Broad World

Chapter 899: Action is coming!

? Unlike Henry’s previous weak (love) people, Carol has a toned figure and extraordinary physical strength, coupled with too long abstinence, which makes her burst out extremely violently, and she is willing to try almost any trick. It took more than two hours of craziness to stop, lying on the sofa with sweat all over, and every inch of skin on the whole body revealed the blush after (excited) affection. √∟,


   "Hehe, how do you feel? Do you feel more comfortable?" Henry asked gently, stroking the smooth back of the female soldier.


Since Viconia went to Wywood City to preach, he has never been so happy again. Although the muscle "Barbie" is slightly stronger, it does not meet the normal aesthetics of most men, but the occasional visit is quite For excitement.


Carol was exhausted at the moment, didn't even want to move a finger, and replied out of breath: "It's not bad. I really can't see that you can have such a good physical strength with a thin body like you. In addition, I have another one. Question, are you really only a teenager? Those tricks just now are not something a teenager can think of."


   "Hahahaha!" Henry laughed and patted the warrior's buttocks. "Don't worry, I'll tell you in a few days. As for's not the time yet. Come, take a shower with me first, the whole body is sticky but it's not very comfortable."


   After he finished speaking, he hugged Carol directly and walked into the bathroom. Soon there were heavy (gasp) breaths from men and high-pitched (groans) groans from women...


   While Henry was enjoying the happiness brought about by the collision, an unprecedented storm was brewing in Ascatraz, the capital of Amn in the north.


   In order to better handle the border conflict with Tethyr, the six-member council appointed Naria, the last direct member of the Deanis family, as the messenger. Officially set off to Dalaoma, the capital of the other party. Ready to negotiate a solution with Harred III and Zanlanda Star Rheindon.


   Because Dalaoma is an inland city along the river. Therefore, the team did not take a boat, but chose a long and dangerous land route, but Naria did not know that someone in the mutual aid association had planned a large-scale operation that would shake the entire Amn. When she came back, the situation was estimated. The development created beyond the controllable range.


   Watching the envoy of nearly a hundred people pass through the city gate and head towards the trade highway, a young man hiding in a corner has a hint of joy across his face. Hastily turned and disappeared among the crowd of onlookers.


   Half an hour later, in an old house in the wharf area, more than 20 young people were sitting together, each with an expression of excitement, as if waiting for some news, and the Shi'anuomen was also in it.


   After a long time together, he succeeded in becoming one of the highest ranks in the mutual aid association. He has an armed force of five hundred people, and he also gained the respect, trust, and even worship he dreamed of.


   Here, Sir Pighead felt the satisfaction that he couldn't experience in the Knights of the Hot Heart. After all, the knights only admire the noble and outstanding seniors, but they will never have any worship. They only worship the gods they believe in.


   But the poor people of the Mutual Aid Society are different. They can easily admire a goal that they can never reach. That's how the noble-born Naria is being held up by the superior, and the same is true for Anomen.


He has a rather handsome appearance, has the power of a soldier and a priest, and masters the method of training the army. It can be said that such a person just satisfies the civilians’ desire to be protected, so no one can compete with him in this regard. Even if many people are envious and jealous, they can only watch them. Who makes them lack the strength and knowledge.


   In fact, there is a more important reason why the Annomen can be mixed up, and that is that there is still a powerful force behind him-Dellin.


  As one of the most politically influential families in Ascatla, the Delrin family can enter the six-member council and become the highest ruling class in the entire Amn as long as they are willing to pay a certain price.


   Sir Pighead’s father, Cole, was a famous old fox in the nobility circle in his early years, but in recent years he has a tendency to become a drunkard, and his younger sister is also Moira and is also a famous beauty, sought after by many young people.


   With such a strong background, the poor will inevitably admire him a little, and even ignore his own a bit disgusting character.


   As his status in the mutual aid association became higher and higher, Annomen gradually began to consider this place as his real business, and even the number of times he went to the Knights was reduced a lot.


But all this is worth it in his eyes. Five hundred dockers who used to work hard only have been trained to be prohibited soldiers, and the first general strike in Ascatel’s history will be launched soon, if successful. , Then this kind of struggle for the benefit of the poor will spread quickly on the mainland, and his name will be well-known along with the story of the bard.


   reputation! respect!


