Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 891: Black Snake and Leopard

Wang Mang’s physical speed was terrifying, and the strong wind blew out of his body while galloping, causing the branches of the surrounding trees to break instantly.

Countless blades of grass seemed to have been cut by sharp sawtooths, turning them into messy debris that drifted in the wind!

Wang Mang ran wildly while thinking about the problem. He even had some doubts about the true purpose of the third level of the trial time and space, whether it was for him to test or to send him to death.

He could not kill an evil dragon at the peak of Tier 9 with the strength of Tier 5 low-level, and he did not believe that anyone could do it.

The strength of the four major ranks, like a moat, can't be easily compensated in any way!

"Howl!" With a piercing scream, while Wang Mang was thinking, there was a roar of monsters fighting from far away.

Hearing the sound, Wang Mang stopped immediately, looked at the direction of the sound, and thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his body suddenly disappeared, and he ran in the direction of the monster's fight!

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fighting, why not do it? As long as you don't encounter those horrible monsters of rank eight and nine in this time and space, he is invincible, and he has the confidence to escape!

Wang Mang’s pace was getting faster and faster, and the roar of the monster beast in his ear was getting closer, and even the ground shuddered from time to time with heavy blows.

"Roar!" A sharp and tyrannical beast roar sounded,

The roar of the beast also contained a strong aura of sadness, like an elegy after a monster beast came to an end, venting the unwillingness to give up on life and the unwillingness to die!

Wang Mang stopped, his eyes narrowed, and he saw the scene of two monsters fighting in front of him through the lush dark forest.

A slender black snake no more than two or three meters long is tightly wrapped around the neck of a huge leopard. Its sharp teeth have been deeply embedded in the leopard’s throat. No matter how hard the leopard struggles, it can’t get rid of the neck. blacksnake!

A stream of blood from the throat flowed out like a spring, staining the emerald green grass red, and even a few tall trees were knocked down by the leopard, sprinkled with wisps of red blood!

"Tsk tusk tusk!" Wang Mang sighed with emotion. Looking at the scene of the black snake entwined, he couldn't help but think of the pain of the black snake tightening his body.

It's just that I have a way to get out, and the leopard in front of me must fall into the yellow spring!

Seeing that the leopard struggled more and more, the venomous black snake tightened its body a bit. The head of the snake moved slightly, and a burst of venom suddenly leaked from its two sharp teeth.

The leopard raised his head and let out a long roar, and his limbs weakened weakly, and his huge body fell suddenly, hitting the ground with a muffled noise!

The leopard blinked his eyelids with all his strength, as if he wanted to take another look at the world, but before it could see clearly, the toxins invading the brain instantly destroyed its life!

Even if the leopard is dead, the slender black snake still bites its neck and does not let go. After three to five minutes, the leopard completely loses its movement before the black snake loosens its entangled body!

Wang Mang squatted on the trunk of a giant tree, watching the monster fight that had already ended in front of him, only smiled slightly, and planned to turn around and leave.

But as soon as he turned around, there was a gloomy young male voice behind him, "Human, you have been watching for so long, and you want to leave without saying hello?!"