Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1813: Desperate fight

Rushing to the Black Water Pool was not a decision made by Wang Mang's brain fever, but a move he made after careful analysis of the surrounding environment and repeated consideration in his heart.

After his observation, in this huge underground space, millions of deformed beetles covered almost everything here, but only the surface of the black water pool was shining with waves of scales in the darkness.

Explosions sounded in the ears, and the densely packed malformed beetles were blocked by the barrier where thousands of fire locusts gathered.

Every beetle that wants to break through the barrier to attack Wang Mang, often at the moment of contact, there is a fierce fire locust that is not afraid of death, screaming, and inspires destructive forces in its body to rush towards it.

With a bang, large swaths of deformed beetles were instantly evaporated by the high temperature generated by the explosion, and the black-pressured worms just formed a small vacuum, and in a blink of an eye they were filled up by countless similar species behind them.

Wang Mang was holding an insect knife and galloping with all his strength. Every step he took was tens of meters away, but every step he made was the sacrifice of hundreds of fire locusts.

Wang Mang’s eyes were firm and his steps were getting faster and faster. Almost all of his legs had left shadows, but the sound of explosions in his ears was getting weaker and weaker. Hundreds of thousands of fire locusts were in the endless wave of insects. China also seems to be a drop in the bucket...

The red barrier was getting shorter and shorter. When Wang Mang could clearly see the Wang Senhan, lonely black water pool with his naked eyes, there were only a thousand or two thousand fire locusts that formed the barrier. ...

Wang Mang started the final acceleration, and the astonishing high-quality energy in his body rushed to his legs along the veins, fast, only a few steps away!

But this is the time! Sudden change!

Wang Mang couldn't help his eyes widening, his jagged pupils shrank suddenly, and he stopped moving forward.

On the left front of his body, at the edge of the Black Water Pool, a red-red beetle the size of a wild dog, shaking with two pairs of slender and flexible antennae, it has six hooked feet climbing on a small piece of rock, with the largest body. The pair of hook feet at the front end are sickle-shaped, and its upper body is also erected in a threatening manner.

But what made Wang Mang even more uneasy was that his pair of lychee-sized black insect eyes were staring at him eagerly.

Time is running out and there is no room for delay. Seeing the fire locusts around him die one after another in the worm sea, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and immediately made an extremely irrational decision!

The worm pattern in his palm shone slightly, and the huge and powerful supernatural energy burst out like a vast ocean.

With a powerful and turbulent muffled sound, the countless deformed beetles in front of them were chopped up by Wang Mang's qi composed of pure energy. Looking at it, at least a vacuum of hundreds of meters was formed.

That is the moment when Wang Mang made a move, the blood-red beetle also moved. It appeared in front of Wang Mang's eyes out of thin air like a teleportation. It was a trance when Wang Mang's qi flew out. The figure is also hidden again.

‘Puff! Wang Mang vomited with a mouthful of thick blood, his chest and abdomen were chopped with blood dripping, and even his internal organs were faintly deformed.

But even so, he didn't even delay, and with a single breath, he teleported towards the vacuum area. The next moment, his body fell into the gloomy water with a ‘poof’.