Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1506: Stitch arm

The Intelligence Department, the Shadow Department, and the Forbidden Land Task Force, a large net woven by the various powerful departments of the Insect Group unknowingly shrouded the gathering place where Zhou Ying was.

Zhou Ying's face was ugly at this time, with a mouthful of cold white teeth biting a rough wooden stick, his arm was half naked, fleshy maggots surged from the shoulder blade of his left arm, and a stench faintly glowed.

A bald old man exuding lifelessness and a little swollen cheek was frowning, looking worried and unmanageable, helping Zhou Ying deal with the wound on his shoulder blade.

He smelled the stench of the rotting wound, and said in a irritable tone: "Zhou Ying, your injury is too serious. You also know the side effects of corpse mud, how can you still use it?"

The bald old man used a silver knife to gently scrape off the sticky mud at the junction of the shoulder blade and his left arm. Some of the fishy and necrotic flesh was stuck with the mud. The old man just frowned, regardless of directly. Scrape it off with a knife. "Hi, old man Zhang, you go lightly!"

Zhou Ying bit the wooden stick and murmured in pain. The strong left arm twitched slightly unconsciously, and the nerves attached to the corpse sent a sharp pain like a knife.

"Heh! If you put this arm away, even if it takes two or three hours, my old man will be able to pick it up for you without pain. Who told you to use corpse mud?"

The bald old man threw Zhou Ying's left arm on the floor as if throwing trash, and took some special medicines similar to alcohol and applied it to Zhou Ying's fleshy wounds.

"You wait here. I'll get you a fresh arm. I really don't understand you. I have to suppress my strength. Now it's alright. Do you know how hard it is to find an arm that fits your vitality?! What a waste of my work!"

"Lao Zhang! I'll double the medical bills for you this time. Move quickly! My wound is starting to bleed again!" Zhou Ying looked at the **** flesh and blood, and couldn't help but walk into the cubicle. Zhang's urged aloud.

"Come, here!" The bald old man responded with annoyance, and slammed the door of the compartment. He was still carrying something wrapped in a thick film. The film was opened, and a cold air appeared. His slender and strong arms were exposed.

"You have to add money for this arm. I have found several powers that fit your vitality and blood before breaking down this one! If you have another accident in the future, you will be a severed arm!"

Although the bald old man was not forgiving, he was dissatisfied with the action under his hand. The old right hand held a long and narrow silver knife against the wound on Zhou Ying's arm, ‘huh! Huh! With two beeps, the bravery brace was cut into a fleshy surface that fits perfectly with the wound in an instant.

"Endure the pain!" The bald old man held his broken arm in one hand, and took out a pair of strange tweezers from the tool bag on the wooden chair next to him in the other.

He squinted his eyes and carefully pulled out the tendons on his arms with the tweezers, and then used a foul-smelling black medicine to drip two drops on the tendons.

This is a delicate work. There are hundreds of muscles and veins connected in series in one arm, big and small. The skill of this old hand is really beautiful, but in three to five minutes, all the veins and veins are connected to the broken arm with the medicine. The tendons are stuck together.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Zhang grasped the broken arm and twisted it against the wound. The thick and long corpse needle in the other hand was flying and turning like a butterfly through flowers. This evil scene made people feel chills.