British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 965: Executive Deputy Chief's Punch

With the blessing of modern technology, the Pittsburgh contract immediately spread all over the world, and the stocks of American steel companies rose accordingly, and many shareholders made a lot of money.

In the claim of the Mountbatten Group, the reserves of iron ore in Brazil far exceed those in Australia, which is of course not true.

It can only be said that a single mining area has more reserves than Australian iron ore. The problem is that there is not one iron mine in Western Australia, but only one mining area is being mined, and other mining areas are also in the hands of the Mountbatten Group.

After the reception, Pamela Mountbatten left Pittsburgh and went to Washington to meet with the McCarthys.

American lobbying groups have developed quite maturely in this era. Many congressmen of both parties rely on the lobbying companies behind them to seek benefits. Of course, McCarthy is no exception. However, in terms of wind reviews, because of his extremely conservative image, Probably not as much as some MPs get.

But no one denies that Congressman McCarthy, who has not overturned, is now a high-ranking figure in the Republican Party.

If it weren't for the TV era, Alan Wilson in the UK would have considered whether McCarthy would become the president of the United States one day in the future.

But when I think of Kennedy's boyish image, and then compare McCarthy's dignity, I can only say that the times have changed.

There is no doubt that this time McCarthy greeted Pamela Mountbatten warmly from the moment he arrived in the United States. It helped her a lot, and the potential influence made her trip to the United States much smoother.

Many large companies are naturally betting on long positions, but when the ruling party is in power, the right to speak is still much stronger than the opposition party.

"Without Joseph's influence, it might not go so smoothly this time." Pamela Mountbatten, dressed in full attire, raised a glass to the McCarthys. , he is too busy to leave London casually."

"That's a pity." McCarthy said with only an empty glass in his hand as he spoke, and shook his head, "But it's okay, the relationship between him and me is like the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. Through the cooperation between the two major groups this time It can be seen that it will become more and more profound."

"I also believe in this. Britain is happy to see the United States maintain the order of the entire world after the war. Just like the alternation of the Greek and Roman empires, the blood relationship between the two countries is essentially unquestionable. Allen also thinks so Yes." Pamela Mountbatten took the opportunity to come up with the words taught by precepts and deeds.

It is nothing more than the fact that the United Kingdom is already a thing of the past, and now it just wants to evacuate in a decent way and retain some influence. After becoming the assistant of the United States, the United States is the rising sun and will lead the world for a hundred years.

"Fuck squid, bitch..." Pamela Mountbatten said about the special relationship between Britain and the United States, the gentle and elegant permanent deputy secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is currently practicing his own diplomatic philosophy in an embassy in London in the UK. I am obedient to the imperialist powers, and strike hard at the third world countries.

He spat all over the face of Park Eun-ho, the ambassador of the South Korean embassy. Allen Wilson's face was flushed, and he was in an unprecedented state of bravery.

After returning to London, I can't do whatever I want in the colony. Although I am at the top, the control is also increasing. This is not a free world at all. There are the United States and the Soviet Union outside, and there are cabinet secretaries inside. He also needs to decompress.

To the imperialist powers, I am obedient and dare not speak out, and to the small South Korea, I strike hard, showing off the prestige of the old imperialism. Heaven did not give birth to me Wilson, and the key road is like a long night.

"You Koreans should reflect on why you can't even solve the basic livelihood problems, and why you smuggled thousands of miles to the Malaya colonies. This shows the incompetence and shamelessness of the Korean government. Incompetence and shamelessness in a country can only account for one, not both. Take it." Alan Wilson stood in front of Park Yinhao with his hands pinched on his waist in high spirits, looking like he was so overwhelmed by me.

The diplomat who came with his immediate boss was obedient and did not dare to speak out at this time. He did not expect such a scene to happen.

"It doesn't seem to be in line with diplomatic etiquette." Several diplomats whispered to each other, commenting on the current emergency.

"Don't you know that our executive deputy minister is the high commissioner of the Malaya colony? Originally, the Korean government wanted to negotiate the release of Korean women to return to China. Sir Wilson should not come here. This is under the control of the colonial department. Laiya’s policy formulation, the real master is here, and he came here in person.”

"I thought Sir Wilson should be in a good mood. Didn't the Mountbatten Group just sign a contract worth 200 million dollars?"

"You don't understand this. The food in this wealthy family is unpalatable. If the wife is so capable, how can the husband not be under any pressure?"

A mere son-in-law! Several diplomats have already understood the psychological analysis of their immediate superiors in a short period of time.

