British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 478: domino effect

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"It's nothing, I'm very happy to see a few gentlemen so harmonious." Alan Wilson said with a gentle smile that he really didn't want to disturb the beautiful vision in front of him, but in fact he didn't listen to anything. , I don't know where to start if I want to talk.

As for Newfoundland and Malaya being able to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, Alan Wilson is of course happy to see it succeed. In fact, this is also the purpose of the recall of the respective colonial commissioners.

On the books, although lost more than four million square kilometers of colonies in British India, Burma and Ceylon. However, the remaining colonies in the UK still have nearly 10 million square kilometers. As long as they can be well integrated, they are still very valuable.

Alan Wilson, of course, knew that a wave of independence would come sooner or later, and it was impossible to expect these colonies to last forever.

But the United Kingdom can still be rescued, and it is far from the time to admit its fate.

A courtesy to ease the embarrassment, and after listening to a few more conversations, Alan Wilson joined the conversation.

Thinking about when to chat with Mountbatten, Weng's son-in-law still needs to establish a relationship.

The only question now is whether there is still time, whether the two Malta-class aircraft carriers can be improved, and first of all, he has to find the Dennis Campbell who has used the beveled deck.

He also knew that the steam catapult was actually the first to be invented and applied in the UK, but no relevant records have been found in the past few days, indicating that the steam catapult has not yet come out.

To put it simply, the steam catapult is composed of a long action cylinder with a slot on the top of the cylinder, which is level with the aircraft carrier flight deck, and the slot is sealed with the catapult cover in the action cylinder. Attach one end of a rope to the free-moving shuttle and the other end to the plane being ejected.

High-pressure steam from the aircraft carrier's boiler is injected into the cylinder and pushes the piston, causing it to move within the cylinder at high speed. The elastic cover allows the rope to move along the length of the cylinder, and once the piston and rope pass a certain point, the high pressure of the steam seals the elastic cover again.

The end of the action barrel is open, and the shuttle can pop out of the barrel. The rope can also be disengaged from the accelerating plane, and the shuttle can dash out of the sea, while the plane goes straight into the sky.

Aircraft catapults in World War II can be described as various, such as through hydraulic pressure or compressed air, but these are not suitable for jet fighter fuselage. Providing adequate acceleration is very difficult.

There are still three-inch nails in a rotten ship. The British Royal Navy has been rampant in the world for hundreds of years, and it is not bad in the use of the navy. The problem is that the national strength is not enough. Decades later, when it comes to aircraft carriers, people think of the United States. Few people know that many of the standards of modern aircraft carriers are set by the United Kingdom, but they are all carried forward by the United States.

Regarding the issue of the navy, he could only ask Mountbatten, who told him to know such a person who was in the navy.

Although past experience shows that most of this father-in-law's advice is unreliable. But it's different now, Alan Wilson has seen neither pork nor pig run.

The most important thing is that the past is unreliable, and Mountbatten's career has never been delayed. If we refer to history, next year, before the outbreak of the Korean War, Mountbatten will return to China to serve as the Fourth Minister of the Navy.

The Lord of the Navy is elected, so Mountbatten's Fourth Lord of the Navy can be regarded as the number three in the Navy. Taking into account the core position of the Royal Navy in the British army, it can be judged that Mountbatten can be promoted to the leader of the British military by next year at the latest.

Since the end of the war, although the Malta-class aircraft carrier has finally been retained, the construction period has also been affected, and it is unknown whether it can be completed next year according to the original plan.

However, compared to the fate of being dismantled directly in history, being able to retain two heavy aircraft carriers is already a burning incense.

In this way, adding two Eagle-class aircraft carriers, at least the next two decades, the Royal Navy will still have four heavy aircraft carriers that can be used, and the cards in hand are far better than the same period in history.

After completing the **** work, Alan Wilson went to send a telegram to Mountbatten. He couldn't ignore his relationship with his father-in-law because his fiancee was not around, otherwise it would be too utilitarian.

In the telegram exchange, Mountbatten revealed a piece of news, that is, Prince Philip, the husband of the crown prince, will enter the Mediterranean Fleet after this visit.

