Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 832: Halberd's rebuttal

When the halberd put the iron box on the white staff's table, Wang Mang's shock remained undiminished. The pattern engraved on the box turned out to be a hideous worm!

Looking at Wang Mang's shock, Bai Li also felt amused. He stretched out his hand and patted the box, and asked him playfully: "Wang Mang, what kind of reward do I plan to give you?"

The wide-eyed Wang Mang hurriedly stood up and asked a little surprised: "Master Bai, this is...'Insect Technique'?!"

"If you say so, it's correct, but I usually call it the magic trick! This is left by the previous Lord of Time and Space, and this is what he practiced!" Bai Xiao squinted his eyes, looking in his eyes. There seems to be a flash of recollection,

"Wang Mang, you have to know that not everyone can be the master of Shushi Time and Space, and only those who have practiced the strongest art are eligible to compete for this position!

How heavy is the skill that the previous Lord of Time and Space used to practice? Don't let me repeat it! "

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded uncontrollably, as if a huge wave suddenly set off in his heart.

I still remember that when I chose the cultivation technique, the millions of techniques in that space seemed like countless stars in the night sky. How strong would such a huge base compete for the strongest technique!

When Wang Mang was shocked, a deep doubt flashed in his heart. Since the previous master of time and space practiced like this, why did he become the previous one? !

This doubt lingered in Wang Mang's heart, like a cat's claw scratching, causing Wang Mang to gritted his teeth and said at a great risk: "Lord Bai, forgive me, why did the last Lord of Time and Space?.. ........"

When Wang Mang was halfway talking, he was suddenly interrupted, and Bai Li's eyes flashed with an unprecedented chilling light. He sneered, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his tone, "You want to ask the previous one. Why did you become the last one, right?!"

"Does this need to be asked? Of course he was killed by me. I said that only the strongest person in cultivation skills is worthy to be the master of this time and space. I said that, do you understand?!"

Listening to the cold words of Bai official, Wang Mang's body looked like falling into an ice cave, with a layer of cold sweat oozing out of his back, "Understood! Understood!" He nodded and sat back at the low table again!

Seeing this, the cold expression on his face suddenly disappeared, and a kind smile appeared again.

"Wang Mang, this strange technique can only be considered powerful in the hands of others, but it is not top-notch, but in your hands, the power of this strange technique can far exceed that of others!"

Official Bai looked at Wang Mang with interest, tapped his finger on the table, and asked the waiter on the side to replace the dishes that were spilled on the table!

"Since you have won a hundred games in the Asura field, you are considered to have the promotion qualifications of my time and space technique. Do you want to go to the third level of time and space now, or practice for a while?!"

Wang Mang groaned a little, and said, "Master Bai, I still plan to practice for a while. I still haven't understood the true meaning of the halberd. I also want to be familiar with the strange tricks you mentioned for a while!"

The official Bai nodded when he heard the words, and said to the halberd on the lower head: "Well, you can arrange Wang Mang's time with halberd. I should give you another ten years!"

Halberd went straight out, frowned, and retorted for the first time: "Master Bai, Wang Mang's talent is not outstanding. At best, he can only be regarded as mediocre. Even if it is another ten years, it is still difficult for him to comprehend War Halberd. Really!"