British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1679: take it

"The Prime Minister is most concerned about the unbreakable special relationship between Britain and the United States." Alan Wilson, who is well versed in hype, knows that Reagan has only a few months left, but he still expresses his support for the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, or he is worried. .

Of course, he himself is not worried. He just took this opportunity to read Mrs. Thatcher’s joke about the prime minister who reduced the value of the British United Front. If Mrs. Thatcher was not the only one willing to privatize state-owned enterprises, he would have been unable to bear it. Alan Wilson took this opportunity to ask Reagan about his impressions of visiting the Soviet Union, "In the future free world, there may be a Soviet Union after changing the regime, isn't it?"

Mrs. Thatcher's eyes lit up. She had indeed thought so, and couldn't help but want to hear what Reagan thought. Reagan replied noncommittally, "Of course, I'm optimistic about it."

"Ronald, there will be a more stable world situation in the future." Mrs. Thatcher said enthusiastically, "In this way, the entire human race will usher in prosperity."

Hearing this kind of remarks that the end of history is almost the same, Alan Wilson slandered in his heart. Maybe Mrs. Thatcher and Fukuyama had some conversations, but it did not delay him nodding and immersing himself in the atmosphere of great friendship.

Even Mrs. Thatcher, a prime minister who flaunts a special relationship, cannot agree with the United States at any time. Alan Wilson remembers that Britain seemed to have actually mentioned once at the end of the Cold War to allow Russia to join NATO.

Moreover, when it comes to the choice between the map head and the Khitan people, Margaret Thatcher is on the map head's side. She is afraid that the fragmentation of the Soviet Union will lead to the huge nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union itself being used by various forces.

This worry is not unreasonable. In fact, Alan Wilson believes that if the fate of the Soviet Union rests on the United States, this worry may become a reality.

What is more likely to become a reality is that after the United States finds that it cannot win by normal means, it will take advantage of its strength and still prepare for war. It will definitely not surrender without a fight like the Soviet Union. Thoroughly, all the benefits of the defeated countries were swallowed by themselves.

Was the Soviet Union not strong during the Cold War? What was the treatment for defeating the war? The United States, seeing the end of the Soviet Union, will learn from the Soviet Union and swallow all the bitterness of the Soviet Union?

Anyway, if Alan Wilson were an American, he would rather choose to fight a world war than swallow all the bitterness like the Soviet Union.

Alan Wilson is well versed in this kind of psychology, and this occasion is very suitable to express his concerns, "Of course we respect Mr. Maphead very much, and we are afraid that the conservatives in the Soviet Union will eventually choose to die. Anyway, in the plan of Whitehall, it is true. There is a battle plan that once Britain is hit, it will drag the whole world to its end."

"So Britain has such a battle plan?" Reagan was shocked when he heard Alan Wilson say this, but the nature of the actor did not make him show even the slightest abnormality. The Soviet Union has the same plan, and Mr. Map Head controls the overall situation, which is beneficial to the security of the entire world. But the United Kingdom is too pessimistic."

Mrs. Thatcher was also shocked. Just as she was about to explain, a figure blocked her without anyone noticing. Alan Wilson gave Mrs. Thatcher a look you didn't want, and then explained, "Actually, it's the end of the world." It is normal to have this kind of plan when it comes to war, just like the color plan of the United States before World War II, and the red combat plan is also a big deal."

The red battle plan is the battle plan of the United States against Britain in order to dominate the world before World War II. It is part of the whole rainbow plan. The United States has formulated a battle plan for every country that can have some influence in the world. Germany is black and France is gold. , a big country is yellow, and the Soviet Union is purple.

The entire rainbow plan was announced in 1974, which also caused dissatisfaction in Canada. Alan Wilson said that the United States should understand the British tone, "Actually, the British nuclear bundling plan has never been announced to the outside world, and there is no plan to implement it." Meaning, it’s just a set of coping methods for the end of the world.”

Nuclear bundling? Although Reagan's Alzheimer's disease has already occurred, it has not affected his IQ so far. From this name, we can know what the British plan is.

It is crazy to curse the British in his heart, but he still has to maintain the unbreakable friendship between the two countries, "I don't think this battle plan will have a chance to be realized."

"This is our common goal." Alan Wilson was getting out of the way at this time, letting out Mrs. Thatcher who was standing behind her. This move also made Reagan frown slightly.

The CIA heard that there were some rumors about the British Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Cabinet, but Reagan never believed it. How could the government of a big country be a husband and wife shop? But looking at it this way today, no wonder there are such rumors on the British side.

"Do you know what you were doing just now? How dare you stand in front of me." After the meeting was over, Mrs. Thatcher angrily issued accusations.

