Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 645: Aftermath of the corpse

On the first floor of the Golden Wind Hotel, a **** corpse was lying on the tiles next to the counter, surrounded by a few gaudy-dressed women. Looking at the corpse, they all looked terrified. One of the women trembled in fear:" This...this is... Aunt Wang! How could she be killed?! Sisters, what should we do!"

"Kill and kill! This eight-woman usually beats and scolds us. She was killed because she was killed well and wonderfully. We are too happy to have time!" A beautiful woman staring at the corpse, Holding a faint bruise on his cheek, there was no sympathy for that aunt Wang's death in his words!

"Then, let's find the adults of the Supernaturalists Alliance to see the situation. After all, Aunt Wang still pays the protection fee every month. Aunt Wang is dead. They should take care of it!"

"Oh, our sisters are really suffering. What can we do if this matter is dealt with? It's nothing more than changing the boss, and we still have to make money on our bodies!"

A onlooker sighed helplessly, thinking of her future situation, and even the horror of the death of the Aunt Wang was somewhat weakened.

"Xiaoli, what you said is right. What if we change the boss? I just hope that the new boss will not exploit us too harshly!"

When several onlookers thought of this, they were too lazy to look at the miserable situation of the aunt. They all got a mop, a bucket, and dragged the **** tiled floor clean, and the remaining aunt Wang’s corpse I was also abandoned as a mystery and left on the side of the road,

"By the way, sisters, since Aunt Wang is dead, let's divide our hardship money. If there is more, I won't do this business anymore, just find an honest man to marry, don't ask. Be rich and noble, as long as you can be safe and stable!"

The woman named Xiaoli looked at the locked drawer on the counter, her eyes lit up, and she spoke her own thoughts.

"Xiaoli, you still have a flexible head, I didn't expect it just now!" The surrounding women all looked at each other with joy when they heard the words. They found a hammer and chisel, and knocked the lock of the drawer easily. ,

Open the drawer, two or three hundred golden dragon coins, glowing with attractive golden light against the background of the lights,

Four or five women laughed at this and divided the money. Those who were willing to leave, hurried back to clean up the bedding. Those who did not want to go, were also going to go back to the dormitory and find a place to hide the money.

Just as they had finished dividing the spoils and were about to return to the dormitory together, a black figure in a black robe stood in front of the door and said: "What are you doing?"

"Damn, I was scared to death!" A more timid woman looked at Wang Mang in front of the door with horror, and patted her chest in fear. After seeing Wang Mang's face, she smiled." The guests are staying, we will do activities in the hotel tonight, and the accommodation is free."

Speaking of this, the woman also took out a room key from the counter, and said with a smile: "Guest, this is the best room on the second floor. You can live in it, it's free today!"

Listening to this woman’s words, Wang Mang smiled noncommittal, waved his hand and refused, “No, I’ll move in in the afternoon. Don’t be afraid and continue to do yours.”

When the women heard the words, they also looked at each other anxiously, for fear of causing some trouble, they murmured a few words, gritted their teeth, one person divided out ten golden dragon coins, and made up fifty.

Xiaoli smiled and handed it to Wang Mang, "Guest, take the money, you just don’t see anything. Our sisters are all suffering people, just want to get back our own money, no Bad thing!"