Broad World

Chapter 632: True and False Dragon Egg (Part 2)

As the situation in the city is getting more and more chaotic, there are not many places where Uster Nazarene can be called safe, and time is limited, Henry had to use extraordinary means to forcibly break into a private house. Korgan, who followed behind, knocked down the owner with an axe without saying a word. *Top*Point*Novel w,,c

The hapless dark elf male didn't even understand what was going on, his head fell from his neck. The blood column shot up to a height of more than one meter, and the red viscous liquid rained down one after another, forcing the other people to retreat hurriedly, otherwise they would definitely be splashed with blood.

"Damn it! Can't you just knock him out? You have to get the blood everywhere!" Fide frowned and complained.

"Hey! Sorry, I can't help it anymore. The blood is splattering, it feels so wonderful." Kogen opened his arms and licked his lips, and greedily breathed the smell of sweetness in the air.

Seeing the extremely bloodthirsty appearance of the dwarf, Henry couldn't help but shook his head lightly, and immediately cleared the furniture in the house, freeing up about ten meters of space, and began to prepare everything needed for the magic ritual. He knew very well that this was Kogen's character. He was irritable, bloodthirsty, crazy, and arrogant. It couldn't be changed easily. So as long as it didn't affect the plan, just keep one eye closed.

Candles, oak fruits, a small bottle of mercury, a colorless transparent crystal, three drops of dragon blood...

Henry quickly took out a large number of props from the dimension bag, and after a while, he placed them one by one in the designated position, followed by snapping his fingers, and lighting all the candles.

Since this magic ritual would not have any bad consequences, he didn't even check it. Put the dragon egg directly in the center. Carefully pour mercury on the surface of the eggshell. At the same time, place the fruits of the oak tree. Finally, drop the dragon's blood on the crystal, and the entire pre-work is complete.

The next thing to do is to guide, and the odd-toned spell soon filled the room. After a while, a cloud of white translucent gas began to hover around the dragon egg like a ghost.

The oak fruit began to vibrate slightly after being affected, and then it exploded with a snap, and the mercury covering the surface of the dragon egg seemed to be stimulated. A brain rushed to the crystal, mixed with the dragon blood, and slowly penetrated into the continuous changes inside. After a few minutes, it stabilized little by little, and finally formed a white dragon pattern.

There is no doubt that magic rituals will definitely not lie. Obviously, in order to achieve the effect of deceit, Joan Erinikas actually magically transformed the white dragon's egg to make it look exactly like the silver dragon's egg.

The same dragon bloodline. The strength and vitality of the soul is almost the same, no wonder the dark elves have not seen it at all. After all, not everyone knows how to use magic rituals to distinguish the types of dragon eggs. It is estimated that Mister Adu (Lace) just confirmed the authenticity and did not do further inspection at all.

You must know that although both are dragons of the water system, there is a huge gap between the silver dragon and the white dragon in all aspects, and the difference in intelligence alone is tens of thousands of miles.

As we all know, silver dragons are synonymous with elegance and beauty. They like civilized society very much. They often become elves or humans. They live and study in big cities. Unless they actively expose themselves, people around them may not know themselves for a lifetime. Making friends with a dragon.

But Bailong...

Well, although they are also counted among the dragons, their intelligence is not worth mentioning compared to other similar ones. These guys are not so much intelligent creatures as they are more appropriate beasts.

That's right, it's a beast!

Most white dragons are ferocious, succumbing to the primitive instincts of creatures, and prefer to solve troubles through more direct and violent means. They seldom consider overly complicated issues, so they will become like ordinary beasts over time. Some scholars and wizards even claim that white dragons are the only dragons that can be tamed.

Looking at the dragon egg in his hand, Henry sneered and said to himself: "Sure enough, it is exactly as expected. How can someone like Joan Irenekas not keep a hand. If that's the case, let him Let me see how good Yoshimo is."

After confirming the enemy's final means, there is nothing to worry about. The rest is just tricks and tricks. He is confident that he will never lose to a thief in this regard. This is the pride of being a legendary spellcaster. In the face of powerful power, the opponent can't play any tricks at all.

Fide shook his tail and circled the dragon egg a few times, then suddenly raised his head and asked: "Boss, what are you going to do with this fake? Do you just hand it over?"

"Of course not. Although the white dragon's egg is not as valuable as the silver dragon, it is better to be tamed, so let's stay first. As for the substitutes, don't worry at all and see what it is." Said Henry like a trick In the same way, he took out a dragon egg that was almost the same from the dimensional bag.

Kogen stared at it carefully, then shook his head and complained: "Oh...damn it! It's another egg, I really want to throw them all in the pot and cook them."

