British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 1686: prime minister

Britain's attitude, or Mrs. Thatcher's attitude, is that after the signing of the INF Treaty, while shaping the European security environment, it replaced it with short-range nuclear missiles to prevent the Soviet Union from threatening Western Europe. It can be seen that the capitals of European countries, Moscow, Paris and London are all within range.

Because it is also threatened, the UK is happy to sign the INF Treaty. As for the range of short-range missiles, that is a problem between Berlin and Bonn. Once the war starts, the nuclear war can be equal to the territory of the two Germans. Nature is beautiful, but from a German point of view, Cole is of course unwilling.

It's just that Reagan was the president of the United States last time, and he stood firmly on Margaret Thatcher's side. The United Kingdom and the United States advocated that France is not a member of NATO, and the Germans naturally have no ability to refuse.

As for this time, Reagan is no longer the president of the United States. Now that Reagan is leaving the tea, what can Britain do to Germany?

In the Prime Minister's Office, the German response was handed over to Mrs. Thatcher, and the Iron Lady was furious, "How dare Cole do this?"

No one responded to the Iron Lady. Although there were two people in the office, it seemed that only Mrs. Thatcher's voice appeared. As for Alan Wilson, his face was blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sometimes I'm really fed up with you." Mrs. Thatcher originally wanted to say this kind of cold violence, but the inventor of this term, the cabinet secretary who was interviewed officially, used it to summarize the relationship between husband and wife. The Iron Lady swallowed hard.

"What do you want me to say?" Alan Wilson is indeed committing domestic violence, and his words are full of impatience, "Why don't you want to go to Reagan now? You have been prime minister for ten years and visit the United States every year. You go to the White House more often than the governor of the United States, so now you have a solution?"

In the huge office, only the secretary-general of the cabinet left no room for accusations. Although the sound insulation effect of the Prime Minister's residence is good, it also shocked Mrs. Thatcher.

The Iron Lady was stunned. She wasn't prepared for Alan Wilson's change this time, and she just realized that this man was really angry.

A sense of grievance welled up in her chest, and Mrs Thatcher's eyes were reddened, a scene that no one would believe when she said it, just happened at this moment.

After yelling at the Prime Minister, Alan Wilson made a dead face, without any consolation, and continued to accuse you bluntly, "I told you a long time ago that the United Kingdom is actually a European country, and its national interests cannot rely on the United States, which is native to the Americas. You Have you ever heard of it? Which permanent member of the council is as consistent as you are with Reagan at all times. Let me tell you, Americans looked at East Asia back then, just like other countries look at Britain now. Now everyone thinks that Britain is the follower of the United States."

"That's great. I have something to discuss with the United States. Do I need to ask for London's opinion? London's opinion is not important at all now. You can consider running for governor."

The supreme authority is full of eloquence, and the spittle stars are flying around. Under the sunlight coming in from the window, it is like a human-shaped spray, covering the current British Prime Minister within the combat radius.

"I want Cole to give me an explanation." Mrs. Thatcher endured a meal of domestic violence, and went to grab the phone when she regained her senses.

"Put it down." Alan Wilson yelled at the stunned female prime minister, "Isn't it enough to think that Britain is ashamed? Did you just meet Reagan and let you get carried away. I really think this is the opinion of the Germans themselves , I really thought you could use just one phone call, who you can control, you can't even control Newfoundland. Outside of the British Isles, does anyone really take what you say seriously? You are just a little bigger than the Christmas Island commissioner Well, it’s essentially the same.”

"Don't use the Falklands War that has passed so many years as an explanation. Your son didn't go to the front line. My son is a front-line commander."

"How can you say that?" Mrs. Thatcher sniffled her nose, but suppressed her sobs, and said in a changed voice, "I know, you are actually from the European school, but you are just pretending to be the Atlantic school. I have always been dissatisfied with my policies."

"I'm dissatisfied with watching you perform for so long." Alan Wilson said unhurriedly, "In my eyes, the United States and the Soviet Union are the same, but one is more direct, and the other says that blood is thicker than water. , I want Britain to hand over all the political heritage of the British Empire. I really can't think of myself as a governor of the United States like you. There is no monarch in the United States. My wife and her friends can't give up the glory brought by Britain. So we can't be treasonous."

"I didn't." Mrs. Thatcher retorted fiercely when she heard the word treason. "I have greatly boosted Britain's international status, and my ally relationship with Reagan is also equal."

