Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1568: Promoted to Tier 6

He is going to be promoted too! The accumulation is deep enough, the supernatural energy is comparable to Jiang Hai, and there are five sixth-order monster beasts in his hand, and he uses the exaggerated and terrifying free energy during the fission period.

In such a unique situation, what kind of height will he reach after he is promoted?

Wang Mang looked forward to it for a while, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and showed a smile, and walked to the well-guarded underground secret room alone. Wang Mang sat cross-legged on a soft futon.

Five demon pills of various colors suddenly appeared in the heart of his palm, and the pale golden insect pattern suddenly shot out a strong light, and the endless darkness seemed to be driven away at this moment.

The shining demon pill gradually melted in Wang Mang’s palm, and the five violent abilities were like five crazy dragons rushing into his palm, and the majestic supernatural energy faced these five stormy dragons. A fierce energy confrontation suddenly started.

The five resentful, almost crazy beast souls used all their strength to destroy Wang Mang's muscles, offset the supernatural energy, and the detached body began to work.

The terrifying recovery ability allowed the slightly broken veins to heal in an instant, and the flesh-and-blood energy resembled the reinforcements of this energy clash and blocked the five chaos!

Under the unrivaled advantage, the energy of the five demon pills melted and gathered was gradually swallowed and offset.

There was also a trace of burning black mist on Wang Mang's head, and a hideous, vigorous beast soul was outlined above his head. It roared unwillingly, and the figure constructed by the black mist instantly melted away.

Repeatedly, when the fifth monster black shadow was shaken away by the aura emanating from Wang Mang's body, an energy vortex visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on his head.

The free energy in the air gathered on his head as if swallowed by a whale, and poured into his body. The original mercury-like supernatural energy was compressed again, and was forced into the worm pattern from the veins!

As the vortex rotates, the energy in Wang Mang's body becomes more and more full, and it can even be said to be full, and his veins are swollen with energy.

The extremely high-quality supernatural energy can only be compressed again and again with high intensity in the insect pattern, and gradually a round and small pale golden bead appears.

This is an energy solid created by compressing the viscous energy like mercury to the extreme. Just the size of this mung bean, 80% of the energy that Wang Mang had before!

The golden bead slowly rotated, absorbing the energy in Wang Mang's body with an extremely high efficiency. The volume of the golden bead became larger and rounder with the rotation.

When its volume expands to the size of a lychee! at last! It paused.

‘Om! The skin of Wang Mang, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly showed a golden light, and the aftermath of the majestic energy exploded like gunpowder.

The secret room with extremely terrifying defensive power was crashed by this aftermath, and the cobweb-like cracks crisscrossed on the tough walls, incomparable.

"The worm reincarnated, the spirit worm transformed?!"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes in a daze, and murmured with his lips moving slightly. When he stepped into the threshold of the sixth-order ability person, he seemed to have awakened two amazing skills.

He opened his left hand and slightly spread out his five fingers. A hideous monster worm made out of nothing but energy crawled out. Their scarlet compound eyes were bloodthirsty, and their mouthparts were sharp and sharp.