Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1253: Mining area

Wang Mang smiled suddenly when he looked at the frown of the different pupil.

"Different pupil, you might as well think about it from another angle, the spies who sneaked into Nandie City, the killer must use the same methods as you.

Your specialty is destined that you are not suitable for personal protection, but hiding in the dark is not your best. "

After listening to Wang Mang's words, Yi Tong suddenly felt, "Master, do you want us to ambush those unruly killer spies in the dark? If this is the case, then that is our strength!"

"Yes! That's it!" Wang Mang nodded satisfied after hearing this.

This special black-clothed team led by Yitong is a true elite selected from the shadow department in various gathering places such as Dragon City, Peng City, etc.

Each of them is a top-notch existence in the killer line. To kill under their noses, I'm afraid it's harder than getting to the sky!

Listening to the conversation between Yitong and Wang Mang, Liu Jian's face was full of excitement. The owner was so kind to him. Knowing that he was not strong enough, he specially arranged five bodyguards with terrifying strength for him. The confidant is dead!

With his stubby legs, he walked to the floor of the hall and knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "Thank you for your master's care, and the subordinates are grateful!

"Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand, "As long as Liu Jian, you control Nandie City for me, all these investments are worthwhile!" "

Liu Jian’s small eyes were filled with gratitude and excitement. He raised his head and his expression became a little hesitant.

"Master, when this is the case, the control of Nandie City is a foregone conclusion, but does the mining area in the northern part of the city need to be guarded? After all, that is where Nandie City is based!"

Listening to Liu Jian's hesitation, Wang Mang couldn't help squinting his eyes, "There are still people in the mining area?! Why haven't you told me about this before?"

Liu Jian was shocked by Wang Mang's slightly cold words. He looked at Wang Mang with some trepidation and said:

"Master, the guards in the mining area are basically the guards I control. As long as you occupy Nandie City, the occupation of the mining area is definitely a certainty, so please don't worry, Master!"

"The only thing the subordinates worry about is that the news of the occupation of Nandie City leaks to the mining area. Those miners who look like prisoners will definitely riot!"

After listening, Wang Mang tapped his fingers on the handrail lightly. He was speechless for a while before opening his mouth:

"It's not a big deal, and it's not difficult to solve it, but aren't the miners in the mining area ordinary people, they still have the ability to riot?!"

Wang Mang frowned and was a little puzzled. Even if thousands of ordinary people were armed with weapons and wearing armor, they were probably not the opponents of thirty or fifty guards.

"Master, you don’t know, the miners who work in this mining area are basically supernatural beings, at least they have the strength of two or three tiers.

It's just that their wrists and ankles were all locked with hard Xuan-level shackles. It was taken by the guards of thousands of people in Nandie City, and these miners couldn't make any waves. "

"But once these miners learn about the occupation of Nandie City, they will definitely riot.

Although they dare not counterattack the gathering place, they will definitely flee in chaos. If this happens, the mining speed of the mine cannot keep up, and the production of Nandie City will definitely be discounted."

After listening to Liu Jian's explanation, Wang Mang was a little helpless. He suddenly turned his head and said to Zhang Lan next to him: "Zhang Lan, I have to trouble you again. Call the black armored troops!"