British Civil Servant

v2 Chapter 995: Conservatives come to power

Looking back at the nearly 14 years since Attlee became British Prime Minister from 1945 to the present, Britain lost British India and British Burma, and its influence on Egypt decreased. Sudan became independent, and Nigeria was also in the process of independence.

But it also successfully established the Malayan colony, returned to Burma economically, retained the military base in Ceylon, and entered the Indian market with Portugal through Goa. The garrison in the Middle East is still under the influence of the development, and the African colonies are still relatively stable, which can be regarded as an end to the trend of continuous retreat.

Britain got rid of the huge debt owed to the United States, which was also in exchange for the independence of the colonies, including British India.

But it is also a fact that the debts are paid, the quagmire brought by the war is lifted, and the income and welfare are improved.

Militarily, Britain maintained an army of 800,000 troops and successfully developed atomic and hydrogen bombs.

The Air Force's strategic bombers, the Navy's new aircraft carriers, and the Army's armed helicopters have been supported by the government and re-entered into service after the economy improved. Today, the United Kingdom can still maintain the framework of the post-war Big Three, although there is indeed a gap with the United States and the Soviet Union. .

Compared with the UK in 1959 in memory, this difference is not too big, which is why Attlee led the Labour Party to govern for an unprecedented consecutive period.

Alan Wilson is not humble either, and he has a little credit for it. Adhering to the principle of civil servant neutrality, he naturally cannot show his distrust of the Conservative Party, but it is also a fact that he is far more sincere to the Labour Party than to the Conservative Party.

Just look at what happened to several Prime Ministers of the Conservative Party during their tenure. It is indeed difficult for him to have any confidence in this party. The Suez Canal War broke out during Aiden's tenure, and the British Empire was disgraced.

Macmillan signed the Nassau Accords, handing over the independent nuclear weapons system that Britain had built at great expense.

Home's term announced a global contraction, giving up Malaya, the Middle East, and Africa. Prime Minister Heath was in office, the United States completely destroyed the sterling area, and Margaret Thatcher caused the collapse of British industry.

So what does the Labour Prime Minister give out some benefits? It's hard not to have a crush on Labour prime ministers like Attlee and Harold Wilson.

With the dissolution of Parliament, the Conservative Party led by Aiden and the Labour Party led by the new leader, Gateske, immediately entered the general election state.

Rarely, the British government has fallen into the hands of the real cornerstone of the country. In the meeting room of the Cabinet Office, Norman Brooke's face was indifferent, listening to the discussions of the senior officials in Whitehall.

Is it the esteemed Conservative leader Eden or the widely supported Labour leader Gatwick, which is more likely to be the new owner of No. 10 Downing Street?

"It's hard to say, the current situation is treacherous, and we can't make hasty judgments." Frank shook his head slightly, "Our money, oh no, the taxpayer's legal tax, can't be wasted in useless places anyway."

"At the Ministry of Defense, all the military services have broken their heads. If the new government can no longer take a strict attitude on military spending. I think we will welcome the arrival of the new minister." Lawrence smiled slightly, "Of course, We all agree that the necessary military investment is the only way to safeguard British interests, and I think Allen will definitely support me."

"Support? Oh, yes, that's right." Alan Wilson was stunned for a moment and then said without leaking, "Of course we have to take into account the interests of all parties, and carefully come up with a foolproof plan. There is an explanation for all parties, although this is inconsistent with Confidentiality is irrelevant, but in the end it is better not to let the ministers interfere with the normal operation of the country. Then again, if we have to face new ministers, I wonder if the respected gentlemen are ready?"

"I think Allen's words are very reasonable, and you should think about how to deal with the actions of different ministers." Norman Brooke said with satisfaction, "Allen, what is the significance for you to give the minister a sense of achievement? Proposal?"

"There are 40,000 to 500,000 Indian immigrants in British Kenya, and they have great influence locally. But according to our observation, the local black people have a bad impression of Indians and think they are outsiders. This view is also a fact. I I carefully looked at the immigration policy and found the loopholes. Once Kenya has an accident or has to become independent, the status of these Indians will be very embarrassing." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "If the new foreign secretary does not mind, This settlement can give him a great sense of accomplishment.”

"Very good!" Norman Brooke nodded in appreciation and looked at the others, "We need to give the ministers a sense of accomplishment, otherwise they may exert excess energy that has nowhere to go."

"For example, the translucent nurse uniform and the toilet paper scattered all over the floor." Alan Wilson couldn't help laughing.

"Haha!" The meeting room of the Cabinet Office was suddenly filled with fresh breath, happiness is contagious.

