British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 652: king's funeral

"America is busy with how to end the war." Alan Wilson at the Kuala Lumpur Administration Office, joking innocuously, just as the secretary came in and took out the London telegram to the British Malayan Commissioner for review.

Alan Wilson, who thought it was nothing else today, glanced at the telegram and jumped up suddenly, but the secretary who came in was startled. It was the first time he had seen his immediate boss like this, even when the Chinese petitioned before, the entire administration The office was surrounded, and he had never seen Alan Wilson so gaffe.

Of course, when the Administrative Office was surrounded, there were still British troops watching. Colonial resistance in general was not about the colony itself, but about whether the British wanted to maintain the colony.

But this news is different. The news of George VI's death may affect all aspects of the British Empire.

"The Administration Office is not a big deal. I'll leave today." Alan Wilson, who had recovered his senses, commanded with a distressed face, said two words to each perform their duties, and hurriedly left the Administration Office.

This telegram is not for him, but the cabinet sent a telegram to recall Crown Prince Elizabeth and Princess Margaret abroad, the Crown Prince and his wife are visiting Africa, and Her Royal Highness is in Kuala Lumpur.

Alan Wilson left the Executive Office, planning in his mind how to use a less violent proverb to tell Her Royal Highness the fact that your father, the great King of England, passed away.

In fact, in her heart, the princess's reaction was second, considering the perspective of a better future. Britain is about to enter the era of Galeries Lafayette, and the succession of the crown prince also indicates that the United Kingdom is about to usher in an eventful period.

Casually think back to the era of Queen Elizabeth, although it has not ended in past life memories. But when Alan Wilson thought about it for a while, he could easily see that the days after the Queen ascended the throne were not all smooth sailing.

Soon after ascending the throne, it encountered the Suez Canal War, and the United Kingdom went from an empire on which the sun never sets to a regional power. In the 1960s, the major colonies became independent, and in the 1970s, the sterling area was officially overthrown. Northern Irish Republican Army in the 1980s. Sterling being sniped in the 1990s can be considered trivial.

As Queen Elizabeth, who was still a global power when she ascended the throne, watching her country decline in her life, Alan Wilson felt that it may be far from the calm on the surface.

Alan Wilson, who arrived at the residence, first told his wife about this, and discussed how to make the princess easy to accept.

"How do I know!" Pamela Mountbatten backed down at this time. He couldn't blame her for not taking responsibility at the critical moment. It was the first time he had encountered such a scene.

"Then I'll go?" Ellen Wilson asked with a cold face. "No matter what, it seems that you have the status to hold her down."

"That's all an illusion. If Margaret makes a fuss, no one can hold her back." Pamela Mountbatten shook her head like a rattle, "Just treat her like a businessman and tell her to return immediately. London."

"I see!" Alan Wilson agreed, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, looking carefully to rehearse his words.

With the broken thoughts, Ellen Wilson walked to the door of Princess Margaret's room, and then turned back obviously to retreat.

But Pamela Mountbatten waved her hand to cheer up and ignored the help. Alan Wilson sighed and pushed in the door.

At the same time, the British East African Kenya, the Crown Prince Elizabeth and his wife, who are here, also learned the news. The crown prince and her husband, Prince Philip, are about to return to London.

On the way back, Prince Philip, whose hairline had shifted significantly, looked at his wife and sighed. He knew that the days of Crown Prince Elizabeth simply being his wife were over. Once Queen, Prince Philip will be the woman's courtier, like everyone else across the UK.

In Kuala Lumpur, Princess Margaret was crying bitterly, making Alan Wilson unable to do anything. He could clearly feel that the moisture level on his chest had exceeded the warning line.

"Margaret, the grief is understandable, but the priority now is to return to London immediately. I believe the crown prince is also full of grief now, but he must be on his way."

Reaching out and patting Her Royal Highness on the back, Alan Wilson reminded in a calm voice that you should now shoulder the responsibility of the princess instead of lying on your brother-in-law's arms and wiping tears.

Soothing the princess, Alan Wilson walked out of the room and saw his waiting wife pointing at the water stain on her chest, "Dear wife, please help me find a shirt to change. By the way, you also want to Let's go back?"

"I'll have Comet 1 in Australia pick us up!" Pamela Mountbatten said, turning to look for her shirt, "it's not that I'm going back, you're going back. You're my husband, even out of respect. To attend the funeral."