Alan Wilson finished listening expressionlessly, then lit a cigar on his own, looked deeply at the furious prime minister and said, "The reason why I stand in front of you is very simple. The underlying logic is that women are easy to bully."

"You." The words that added fuel to the fire made Mrs. Thatcher completely angry. "I think you should leave the position of cabinet secretary. I just wanted to wait until you retired."

"Margaret, the Americans must know that Britain is not easy to mess with. The special relationship must also be established on the basis of strength and status." Alan Wilson blew a puff of white smoke, "It is precisely because my tenure is not good. It's only when you grow up that you can speak like this, which is not suitable for you anyway."

"Reagan will also be serving his term soon. In order for Reagan and his successors to have an understanding of Britain's strength, I have to demonstrate Britain's strength to a certain extent. On the occasion at that time, I can't let you talk back. "

After finishing speaking, he pressed out the cigar at his fingertips. Allen Wilson praised himself countless times in his heart. He admired himself so much. It was obviously a temporary idea, but he could think of so many reasons to let Mrs. Thatcher He thinks that he is firmly standing behind her to be the villain.

"But if you do this, others will think." Mrs. Thatcher hesitated to speak, and whispered, "That is a meeting between the two heads of state, you can't do that."

"Okay, I'll pay attention next time." Alan Wilson raised his head and made a solemn promise, but he thought in his heart that if there was a next time, he would do it again.

Taking advantage of the great success of Reagan's visit to the Soviet Union, Alan Wilson, after less than a minute of consideration, returned home and said directly, "Honey, it's time to draw out the Japanese funds."

"Huh? Do you think Japan's bull market should be over?" Pamela Mountbatten asked her husband's solemn expression, "Have you heard any news?"

"There is no inside information, but the Japanese stock market is unsustainable. It is always right to be careful." Alan Wilson showed the demeanor of the head of the family, "Japan's financial strength is not strong, and foreign trade is ultimately affected by the Plaza Accord. The effect of the Louvre agreement is basically ineffective, the yen is still appreciating, the faster it rises, the greater the fuel loss, and it will be too late when it falls.”

In 1990, the Japanese stock market ended its five-year bull market and began to crash. This stock market crash became the beginning of the domino collapse of the Japanese economy, followed by the collapse of real estate and a 20-year economic recession , Japan in that world is much stronger than Japan in the world where Allen Wilson is, this is certainly beyond doubt.

Now the total value of the Japanese stock market has exceeded the total economic volume of Japan. The huge wealth effect of the stock market has brought the Japanese people from the state of extreme frugality after the war to the era of speculative money. Everyone is interested in stocks. , foreign exchange, housing prices, and interest rates, everyone wears the most expensive brand names and drinks the most expensive red wine.

Alan Wilson can at least judge that Japan's economic foundation is not as good as that of Japan in his previous life, and this bubble should burst earlier, so it is right to run away early, "You first evacuate your and your friends' funds from Japan, and wait for you After the withdrawal is complete, I will withdraw the funds from the two foundations."

At the critical moment, Alan Wilson did not hesitate to use the funds of the two major foundations in the UK to buy time for the richest woman to cover up. He is very courageous when he is about to retire. He has been selfless for more than 20 years, and now he has revealed his true colors .

The Supreme Authority is not not greedy, but greedy. It is like the result of the Cold War. He does not want victory in the general sense. If he cannot win the United States, he would rather the Soviet Union always exist.

"I'll arrange it right Pamela Mountbatten has no intention of refusing. She has been listening to her husband's instructions for so many years. Since the husband said that there is a problem, withdrawing early is just to make less money and save money. The British nobles whose lives were entrusted to her should have earned enough by now.

"That's good." Alan Wilson nodded. Although it was more than a year before the Japanese stock market crashed in his memory, his current income was already good. It has more than doubled the income when entering the market, and now it is easier for the Japanese to take over the market. After all, the country with the highest savings rate in the world, the Japanese's ability to take over the market cannot be underestimated.

Just do it, Pamela Mountbatten began to withdraw funds in Japan, and at the same time, Alan Wilson asked the Foreign Secretary to publicly appeal, hoping that Japan can invest in the UK, expressing his optimism towards Japan, although the UK has been investing in the UK for many years It has always played the role of resisting Japanese capital from entering Europe, but this time, it seems to have softened its stance, and has recognized Japan as the second largest economic country in the free world.

At this time, the Japanese, who are drunk on money, certainly don’t know that while the most old-fashioned British in Europe have to bow their heads to Japan, a large amount of funds are leaving Japan. It was very slow at first, but once the cost is recovered, it will depend on the Japanese government. The ability to protect the plate.

(end of this chapter)

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