Ellen Wilson called back, "This is not a good job. I have met Prince Philip. This person is not as easy to get along with on the surface. I don't know if it is because of the big marriage. The general still needs to have a certain psychology. Prepare."

Prince Philip, before his marriage, was at best an exiled nobleman, not to mention that he was not a top heir in Greece. Even if he was, he had to be a man with his tail between his legs.

But it will be different after marriage. Whether the current Prince Philip will respect Mountbatten as much as before is still unknown.

Of course, the noble crown prince and his wife were not the focus of Alan Wilson's attention. He recommended a person to his father-in-law, that is, Dennis Campbell, who had used the angled deck application during the war. I don't know if this involved abuse of power.

However, judging from General Mountbatten's reaction, Daying Long Aotian didn't think so, and felt that this was not a big deal.

Then Alan Wilson called Dennis Campbell, who had already met, to confirm the fact that the other party was about to be transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet.

As for getting along with General Mountbatten himself, just remember to report good news and not bad news. Alan Wilson reminded Dennis Campbell that his father-in-law was an absolutely adventurous person. Dennis Campbell could contribute to the Royal Navy, and his hope was all on Mountbatten.

All the colonial commissioners had left London to set up nationalized enterprises. But this does not include the High Commissioner of Malaya, Gerald Edward. The companies involved in the export of tin ore and rubber are themselves an important source of revenue for the UK at the moment and do not need to be restructured at all.

Therefore, the establishment of a nationalized enterprise does not include Malaya, and Sir Barron has also left, because Israel has officially elected and has its own Prime Minister and Parliament, and Sir Barron is going to plan an arms race.

Alan Wilson also has his own business, because the three major battles have already been fought. Regarding the changes in the East and the fact that a pro-Soviet country is about to emerge, the decision-making circle in London needs a person who knows the East well, in fact, Alan Wilson.

"There has been a voice in Washington recently, hoping to set up a military organization to resist the invasion of the Soviet Union." Norman Brooke asked Alan Wilson after asking about China, "What do you think about this matter, if you are in Boston, it should be You report it, not me. It's not an accusation, of course, but what you think about it."

NATO? Alan Wilson flashed this word in his mind, and said while thinking, "For now, the power of the Soviet Union is obviously developing further into Asia. If a military organization is established, will it intensify the contradictions in Europe? And we have already concluded that , the Soviet Union was actually unable to launch a large-scale invasion because of the huge loss of manpower."

"This is also the Prime Minister's view!" Norman Brooke nodded, indicating that Prime Minister Attlee currently sees it this way.

Alan Wilson sighed softly, pressed the gourd and floated the scoop. It seemed that 1949 was still a year of turmoil.

Norman Brooke immediately proved that Alan Wilson was right, "We have decided to sign the Coal and Iron Community Treaty with France, and the merger of the Three Kingdoms Occupation Zone, the Americans mean to hope that we will not be as stubborn as the French. Only by merging the occupied areas can we better resist the attack of the Soviet Union."

"On the merger of the occupied territories and the military alliance treaty, we can only agree to one." Alan Wilson whispered, "Now the United States obviously wants greater interests, which is completely inconsistent with the divided interests in the Yalta Conference and the Potsdam Conference. , the most important thing is that the Americans called to fight against the Soviet Union, and that took all our share. Even if I didn’t say anything about the promotion of the British-occupied area to the country, it was clear from all over Whitehall, and the Americans couldn’t open their mouths. If you say take it, take it. If there is no compensation, you will agree?"

"On this matter, of course, I am also aware of the role of the British-occupied area. I have also put forward some suggestions for this. Regarding the loans in the Marshall Plan, will the Americans agree to grant them free of charge?" Norman Brooke pondered, " If the Americans agree, this matter can be discussed. But try to strive for the interests of the United Kingdom. What do you think, Ellen!"

"After the merger, I believe that Germany will establish a central government, and the seat of the government must be in the British-occupied area." Alan Wilson thought for a moment, "The Trade Commission cannot be revoked for the time being to ensure that the German central government is under the supervision of the British army stationed in Germany. run."

