British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 655: Olympic Team Questions

The naming of these two new heavy aircraft carriers is, to be fair, a little bit of flattery. But with the relationship between General Mountbatten and the royal family, who would risk offending the royal family to oppose this naming?

Although the British monarch has little power in name, the power of the royal family is not in name at all.

Now to see what Elizabeth, who has not been officially crowned, thinks about this matter, Mountbatten himself arrived at Buckingham Palace with his two daughters and two sons-in-law, and asked Elizabeth himself.

The future queen is of course willing. The British royal family is not superstitious in this kind of thing. She is very happy that such a post-war most advanced aircraft carrier is named after Elizabeth herself.

"The image of the crown prince is widely praised in the Commonwealth countries. Once crowned, it will be a good thing for the entire Commonwealth. I have a suggestion!" Alan Wilson, a reliable person sitting on the side holding hands with Pamela Mountbatten, said, "The Royal Navy can organize a ship review at the same time as the coronation ceremony. On the one hand, it is to celebrate the coronation ceremony, and on the other hand, it is also to improve the morale of the United Kingdom after the war."

"With the crown prince's coronation, our country should usher in a new era. While safeguarding the past glory, it also has the good expectations of British citizens in the new era. This is a good thing for both public and private."

Alan Wilson made this proposal with reference to the historical British naval parade in 1953. After all, there are not many famous scenes like this, it is better to happen as scheduled. The most fundamental reason, of course, is to let the British Empire pretend to be a comparison in front of the vast number of young, old, borderless and poor countries.

There is no better occasion for this than the coronation of the Queen, and it is not without precedent. From Edward VII to George V, the coronation of the British king is bound to be accompanied by a ship review.

The most familiar and most shocking ship reviewing ceremony of later generations, with the ship reviewing ceremony in 1914, the steel giant ship that could not be seen at a glance, covered the entire strait with mighty power, and its majesty reflected the empire on which the sun never sets. majesty. Participating in the naval parade was only half of the Royal Navy at that time.

"If the second ship of the new aircraft carrier is also completed by then, the two heavy aircraft carriers will participate together. I think it must be a grand ceremony." Alan Wilson said that the pair of General Mountbatten asked for advice, "Respected General ,what you think."

"Of course I am happy to see the latest battleships of the Royal Navy appear at the ship review ceremony." General Mountbatten immediately agreed, and he also thought it was a good thing.

"The cabinet has not yet come up with an opinion on the coronation ceremony." Elizabeth said indifferently, "It may be too early to mention this, I have to wait for news from the cabinet."

"Respected Crown Prince, in fact, considering the factors of maintaining the feelings of the Commonwealth, and of course, the organization of the ship review may take some time, and diplomatic work can never be rushed." Alan Wilson said slowly, "Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc., need time to prepare. There is no way out.”

After all, to say that the current UK is no different from the UK before the First World War, not only the Cabinet and Whitehall do not believe it, but also the current British citizens. At this moment, the crown jewel of the British Empire, British India, has long been independent.

The huge price paid by the war, the United Kingdom cannot compare with the past, and the whole society is at a loss as to where Britain is currently in the world. At such a moment, Elizabeth's coronation can let the country see through the young queen. to your own future. But it's hard to find the right balance: there should be enough of the past to give Britons confidence in the continuity of history, and enough of the present and the future so that they don't feel like they're lying in the graves of their ancestors.

Alan Wilson said this frankly, and Elizabeth nodded. It was a tricky balance, and he himself had prepared for it.

Elizabeth still respects Mountbatten, the influential representative of the royal family in the Royal Navy. Polite friendliness has also been shown to several relatives, including Alan Wilson.

Alan Wilson is not really suitable for this occasion, he prefers the feeling of being in Kuala Lumpur. However, the communication this time was not long, and soon General Mountbatten left the palace with his relatives.

"Ellen, does it really take so long to prepare?" Pamela Mountbatten asked, holding her husband's hand.

"My dear, in theory we all want everything to be as fast and economical as possible, but many times, these characteristics are contradictory in themselves. The predictable grand ceremony should highlight the image and status of Britain in the world. For such a grand event, it is not too much to spend more time preparing."

Alan Wilson can be said to be just and righteous. At any rate, Britain is now a global power, right? The necessary staging is still required!