"Of course I respect His Majesty the King very much." Alan Wilson twisted his neck, full of imperial loyal dog temperament.

When the crown prince and princess got news successively, the news of George VI's death was also known to the public. George VI's life is legendary, although half of it is in his brother.

Of course former kings have always been an embarrassing presence, even in Western countries. The Duke of Windsor was not notified immediately, and the code "Hyde Park Corner" representing the death of the king was passed to Buckingham Palace, and the funeral was reported through various channels according to the established procedures.

He only learned that his younger brother, George VI, had died when a group of reporters asked him to speak about his death.

A day later, Ellen Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten, with Princess Margaret, took the Comet 1 and landed at London Airport and set foot on the land of London. Princess Margaret couldn't help touching the scene and began to rain again.

Alan Wilson has already been hiding far away, and it is better to leave this comforting work to his wife. For the current Britain, the king's funeral is the top priority, and many things are waiting for Whitehall to do.

Soon the two daughters of King George VI met, and they looked at each other silently and didn't know what to say. Alan Wilson's eyes have always been on Prince Philip. Prince Philip, who is over 30 years old, like most British people, has an obvious hairline receding, showing a trend of me becoming bald and stronger.

With this son-in-law here, Alan Wilson would be happy to eat softly and hard, and at the critical moment, His Royal Highness the Prince was in charge of the appearance of the British son-in-law.

The funeral of George VI was carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the monarchy's state funeral. The coffin was parked at St. Mary Magdalen's Church in Sandringham; the coffin was transported on a steam train to London and parked in Westminster In the church hall for the public to mourn, a total of more than 300,000 people lined up to pay their last respects to the king.

Not to mention why men want to wake up and be in control of the world, drunk and lying on the knees of beautiful women, this is the case in Britain, which has already been so powerful. It is understandable that some Middle Eastern sultans and Thai monarchs in later generations cling to power and do not let go.

According to Alan Wilson's idea, this funeral should be used to invite the monarchy. Seeing which countries are worth wooing, but considering his current position, this idea is given up.

Maybe even if he is in a position where he can be arranged, he will not be able to encounter such an opportunity. In the time visible to the naked eye, Lafayette is still with the UK.

In fact, Alan Wilson didn't even think about it. He could think of this. How could the Cabinet not think of it? In fact, dignitaries from various countries have been arriving in London in the past few days to communicate on the current international situation through such an occasion.

The Duke of Windsor is also back, though the Duchess remains banned from entering the UK.

On February 15th, with the sound of church bells and gun salutes, the funeral procession began to slowly advance from the cemetery. The coffin was carried to the gun carriage, with the eldest brother, the Duke of Windsor, and the younger brothers, the Duke of Gloucester and Kent, walking behind. The Duke of Windsor, who wears a navy uniform, has previously quarreled with the royal family over what to wear to his funeral. Behind the line are the heads of state, members of the royal family, dignitaries and other powerful figures.

The funeral procession marched in a mighty manner, passing Queen Mary's residence as she watched her son through the window. The funeral procession arrived at Paddington Station, where the coffin and mourners took a steam train to Windsor Castle. The burial ceremony was held at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, marking the end of George VI's life.

In the past few days, Prince Philip, who thinks he has the same illness, has expressed kindness to Alan Wilson. His Royal Highness thought that the two of them were sympathetic to each other.

It's a pity that Alan Wilson didn't think but still expressed his blessings to His Royal Highness, you are the man behind the Queen in no time.

In many countries, the death of the old king indicates that the new king has ascended the throne, but this is not the case in the United Kingdom. After the coronation of Crown Prince Elizabeth, she can be regarded as the queen of the United Kingdom. As for when to be crowned, the cabinet has yet to decide. The coronation ceremony marks the official empowerment of the emperor by the emperor.

"We are at a critical moment in the future of the British Empire. I believe that the Crown Prince needs the help of His Royal Highness very much at this time." Alan Wilson lied insincerely.

In fact, throughout the life of the prince in front of him, let alone a little help in diplomacy. Less provocative words, just don't let the British Foreign Office wipe your ass.

Countries that Prince Philip has angered during his lifetime include, but are not limited to, the Soviet Union, China, Australia, France, and more.

Throughout the funeral process, Pamela Mountbatten was very tired, and finally returned to the two of them's home, and then expressed her desire to be spanked.

Alan Wilson picked up his wife by the waist and walked into the bathroom with ease. Life is constantly passing through destruction and new life. The dawn came, and it was a new beginning.