"Overview of the overall situation, reviewing the past and present, taking into account the average level of ministers, and analyzing and summarizing, maybe we can think so." Norman Brooke took a deep breath, "To sum up, in a nutshell, this is an obvious one. fact."

"However, they also claim to represent the public opinion, the attitude of the voters." Frank concluded in a tone full of contempt.

"The level of ministers and the level of voters are perfectly matched. The ignorance of one's mind and the operation of the government lies in the fact that the minister finds solutions from the solutions we provide, and makes the most professional self-decision through our guidance."

Norman Brooke explained noncommittally, "You all have to do your job well, and don't let me worry about your minister. Now it seems that Allen has an idea, and everyone should think about how to face the minister."

"Yes, sir." All the senior Whitehall officials nodded in unison, and it was time to prove their reliability.

"This is also an exam, killing the selfish and outdated thoughts of the ministers." Norman Brooke raised his wrist and glanced at the time, "Would you like to stay for a drink?"

"Sir, we're leaving." Everyone understood and got up to say goodbye. Everyone is very busy, and they are no longer working hard for this country all the time. Take the Ministry of the Interior, for example, they are also busy with the activities of the cultural industry.

Edel had not yet officially assumed office, and was just pulled into this gathering by Alan Wilson, in a relaxed environment, to talk about the evils of colonialism.

This time, there are Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor, who are at the peak of their acting skills. The gold content is not too high, and there are also exotic styles, such as Ms. Xia Meng.

But in the eyes of Alan Wilson, there are only women who have been on the Rockets before, are now on the Rockets and will be on the Rockets in the future.

"Vivian, you look so good." Gloria Garson complimented Vivien Leigh without hesitation, "The career has also developed enviably. I really didn't expect you to come to this reception."

"Geria, you are also very attractive." Vivien Leigh's eyes wandered, swept away from the man who was talking nonsense in the distance, and said with two minds, "Even if we maintain it well, we can't compare with Hepburn and Taylor. Oh yes, this is Xia Meng. I am going to bring her into the European and American markets. Ingrid's film company and Lianmei Pictures are going to shoot a rumor about the 007 series, with the Pacific battlefield as the background, telling the story of taking to the Pearl Harbor intelligence episode."

This prototype of the historical facts of this time and space is of course instilling in Edel, Alan Wilson, who would rather kill three thousand by mistake and never let one go, "Actually, the local environment is much easier than Malaya. There were Chinese people who wanted to sell the industry before. Move to a place where you can’t go, you are right in your warning, the frontier positions involving confrontation have nothing to do with Britain, and if the colonial government has to do the opposite, bankruptcy and liquidation will be imminent.”

It is normal for a big comprador in Malaya to want to go to a place with a large Chinese population and run his own sweatshop. As an outsider, Alan Wilson is understandable, but he can't take risks with his own industry.

In particular, the island of fraud is strictly prohibited. No matter for any reason or any excuse, if you dare to ask for money or not your life in this matter, then Alan Wilson will really kill the disobedient.

"British East Africa has insufficient troops. After recruiting the natives of the Oceania colonies to join the army, they will be invested in Africa. The British army in Africa will withdraw part of the army to supplement the British army in the Middle East and Germany."

Alan Wilson thought about it and said, "Africa has a low degree of development, which will not make the islanders think too much. As for more contact with Australia after taking office, the Mountbatten Group has a strong network in Australia, and it can be used when necessary. help."

"Executive Deputy Secretary, when will I take office?" Edel expressed understanding, and then asked when to leave.

"It's best before the election results," Alan Wilson said with a smile. "We don't want nasty changes, do we?"

Ms. Xia Meng has come a long way to and she is not familiar with the place in her life. The executive secretary in charge of diplomatic work, adhering to the principle that a visitor is a guest, let Ms. Xia Meng understand the concept and receive it in person.

Xia Meng was seasick and needle-sick, but she tried her best to cooperate with Alan Wilson's diplomatic work.

Alan Wilson also took time to deal with the common position of the United States on France's actions, saying that now the United Kingdom is in the middle of the general election, and it is indeed not the right time. All questions will be answered by the new government when the general election results are released.

This reason is valid, and it is impossible for the UK to react now. If it has any views on the Soviet Union, maybe the candidates of the two parties will give it a try, and it will not help the general election if they express their stance on France.

In June, legitimate voters rushed out of their homes to cast their sacred votes in the fourth post-war general election. Polling venues are overcrowded and, as in the last general election, the situation has been fraught for most of the time, with the Conservatives and Labour in a close game.

Labour has a landslide advantage in Scotland, but is lagging in England. The tense situation continued until the end, when the Conservative Party led by Eden defeated the Labour Party by 33 votes, and the Labour Party's consecutive rule came to an end.