Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1244: The true face of Liu Jian

In the lobby of the City Lord’s Mansion, Wang Mang smiled after listening to Liu Jiankang’s powerful oath.

"Liu Jian, I believe in your determination, but you also know that if a person is loyal, loyalty is hard to control. Are you right?"

Wang Mang smiled and knocked on the armrest with his knuckles. The insect ring flashed suddenly and took out a snow-white pill. "Eat this, you will be my most loyal subordinate in the future!"

"Yes..." Liu Jian looked at the pure and flawless white pill in Wang Mang's palm, his eyes were a little trance, the look in his eyes was a little bleak.

He quickly adjusted his emotions, stood up and walked slowly to Wang Mang, took the white pill, and swallowed it without hesitation.

Liu Jian closed his eyes and waited quietly for the changes in his body, but after two or three moments, the pain in his body was never revealed. On the contrary, he became more energetic.

The originally tired brain seemed to be soaked in the warm spring water, warm and very comfortable.

Liu Jian blinked, and a loyal enthusiasm flowing from the depths of his soul appeared in his eyes. He respectfully knelt down on one knee to Wang Mang, and performed a very serious manner of surrender.

"He will be a family from now on, Liu Jian!" Wang Mang helped him up, smiled heartily, and asked him to find a chair to sit down.

"Master, I think the idea you just put forward is very good! But I think I can go further!"

After Liu Jian took Bai Wan, his soul was completely loyal to Wang Mang, and that's it, his kind face finally no longer concealed anything, revealing a vicious sullen air.

He pursed his lips, his small eyes revealed cruelty, "Master, I can say that I have quite a deep understanding of this Southern Butterfly City.

The blacksmiths in this city, large and small, can basically know how they are in their skills and strength. If you occupy the city in the future, I don't think one-tenth of the profits need to be given to them! "

When Wang Mang listened to Liu Jian's temperament like a brutal capitalist, he immediately became interested, "Liu Jian, you can talk carefully, tell all the thoughts in your heart and listen, and if it is reasonable, just use it!"

Liu Jian's small, shrewd eyes blinked, and a silly smile appeared on his fat face.

"Master, I am in the civilized age, but a doctoral student majoring in business administration at a key university!

After several years of training in the last days, I dare not say that I can sell the stone for the price of gold, but how to squeeze the maximum profit, I am still familiar with it! Hehe! "

Wang Mang looked at Liu Jian's smirk and couldn't help being a little surprised. He couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Liu Jian, you kid is still a talent!"

"The master is absurd," Liu Jian smiled without the slightest embarrassment, and then said: "Actually, these blacksmiths in Nandie City should have been formally organized.

Now their workshop-like production model is too inefficient!

Besides, master, you have a strong soldier. This group of blacksmiths can't make any big waves. Persecution is definitely necessary, but the incentive setting is optional. If there is, the effect is better, and there is no harm. "

"My idea is that the treatment of top blacksmiths remains unchanged, and can even be enhanced. Those mediocre blacksmiths use their lives and their families to restrain them.

For example, set a goal this month and build two mysterious weapons in a month. If you can't do it once, you will have a whip. If you can't do it twice, you will threaten your family. If you fail to do it three times, you will send him directly to heaven! "