   These two things are what Sir Pighead wants most, but he would never even dream of the terrible consequences...


Just as a group of people were whispering, the door suddenly stopped opening. A young man walked in and shouted: "Brothers! Brothers from the Mutual Aid Society! Miss Naria has left. She is too kind and can't bear it." Seeing that the city has been hurt, I have always taken a very gentle way to fight for benefits. But those greedy merchants and nobles will not easily give up the benefits in their hands, so we have to show them our strength! Forcing them to yield! Now I want the door , Are you all ready?"


   "Of course! Lindel! We've been waiting for this day!"


   "Yes! Let's go on strike and see how those **** guys make money!"


   "Let them not even buy anything to eat!"


   "We want the council to lower the poll tax!"




   Suddenly the crowd was excited, and the young people waved their arms and shouted loudly. They are usually small people who are easily overlooked. When they think of themselves, they can immediately squash those high-ranking big men. They are so excited that they can't take the lead in charging into the battle.


The young man named Lindel nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and asked Anomen: "Brother, we will launch all members to go on strike tomorrow. I hope you can lead people to maintain order and protect the parade. Not be bullied by anyone."


   "No problem, I will do my best to keep everyone safe."


   Sir Pighead agreed without even thinking about it. He could feel the blood in his body burning and boiling, and he believed in his heart that this was a righteous action.


In fact, most of the young people sitting here believe that their behavior is just and they are seeking benefits for more people, so they are in high spirits, and some radicals think that they only need to mobilize the masses to surround themselves. The council building can force the nobles to succumb to their feet.


They did not realize that this is challenging the bottom line of the ruling class. No country or government must lose its majesty and credibility, otherwise it will soon fall apart, especially in a country like Amn. .


After discussing the plan of action for tomorrow, more than 20 young people left directly and went door to door to inform the news of tomorrow’s strike. They had been preparing for this for half a month without Naria, and now it’s finally here. The moment of action.


   After watching all the members of the mutual aid association leave, Lindel's mouth turned up slightly, turned and left from the back door, and ran straight towards the administrative area, before arriving at the door of a mansion.


   He looked around, and after confirming that no one was following, he cautiously walked in, and showed the doorman the mark of the copper ring on his hand, and then entered the room unimpeded.


Passing through the gorgeous hall, this ambitious young man came to the balcony on the second floor, and soon saw the figure of Qianli who was obsessed with herself, hurried three steps and two steps forward and bowed deeply: "Miss Camilla, I have done everything you ordered. Tomorrow the mutual aid association will launch an unprecedented strike. At that time, the entire Amn will feel this power from the bottom society."


Naxis, disguised as a weak aristocratic girl, turned around, gently lifted the white dress, revealing a section of smooth calf, then smiled and patted the young man's shoulder: "Very good, you really did not disappoint me. You have to find a way to make the civilians angry and let them attack the municipal building."


"Understood! I will not let you down." After Lindel saw half of his calf, he lost his ability to think, as if he was hit by a charm spell. He just wanted to kneel down and lick the soles of each other's shoes. .


"What are you waiting for? Go ahead and do it. Remember, your task is to mess up the whole Ascatla." After finishing talking, Nesis waved his slender and shot a shot in an instant. The light of light.


Lindel suddenly realized that his body was suddenly full of strength, even stronger than those professional soldiers. He immediately knelt down and kissed the boots of the succubus passionately and shouted: "Miss Camilla! You are my faith. My goddess! Thank you for everything! I am willing to do anything for you! Even to die!"


"Hehe, then I'm not going to complete the task I explained. This is for you. Tomorrow, when there are a lot of people, open the stopper, and there will be unexpected results." Said Naxis put a small pink smoke The bottle was thrown on the ground.


Obviously, all the recent activities of the Mutual Aid Association were secretly manipulated by her. With the innate powerful charm of the succubus, she easily captured this young man without any professional level, and then followed Henry's instructions to completely detonate Ann. Mu’s civil strife has plunged the country into turmoil and anxiety.


I have to say that the succubus is like a fish in water when performing this kind of task. Not only is the entire upper class being provoked (teasing) against each other, but also the bottom society is about to break out of unprecedented contradictions. The seeds planted before finally took root and sprouted. At the time, it’s hard to say whether it will grow into a towering tree in the end, it’s still a terrible man-eating plant... (To be continued...)