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Fortunately, Bailong's egg is forged with pterosaur eggs. If anyone accidentally eats it, he will be poisoned and die within ten minutes." After Henry's face showed a sinister smile.

As a legendary spellcaster, his counterfeiting technology is naturally at its peak, stupefied to make the surface of the gray eggshell glow with silver brilliance, which not only uses a lot of magic technology, but also uses chemical raw materials to soak it. As for whether the pterosaur embryos inside will die because of this, it is hard to say.

"Ha! Joan Irenicus' fake dragon egg, then the eldest daughter's, and finally yours. I believe that tomorrow's summoning ceremony must be very interesting." Viconia gave a smirking smile. . She knows very well how dangerous this kind of sacrifice is. As long as the tribute offered is slightly unsatisfactory, the powerful subordinate demon lord will violently kill people in an instant. By then, the mother and daughter of the first family may not be able to survive.

"You are right, the performance tomorrow morning must be very exciting, let's go, let's give this to Ferry now. I believe she must be impatient." After finishing Henry grabbed the fake dragon egg on the table. . Pushed open the door and returned to the street.

At this time, the cry of killing from the direction of the second family gradually became smaller. Even after this distance, you can still see all the buildings located above the giant stalagmites being lit, and the raging fire devours combustibles and the dead bodies. I am afraid that everyone in the entire city has already clearly known that the Geralt family has killed all the noble members in it, otherwise it would never be so blatant to light the fire.

Viconia stared at the bright fire for a few minutes, then turned her head and said to Henry: "You'd better stop them from doing such nonsense for a while. This is beyond the bottom line of most dark elves. Once you get annoyed at the Spider Academy, I'm afraid It's in trouble."

As we all know, the spider teaching institute, martial arts tower and wizard tower have become the three neutral forces in the dark elf city. Generally speaking, they will not directly participate in the fights between the major families, and only when they initiate a foreign war, they will unite and send personnel.

Although the strength of these three places has been greatly reduced after the entire army sent to the surface was annihilated, and the Mage Tower has been blood-washed, there is still some strength. Especially the Spider Academy, as the base camp for the priests of Goddess Rose, as long as they stand up and call, many civilians will stand up and respond, because this is the power of faith.

Henry nodded thoughtfully: "Wait another half an hour. I will go and run it myself to let them converge. But it's not the time yet. Didn't you find out that since the beginning of the battle, with Almost all the spies behind us have disappeared."

"Do you mean to let them continue to buy time for a few of us under the name of the Geralt family?" Viconia asked in surprise.

"It's almost like that. You have to understand that now the entire Uster Nazarene has two obvious forces that attract the most attention. One of them is the first-ranked Dursbana family, and the other is ranked No. The Geralt family of three. Every move of these two families affects the nerves of countless dark elves. Unless one moves first, they will be monitored by spies sent by various noble families."

Speaking of this, Henry deliberately stopped and pointed to the burning fire: "But it is different now. As the Geralt family took the lead, a large number of spies were attracted to the past, and we could take advantage of it. This opportunity escapes into the darkness and completes some more secret plans."

"But don't you think this is a bit risky? After all, the gods have already begun to pay attention to the situation in this city, and a little carelessness will cause catastrophic consequences." After speaking, there was a trace of worry in Viconia's eyes. She found that the current situation was far beyond her tolerance, and it was almost equivalent to a game with the gods. If she was not careful, she would die without a place to bury her.

"Adventure? No, I don't think so. As a chess player, you should never put yourself in a weak position, otherwise it would be tantamount to surrendering victory. Don't worry, I have prepared for the worst. Even if the opponent is a god, don’t even want to take advantage of This is a contest between chess player and chess player...and I...must win!" Henry finished speaking and squeezed hard. fist.

The situation has developed to such an extent that it has already deviated from the original script, and is thinking of unpredictable changes in direction, especially the sudden intervention of the spider goddess Rose, which is like a bolt from the blue, which is completely adding fuel to the fire.

As everyone knows, this goddess is notoriously stingy and must-have, but now Uster Nassar is completely messed up into a pot of porridge, she has no reaction at all, and she is quiet and scary. There are only two possibilities for being motionless like this. One is that the picture is too big and the right opportunity has not been found yet. The second is that the goal is difficult, and you should stay dormant before you have absolute certainty.

Henry had a hunch that no matter which one it was, he couldn't get rid of it. In short, no matter what, he must win this game. He must let the gods who are staring at him know that he will have to pay a heavy price if he wants to deal with himself, otherwise similar conspiracies will happen sooner or later...


I would like to bow to thank the book friends such as Crystal Prophecy, Mu Huali and others for their monthly tickets. (To be continued...)