Alan Wilson changed the subject and asked softly, "My dear, I heard something. I heard from my colleagues in Whitehall that you are beneficial to take over the project of developing the airport?"

The airport project in his mouth is naturally the aviation transit port project in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At a time when the UK is fully backing the Comet to grab the market, the project itself is being taken seriously.

"I'm also hesitating recently, dear, you know, this project is very important to local people. And it is foreseeable that the investment must be very large, I am worried about the risks, this is not only from the perspective of funding." Pamela Mountbatten She decisively admitted that she was very interested in this project, but was a little discouraged.

In fact, it is still a matter of money. Although his wife denied this, Alan Wilson could hear that this was the most important point, and gave a suggestion, "Using Pakistan's manpower to build this transit port can solve most of the problems. The problem, at least part of it, I believe the rest should be manageable."

It is said that in later generations, why India in the Middle East always feels very influential. On the one hand, it is because the location of India is not far from the Middle East, and it belongs to the distance within reach.

Another reason is that the Middle East is the main destination for Indians to work overseas. After all, the United States is too far away, and Southeast Asian countries are not as rich as India, so East Asian countries do not like Indians. In the UK, as long as the upper class is required, the remaining options are almost gone.

The Middle East has a large South Asian population working at the bottom, and South Asia is a region no richer than Africa. Workers in South Asia should not expect any good treatment. During the construction of the World Cup in Qatar, Nepal faced the high temperature in the Middle East and was urged to cause a large number of casualties.

Now that India is moving towards its impressive goal, it is better for Pakistan to do this kind of hard work, which is more in line with the South Asia rebalancing strategy.

"If the raw materials cannot be provided locally, Malaya will make up for it, and the manpower will find a way from Pakistan. Let the local chiefs use oil as collateral, of course, the settlement must be in pounds." Alan Wilson sat in the co-pilot, facing the driver The wife said, "I remember, it seems that when we got engaged in New Delhi, Mr. Jinnah took a photo together. When necessary, when you are in Pakistan, you can take it out to bring it closer."

Pamela Mountbatten nodded frequently, expressing her opinion on her husband's plan. Alan Wilson is very proud. Whoever said that taking pictures is not a good habit, he thinks that this habit is very good and can be used for many things.

There was no need for his wife to know about his many private collections. This time back in London, just in time for the release of Woodpecker Pictures' epic Spartan 300 Warriors.

In order to support the European film industry, Alan Wilson found an opportunity to take his wife to watch the film, which featured Greta Garbo.

It was rather annoying to hear that the film was banned in Greece. According to the grapevine, the reason for the ban was that the Athenian authorities believed that the film was easily reminiscent of the Turkish army that was helping the Greek government pay for it.

However, I also heard that the Greek royal family and the government have different opinions, thinking that the government's decision to ban the film is very hasty.

"Maybe this is the movie that swept the awards at Cannes." Alan Wilson waited until the queen played by Greta Garbo appeared and commented on his wife.

Seeing Greta Garbo reappearing on the screen, he was so excited that after subduing Vivien Leigh, the Cleopatra, he was going to attack the Spartan queen again. It's not a big deal though, Greta Garbo has played Queen of Sweden before, so that's not a problem.

"What a surprise, isn't Greta Garbo dying?" Pamela Mountbatten was very She also knew the name of Greta Garbo.

"I don't know, maybe it's just a cameo." As the man behind the Queen of Sweden, Alan Wilson said with an air of ignorance, "It seems that the president of Woodpecker Pictures is also Swedish, so he invited her out. ."

Garbo always draws people's full attention to himself on screen. Garbo has an otherworldly face, and her face is exactly what Keats saw in the vision of poetry: charming, demure. Her physique has become more refined and beautiful.

After watching the movie, Alan Wilson was completely unclear about what the whole movie was talking about, so he remembered the relevant clips where Garbo appeared. It seems that this trip back to Kuala Lumpur must choose Paris as a transit point.

Alan Wilson has been discussing with the British Sports Association about the dispatch of the Helsinki Olympic delegation.

In fact, the sports association already knows Alan Wilson's purpose and has prepared relevant rhetoric.

But this kind of rhetoric cannot impress Alan Wilson. He directly took out the medal data of the last London Olympics, pointing out that the sports association is now a model of waste of resources, and uses the reduction of funding as a bargaining chip.