Audry, Jacques Lacan and other social celebrities jointly issued a statement expressing their support for the student demonstrations. Calling on "all laborers and intellectuals to support the struggle movement involving students and teachers spiritually or materially".

Just like their predecessors, they supported the royal power, the military government, communism, etc. It doesn't matter what the purpose of the revolution is, the key is to have a revolution. The solidarity of all walks of life in Paris repeated a scene that often appeared in French history To change the country with the villagers, it is not necessarily good or bad.

"Is this the time to make a move?" Pamela Mountbatten believed that the time her husband had said had come, and France had fallen into chaos.

"It's not that time yet. From the perspective of French history, it's not very influential just to make trouble in Paris. The key is to arouse the imitation of all parts of France." Alan Wilson restrained his wife's impulse and expressed that taking history as a mirror Although Paris always leads the revolution, it does not succeed every time. The Bahrain Commune failed that time.

If Paris wants to lead France to a better tomorrow, it also depends on whether other French people want to buy it. It is not enough if only Paris makes trouble.

Most importantly, he still doesn't know if the Dragoon sisters can raise enough funds. The British attack in Alan Wilson's memory was indeed a success.

But that France has no Algerian interests. To be on the safe side, the Anglo-German alliance is more secure.

Historically, in the financial melee from the late 1960s to the 1970s, Germany's role was very complicated. As he said before, enemies and allies were not so clear during this period.

When the Germans ran on gold in France, they once showed favor to the United States, saying that they would not question the credibility of the United States with the French, but Germany also played in the historical melee.

It's time to form an alliance, and it's time to make a knife. It's like after Russia smashed the pot, the United States shouted that the Chinese and the thieves are not equal, but the Koch industry in Russia has been working. But is it over? No. There are reports that some Wall Street firms have started buying Russian stocks. At the same time, the United States is forcing European capital to withdraw from Russia, which is not at all ambiguous.

"Is this scale not enough?" Pamela Mountbatten was amazed. He felt that 50,000 students took to the streets to make trouble. This is the limitation of the British.

"France is the country of origin of the republic and the center of world revolution." Alan Wilson waved his hand, "Waiting for a few days, be patient, my dear."

What he needs to do now is to unify his rhetoric and at the same time produce some evidence. It is actually not difficult to deal with the political situation. The protesting French waved flags with sickles and hammers, and even a portrait of a certain big country. Isn’t it all evidence? This was to prevent the chaos in France from spreading to England.

"Since last year, there have been protests of various sizes in various countries. The demonstrations in Germany broke out last year. At this time, if other countries mess up and we don't, it is Britain's victory." Alan Wilson dressed up and prepared Go out to Whitehall.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing her husband leaving, Pamela Mountbatten couldn't help asking where she was going.

"Look for the Ministry of Finance to focus on stabilizing the budget. After passing this village, there will be no such store." Allen Wilson said sternly, "This is all for the sake of stabilizing the situation in the UK. Especially the stability maintenance funds in Northern Ireland, although there is no problem for the time being." , but we must also be more vigilant.”

1968 was also the time when the Irish Republican Army re-emerged. With the upsurge of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland and the intensification of ethnic conflicts, the Irish Republican Army re-emerged.

It's fun to watch the French people's excitement, but he also needs to prevent his own house from catching fire. Anyway, he thinks that everything can be discussed, as long as there is no war, the rest can be discussed slowly. Don't forget that the European Community in this time and space does not have Ireland, and it is also possible to use this as a negotiation condition. If there is trouble, the responsibility is entirely on the Irish side.

In front of the Prime Minister, the argument that Britain has reached the most dangerous time made Harold Wilson at a loss, "Is it a little serious?"

"France is different from other European countries. It is a country with a revolutionary tradition. Protests should not be treated the same as other countries." Allen Wilson showed photos taken by MI6 on the streets of Paris two days ago, red flags and The portrait of the leader is very eye-catching. "Intelligence shows that the activities of the Irish Republican Army have become more frequent."

IRA? Harold Wilson has a lot of energy all of a sudden. No matter what the nature of the Labor Party is, it will not be significantly different from the Conservative Party when facing this kind of problem.