The analysis of several diplomats is not unreasonable. Their immediate boss got into Audrey Hepburn's bed just yesterday with his wife's strong reason.

"But they are Koreans, and President Syngman Rhee is very concerned about this matter." Park Eun-ho endured the saliva on his face, and retorted without confidence, "Everyone is a country in the free world."

"Is Syngman Rhee the same dictator during the Korean War who accused Britain of not rescuing troops? He seems to be in his eighties, isn't he dead yet?" The appearance of the national army in control said sarcastically, "I remember, is there any difference between you and the Malayan colonies? The difference may be that you are a little poorer. If not, would the Koreans run so far? "

"But the Malayan colonial government repatriated the Korean men, but left the women behind." Park Eun-ho was a little unwilling, but Britain and South Korea are indeed not at the same level of country, and argued with reason, "I heard that many Korean women live in the local area. Sell ​​yourself for a living."

This made the eyes of several diplomats who followed Alan Wilson shine. It turned out that this is the case. It seems that sometimes they should go to Asia to save the women in these colonies.

"This is where South Korea failed the most. When formulating the repatriation policy, we considered a lot. But after going through the democratic process, we have observed public opinion. Those women are unwilling to return to South Korea, and we respect this public opinion. As for men , considering that South Korea is on the front line of the confrontation, all adult men in the country must serve as soldiers before being repatriated. This is already taking care of South Korea. To be honest, the repatriated Koreans are unwilling to go back even if they are cleaning the toilet in Malaya. .”

Alan Wilson's face was calm, and he said inside and out that this is already a move to take care of Koreans, "As for the remaining women who want to sell themselves, there are objective reasons. After all, it is nature to be lazy and lazy. Who would want to face the loess and turn their backs to the sky when they can make money while lying down?"

"Okay, I've already given you my attitude on this question. Thinking about it carefully, Britain is actually good to South Korea. My wife adopted a lot of children who were displaced by the war through my mother-in-law's British Red Cross, in Sarawak. The more you grow up and learn. Of course, because the Malayan colony pursues a simple dualistic social theory, these children are classified as Chinese. You Koreans have no right to have no reason to be dissatisfied with Britain. If you want to blame, you can blame yourself, this is how the world is.”

Alan Wilson didn't care whether Park Eun-ho understood or not, the dualistic social theory of the Malayan colony was to facilitate offshore balance, anyway, this was their answer.

It is a big misunderstanding that the colonial government is not only targeting South Korea. Because the economy has been separated from the surrounding areas, smugglers include but not limited to Koreans, and the colonial government of Malaya has the same policy towards all countries.

After some friendly exchanges and exchanging opinions with each other, Alan Wilson strode out of the South Korean embassy with dry mouth, glanced at the hanging Taegeuk flag, and snorted softly.

"Sir Wilson, will the Koreans lodge a diplomatic protest?" the diplomat who came out asked in a low voice.

"Who is in the hall, why are you suing this official?" Alan Wilson asked solemnly, and then changed the subject, "The most important thing for a country is to find its own Don't do things beyond your ability Things. For example, this time, South Korea can’t even compare with the Malaya colonies. Korean women would rather engage in flesh and blood business than return to China. How dare they go to London to negotiate? Isn’t this asking for trouble?”

"It doesn't matter if you have strength. If it is China or even India, I will explain to him why such a policy is formulated. But in a small country with an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 30 million, whoever has the time to care about them Waste of emotion."

On the way back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the group boarded the car. The question had changed from a diplomatic issue to the customs of the Malayan colony. Several subordinates asked openly and secretly how many illegal female immigrants were doing business without capital.

"When I left, there were 5,000 to 6,000 people in Singapore. There are people from all over the world, but the rate of illegal entry of Indonesian women increased rapidly at that time. After all, it was separated by a strait, so it was still too close."

No need to think too much, Alan Wilson also knows what a few distinguished diplomats are thinking, wine ponds and meat forests, sometimes you can't blame King Zhou, isn't that what men pursue?

Just like what people in the future generations said, the four countries that Chinese people should go to in their lifetime, Vietnam, the yellow country with the most potential to rise, by the way! Ukraine, a European country that has successfully transformed its political system, prostitutes by the way. Mexico, the neighbor of the city on the top of the hill, a big country in the Latin world, whoring by the way, South Africa, a country where different civilizations have undergone tremendous social changes, whoring by the way.

There is no profession more suitable for people in the middle of the road than diplomats, and Alan Wilson knows this psychology well.

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