Norman Brooke chuckled, "You still want the Three Kingdoms Occupied Zone to serve the mainland? The Americans shouldn't be so stupid and would agree to such conditions."

"Then continue to maintain the status quo. The French are actually very reluctant to reunify Germany. They think the current situation is good." Alan Wilson chuckled, "If the United States alone puts pressure on Paris, it is estimated that it will not succeed. ."

It seems that at present, the law of the stability of the triangle is also present in the question of the current German occupation.

"If we can delay, maybe the United States and the Soviet Union will confront each other in Asia, which will be much easier for us." Alan Wilson shook his head.

In the final analysis, each stage has its own ideas. Historically, Britain was in desperate need of US economic aid and security guarantees, and naturally it was only led by the nose.

The current situation is different. Britain's short-term debt has been emptied, unless the United States tore up the agreement and began to collect debts. Otherwise, the UK will not be under economic pressure. More critically, London's decision-making circles simply do not believe that the Soviet Union has the ability to wage war, at least not in the near future.

Since they don't believe that the Soviet Union has the ability to start a world war, they naturally don't care so much about military alliances. The two major factors of asking for help no longer exist, and naturally there is no idea of ​​what NATO should be established.

The key point is that there is already the Brussels Treaty Organization, and the UK is not bad as a party to the Brussels Treaty Organization.

On the premise that the Soviet Union would not invade, the United Kingdom certainly had no motivation, and took the initiative to pull European countries to establish an emperor on its own head. The environment has changed and the idea has changed. The emergence of NATO may take some time to brew.

Norman Brooke's heart moved. He also knew that Prime Minister Attlee was actually very reluctant to confront the Soviet Union so soon.

"In the final analysis, we don't have a nuclear bomb in our hands, and whoever negotiates with us is short." Alan Wilson said that this is the most critical factor.

Since Norman Brooke became cabinet secretary, he had already known that the Attlee Cabinet was secretly restarting the alloy tube project, and seemed to ask unintentionally, "What do you mean, only if you have a nuclear bomb in your hand, will Americans be relatively equal? Talk to us."

"Of course, Dear Sir Norman," said Alan Wilson with a wry smile. "Now we have to rely on the ground forces of the United States to resist the Soviet Union. If we have nuclear bombs in our hands, should we be afraid of the Soviet Army? Go directly to Germany. Just laying nuclear mines is enough, just to eliminate Germany and the Soviet Union together is not a loss to Britain."

The most fundamental reason is that the United Kingdom is not tough when it comes to speaking now, even if the situation is much better than in history, facing the United States with a nuclear bomb in its hands, its aura is unconsciously short.

"This is Allen's view!" Norman Brooke, who arrived at the prime minister's office, repeated what Ellen Wilson said, "Although he was talking about China at the beginning, I actually agree with some of his remarks, if We have nuclear bombs in our hands, and it will be much easier to talk to the United States about the merger of occupation zones and the military alliance treaty."

"Allen's level is not suitable to know the progress of the nuclear bomb. I am more concerned about the changes in the Far East. Allen does not mean the end but the beginning?" Prime Minister Attlee frowned and said, "Can you use the ?"

"This is exactly what I want to say, this is Allen's plan." Norman Brooke took out a report, which is simply a domino theory. After the end of the Chinese civil war, the surrounding countries It will be affected successively, including the Korean Peninsula and Vietnam, where the French army is located.

"If the results stated in this report are successful and can divert the attention of the United States and the Soviet Union to the Far East, it can buy time for our nuclear bombs to appear." Attlee looked at the report and calculated. "The key is Americans' judgment on things, and we don't know much about Washington's attitude."

Norman Brooke was well prepared, and he came up with a report, also abbreviated as Alan Wilson, on the differences between Republicans and Democrats on China.

Prime Minister Attlee looked surprised, obviously surprised by the reports one after another. He checked the current situation while watching, and finally said, "It seems that we need to delay as much time as possible before our nuclear bomb appears."