Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1734: About to meet again

"Dear Mr. Wang Hu, there is a message from the organization that the welcoming and resettlement work has been done in Gushan City. You can lead your subordinates directly into the space-time channel!"

The lord of Flying Dragon City is only one and a half meters tall, his whole person is thin and thin, the skin on his face is even darker and full of wrinkles, the moustaches on his lips are hanging upside down, and he has a warm and bright smile on his mouth. .

He wears a luxurious silk and satin robe, which looks funny when attached to his thin body, like a baboon crowned by a monkey. The hands caged in the sleeves grabbed Wang Hu's right hand and shook it vigorously, facing each other. The group of people walked to the giant space-time passage specially blessed by the nuclear crystal.

After three years of surviving in the jungle, Wang Hu, who was living in the jungle, wore only a tiger-skin vest, and his exposed arms were covered with criss-cross scars, deep or shallow.

His physique has not changed much, he still has that sturdy figure, and the flesh on his face has increased. If he is stern, he will look like a homicide in a felon prison in the civilized era.

Wang Hu, who was holding his right hand enthusiastically, unnaturally squeezed a seemingly friendly smile at the lord of Flying Dragon City. The hands held by'Wa' suddenly loosened, and there was no two or two fleshy baboon on the face of the lord of the city. The smile stiffened for a few moments, and my heart was suddenly startled. Is this Wang Hu dissatisfied with me? Are you trying to kill me?

"Thank you for the hospitality of the city lord. I will summon the subordinates to enter the space-time channel." Wang Hu smiled'friendly'. The original scary look has become more horrible, and he patted gently. He took a picture of the Baboon City Lord, who only reached his chest. He didn't put much effort, but he almost slapped him on the ground.

The Baboon City Lord's legs trembled so much that he couldn't be more wrong than a bone frame, and he was relieved to see that Wang Hu really didn't seem to be malicious.

He grabbed the satin robe that was wet with sweat, said a few words respectfully, and walked aside, allowing Wang Hu and the group of barbarians who were still holding the blood-stained raw meat to enter the space-time passage.

Wang Hu walked slowly to this huge passage that was 20 meters high and more than a dozen wide. The light blue passage light reflected on him. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and paused for a moment in his chest. Immediately spit out that long stale air.

When he opened his eyes again, those energetic eyes were full of indomitable excitement and a hint of joy. After three years, the brothers are about to meet again...

At the same moment, Wang Mang, who has rarely appeared in front of the urbanites of Gushan, wore a formal suit, a straight suit, and shiny leather shoes.

Wang Mang's radiant and energetic appearance made the hearts of thousands of citizens on the Gushan City Square unstoppable a look of anticipation and curiosity. They all knew Wang Mang's appearance, after all, it was too difficult for the hero who was the number one on the human battle list to forget.

And such a high-ranking, rather mysterious City Lord Wang Mang in recent years would personally stand in front of the passage of time and space to greet someone? This is unbelievable...

"Get out of here! Don't get too close! What about you, why are you still arching into it?!" Hundreds of patrol elites are all sabers and armoured, with a serious expression of maintaining order. It would be a bit bigger for the previous demon king to come at the same time, after all, even the city lord came in person this time.