Just wait for your words! Allen Wilson cried in his heart and finally came, and said directly, "You can contact President Bush now, tell Washington what Germany is doing now, and see how the United States will react. If President Bush is willing to stand with you Press, I apologize to you immediately."

This time, Alan Wilson didn't need to use the monitoring equipment. He just sat and watched Mrs. Thatcher on the phone. It's a pity that the Prime Minister is not on the road. If it is another lady with the same status as his wife, when he lights a cigar, just put it on the On the mouth, the lighter came over.

"President Bush said he would communicate with Bonn." Putting down the phone, Mrs. Thatcher looked at Alan Wilson, as if waiting for something.

"What are you waiting for? Wait for my apology? This is a useless diplomatic rhetoric. If you want me to apologize, it's not too late to wait until I express my position."

Alan Wilson didn't bow his head, he stood up and turned his back to all sentient beings, and continued to say, "Germany's attitude is a big problem. You can't just think about the freedom of Eastern Europe. You should also think about it. Germany's geographical location, Eastern Europe is really If it is free, who is the country that will benefit the most geographically? If Eastern Europe is free, doesn’t the GDR belong there?”

Putting aside his opinion, Alan Wilson left Mrs Thatcher's office with a refreshed expression on his face. This expression was almost the same as that of sleeping with a peerless beauty, which made the eyes of the secretary in the Prime Minister's office full of playfulness. A dialogue lasts quite a long time. What are the cabinet secretary-general and the prime minister doing in it?

Some people even had the urge to go in directly to see if the prime minister was putting on his pants, but they, who had been in the center of power for a long time, still resisted the idea of ​​finding out.

After taking the opportunity to violently attack Mrs. Thatcher, Alan Wilson continued to pay attention to the situation in Eastern Europe. After the map leader announced unilateral disarmament at the United Nations meeting, he returned to China and finally took specific actions. The troops stationed in Eastern Europe are also disarming. Within the scope of the Soviet Union's disarmament accounted for half of the figure.

According to the data released by the Soviet Union, 240,000 troops will be withdrawn to the country, together with 10,000 tanks, 8,500 artillery pieces, and 820 fighter jets, including Soviet Su-27 and MiG-29 fighter jets.

Of course, it is not without good news from the Soviet Union. The Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag has been completed and entered service in the Red Navy.

As for the larger new aircraft carrier, I don’t know if it is the Ulyanovsk in history. The completion rate has exceeded 30%. If it cannot be completed, the general framework should be able to be completed.

"If there is no news of this disarmament, we can promote a wave of Soviet threats." Alan Wilson sighed, but compared with the news of the disarmament of 500,000, it is now relying on the service of Soviet aircraft carriers and the support of larger aircraft carriers. Building to spread the word that the Soviet Union is still strong is somewhat untenable.

Regarding the situation in the Soviet Union, even if the supreme authority cannot be clear about it, it must be clearer than most decision makers in the free world. His eldest brother is the director of the Moscow Security Bureau, one of the top three ranks of the KGB leadership .

With this foundation, Alan Wilson even made preparations on how to **** the Soviet Union's military workers after the failure of the mantis arm as a car. Even if the mantis arm was successful, he would do the same.

In his eyes, this is already the private property of the British Empire, and no one can **** it. Whether it is the United States or a certain big country, he thinks it is a joke to count a certain big country. Regardless of the economic level of a certain big country at this time, compared with the loss of tens of millions of scientific research talents in the Soviet Union, it is enough for a certain big country to **** thousands of people, and it cannot afford to support any more.

As the reputation of the Solidarity trade union has taken a turn for the The plenary meeting in Poland this time seems to have changed the trend. The ruling party in Poland is not in a hurry to carry out political reforms. In the investigation, Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany have major suspicions.

Compared with Poland, the situation in Slovenia and Croatia in Yugoslavia is not much better. Croatia announced the cancellation of the transfer payment fund for the construction of backward areas. On the other hand, Serbia took the opportunity to announce the cancellation. The two autonomous provinces of Kosovo and Volvodina autonomous status.

Croatia immediately criticized that this was the reappearance of Greater Serbiaism in Serbia, which violated the national equality strategy advocated by Tito, while Serbia criticized the incompetence of the Croatian authorities, allowing scammers to be the guests of local companies, but all Yugoslavia had to bear the losses.

The two republics have accumulated quarrels, and Slovenia has also been involved, and the entire Yugoslavia seems to have faint signs of division.

"It is better for us not to respond to the issues that the UK is concerned about, and to avoid expressing our views on the differences between Germany and the UK." Bush discussed with his Secretary of Defense Cheney.

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