Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1549: Zhang Nan experiment

"Perhaps it would be worthwhile to redeem Xiaohe home at the cost of his own body..." The thought that popped up in Zhang Nan's heart was like a moisturized green sprout. Out of control.

His eyes gradually became firm, and he asked decisively: "Sir, let's start the experiment. If I die, I won't be dead, but...sir, I beg you. If I die, I hope you can save my life. He redeemed that magic cave and gave her a little more money so that she could find a good family to marry."

As Zhang Nan spoke, a sweet smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The ancients once said: Hearing the Tao in the morning, death in the evening will be damned. What if he really died for Xiao He? As long as she can be happy.

Wang Mang and Yao Sen looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile. Yao Sen blinked at Wang Mang insignificantly, his face deliberately showing a look of scorn, he pointed at Zhang Nan viciously and threatened:

"What are you thinking?! If you fail the experiment, what is the name of Xiaohe, I will send her directly to the land of the fireworks and willow alley, so that she will become a lowly pheasant from an entertainer, what I said Just do it!"

"How can you do this!!" Zhang Nan was stunned for a while, and then the facial features on his face were distorted because of anger. Regardless of his identity, he yelled frantically: "If you do this, I will die as a ghost. I won't let you go!"

"Haha! Being a ghost? I'm not afraid of you while you're alive. Will I still be afraid of you if you die?!" Yao Sen patted Zhang Nan's cheek very insultingly, stood up and turned to Wang Mang and said, "The leader , Let’s start the experiment quickly, I think this Nan’s mood looks pretty good!"

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and with a wave of one hand, a swift and lightning-like centipede slammed into Zhang Nan's face, and the whispers of the urn sounded shallowly in his ears:

"Zhang Nan, if your experiment fails and you die, that artist Xiaohe will become the lowest kind of person, maybe... she has to endure the insults and spurned by men of different vulgarity every day, and is mocked by everyone. Coldly scorned,

She would live better than death every day, and finally under the dual pressure of body and physiology, her mind collapsed, becoming a lunatic fool, and finally dying on the street. "

"No...no...no..." Zhang Nan's eyes widened, his chapped lips fluttered slightly, he tried not to listen to Wang Mang's whisper in his ear, but the more he resisted , The whispering magic voice was even more clearly printed in his mind, lingering no matter what.

"No! I don't want this... I want to survive! Only if I survive, Xiaohe can live happily. Who can bully her again! I, Zhang Nan, swear here!"

His eyes were angrily open like a demon, two drops of red blood and tears flowed down the corner of his eyes, he didn't want to die, he couldn't die for Xiaohe!

"No!" He suddenly raised his head and roared, and the sharp and deep mouthparts of the little centipede plunged into his throat, and the pale golden female worm's blood with purple-black venom was completely injected into Zhang Nan's body.

"Uh~~~Uh~~" Zhang Nan's passionate voice stopped abruptly, as if he was pinched in his throat, and his dark, smelly throat and flesh and blood made him hypoxia.

He clutched his throat tightly with his right hand, and a huge pustule suddenly swelled up. Even though he was clutching his palm, the pustule swelled more and more until it burst.

The foul-smelling pus splashed his hand, and the strong corrosiveness caused his brain to endure double pain from the throat and hands.