Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1600: Amazing discovery

In a special reception room on the third floor of the Gushan City Dungeon, three high-powered air conditioners were blowing cold wind. It is still winter, and there is often light snow outside.

In such a room where the indoor temperature is only three or four degrees Celsius, seven or eight high-level insect groups are holding knives and forks, sitting around a long table and eating lunch.

As the senior members of the insect group, their lunch nutrition is quite balanced, a high-quality spiritual rice, a beef rib dipped in sauce, and dozens of slices of high-grade monster meat filled and evenly sliced ​​high-end sausages. , The fruits and vegetables are picked on the long table according to personal preference.

Seven or eight people were eating with gusto. Wang Mang sat on the main seat of the long table, delivered the last piece of sausage to his entrance, and put down his chopsticks.

He wiped his mouth, looked up at the diners, knocked on the table, and when everyone put down their knives, forks and chopsticks, he said indifferently: "Let's talk about it all."

Mo, as the warden of the secret realm, immediately put on a mask after wiping his mouth. He looked at a morgue bed beside the long table and walked forward without any shame, and pressed the throat of the dead body with his fingers. artery.

His unique urn sound sounded: "Master, the previous Zhou Ying's corpses were also studied by members of our prison's experienced jailer's cooperative action team.

The past experiments have not made much breakthrough, but since the black team sent the corpse the day before yesterday, our research has made a huge breakthrough in stages! "

Mo raised his head, his eyes behind the cold lenses did not contain the slightest emotion, he said coldly to the people: "This time I asked the leader to hold the lunch here, because this huge breakthrough is closely related to everyone."

Yao Sen smiled at the corner of his mouth. He poked a piece of apple with a toothpick and sent it into the mouth, knowing Mo's next words clearly in his heart.

"After our research, we found that this Zhou Ying corpse holding a samurai sword is significantly different from the previous ones in terms of activity.

Last week, Zhou Ying's physical activity was roughly equivalent to the average level of a Tier 3 ability person, but the current corpse activity is almost the same as the physical quality of a Tier 5 ability person. "

"And it's not just the body, but the IQ of'his' is also changing. We once made a bold assumption. Since Zhou Ying's clone memory is the same, will it be in the next cloning process? Optimization changes in the process?

Obviously... this assumption is true! Clones are constantly improving. "

The people around the long table were a little surprised after hearing this, but they did not have much reaction. There are countless strong insect groups, and there are more than a hundred people with supernatural powers above the sixth order. Even if this clone compares It was strong once, but could he beat our bug group?

Mo saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, cleared his throat slightly, and threw a blockbuster, "We found that Zhou Ying's physical activity sources are extremely mixed, and they seem to come from different human bodies.

After a series of observations and discussions by our staff, we came up with a final result: Zhou Ying’s female worm is twins, and his current cloning plan is relying on another female worm to conduct an amazing experiment: Rebirth! "

"The final result of the cloning project is to cultivate a clone that inherits the memory of all clones and is optimized to the extreme. When the clone is optimized to the extreme, it will definitely evolve into the ontology!"