This is like the French Communist Party, the Socialist Party and other parties in France during the Algerian War. They also supported the suppression of Algeria’s resistance. The difference is that the right-wing parties mainly focus on suppression, and the leftists think that they should use two prongs. It is the same, but the means are different.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is actually the first chancellor of the exchequer. With the attention of the prime minister, it is not difficult to get the Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for maintaining stability.

Alan Wilson didn't ask much, just to strengthen MI5's activities in Ireland and closely monitor whether the Irish Republican Army showed signs of recovery. Compared with the previous nationalization campaign, this expenditure was not much.

After doing all this, Alan Wilson continued to wait and see what happened in Paris, holding the newspaper About the Sun in his hand. This parade was the front page headline of French students wanting to freely enter and leave the female dormitory.

"I think the content of the Sun newspaper is not as good as when you were young." At this time, Alan Wilson still did not forget to praise the ladies of the same status as his wife.

"Yesterday you said that you are very busy recently." Heidi Lama glanced at the bulges and backs in the newspaper, but she also agreed with the man's judgment that the hot girls on it were not as good as when they were young, or even the previous few years of myself.

"I'm busy mainly because I have so many things to do." Alan Wilson explained his idea of ​​combining public and private affairs, and Heidi Lamarr is also one of the reasons why he is busy.

He finally received the good news from the Pokina sisters, raising 3.5 billion marks to join this gluttonous feast. Mark is a strong currency, and the current exchange rate with the dollar is 1:4.

The influence of the mark has been steadily expanding since ten years ago. Of course, the appreciation of the mark has caused competitive pressure on the German manufacturing industry, but the Germans have used the gradual appreciation of the mark to encourage the manufacturing industry to maintain competitiveness by continuously increasing labor productivity and improving research and development. , so that enterprises can get rid of the dependence on the undervaluation of the local currency as soon as possible.

Germany and Japan are still different. It is Japan that is still playing the game of lowering the exchange rate to promote exports, and Germany is no longer doing this.

It is precisely because German companies are in the upper reaches of the value chain, and the German-made brand and technological advantages endow German companies with strong bargaining power and ensure Mark's position in international trade.

With the addition of the Dragoon Sisters, Alan Wilson felt that it was almost enough to deal with the indigestion of Franc, and his contact with Richard White became more frequent.

When the news came that the police had refused to release the arrested students, and that the Teachers' and Students' Union had decided to respond by erecting barricades in the Latin Quarter, the Paris police chief announced through a loudspeaker that he would be ordered to clear the barricades.

After a while, the police launched an onslaught on the students and the crowd, beating the unarmed demonstrators brazenly with batons, and even after they hid in the apartment buildings on both sides of the street, the police pursued them. Angry people began to burn cars as a resistance, and the conflict further escalated. Many innocent passers-by who tried to help the students were also met with violence.

"French society people call on French people to oppose police violence on Radio Ludenberg." Richard White almost broadcast the current situation in real time.

"He ran so far, why didn't he rush to the street to show his resistance with practical actions?" After hearing this, Alan Wilson couldn't help but sneer The old revolutionary base area is also living more and more, "It's yours People, or people from America?"

"No, it should be regarded as a middle-aged man with ambition." Richard White thought for a while and said, "There are many such people in the history of France. The secretary-general said something called it?"

"The world is in chaos, but the situation is great." Alan Wilson smiled slightly, "If the chaos in France spreads from Paris to the whole country, report to Whitehall immediately."

"These young people don't want a future like their parents', that is, a future like ours, a future that proves the cowards we were. . . . , is to smash the university. If you want to smash it, the only solution is to go to the streets."

Inspiring slogans were made into thousands of big-character posters and posted in the streets and alleys of Paris. Therefore, college students should not be discouraged, and should carry on this struggle unrelentingly."

"A lot of careerists are like this, pushing students to the front of the stage." When talking to Brest, who has been dealing with the restlessness in the UK, Alan Wilson said with a smile, "These innocent and lovely students, in a few decades They will look back at their present in 2009 and find that nothing has changed."

People shouted students, teachers, workers unite! Fired at the hierarchical social system, French Prime Minister Pompidou assured de Gaulle that there was no problem, and at the same time opened the door to this protest and ordered the opening of the Sorbonne University. Immediately, slogans, leaflets, big-character posters and cartoons were posted all over the campus.

This is considered by everyone to be a great victory, and they will continue to work hard. Now, it is not just a student problem.