Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 986: Secret Realm Jade

A muscular stranger with a pair of black horns on top of his head was looking at the black bull with angry bull eyes.

With a violent roar, he suddenly raised the rough and heavy stone axe in his hand, and threw it toward the black bull as he flew. The strong wind brought by the axe blade faintly stung the black bull's cheek!

A black bull who is more than one foot tall and looks like an iron tower facing the thrown stone axe, two long white mists spurted out of his nostrils.

He squinted his eyes and blocked with one hand. There was a shock of ‘Zheng’, and the big fist of Hei Niubo did not evade or evade and blocked the flying stone axe abruptly.

Although the heavy stone axe is astonishing, its power is not terrifying. When the stone axe blade collided with the fist of the black bull, it cracked directly into several gray and white gravel, sputtering a cloud of turbid dust.

Hei Niu casually clapped his hands, patted the dust off his hands, and looked at the strange person throwing the stone axe, grinning slightly, revealing a rather penetrating smile!

"Devil! This is a group of demons!"

The stranger stared in horror, his original courage seemed to disintegrate instantly under the black bull’s penetrating smile, and the sturdy body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

"What a bunch of cowards!" Hei Niu squeezed his fists and made a crisp sound of ‘click~click’. With a smile on his face, he walked towards the stranger one step at a time.

It didn't take much effort, the stranger lost his courage, and could only struggle for a while. The black cow grabbed his head and knocked lightly, knocking him out.

Hei Niu easily solved the stranger, glanced around, found a suitable target, rushed up, and with a few punches, the stranger was put on the ground.

In a mere three to five minutes, those fifty or sixty strangers were like a group of unresistible lambs that were stunned all over the ground under the attack of the Black Bull and others!

"Ho ho! You did a good job, I believe the master will be very satisfied!"

The black mist floating in the low air made a strange smile, and the body trembled, instantly condensing into a human form.

Falling on the ground, frowning slightly, as if feeling a few glances at the strangers who collapsed on the ground,

Following the feeling in his heart, he slowly walked to a stranger with the strongest body, squatted down, and fumbled for a while with his hands on his clothes.

Suddenly, Wujian’s eyes lit up, and he took out a delicate and warm purple jade plate from the belt of the stranger.

He looked at it carefully for a while, and then put it away. This kind of good thing will be brought to the master later, and the master should be happy!

Just as he stood up with excitement, Wang Mang with a leisurely look also walked out of the forest.

Seeing Wang Mang, the corner of his mouth grinned. He ran to Wang Mang as if offering a treasure, took out the jade medal, and said with great joy: "Look, master, I found a treasure!"

Wang Mang looked at the purple jade plaque he was holding in both hands, frowned slightly, picked up the jade plaque and looked at it.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, his expression was shocked, and then he laughed wildly.

"Haha! I thought this group of strangers were alone, but I didn't expect to be so lucky that they would run into a nest!"

Wang Mang couldn't help but rubbed the purple jade plaque in his hand, and he felt quite comfortable.

This time, it’s not bad to talk about it. This jade medal is really a good thing. This jade medal has a different name and is quite interesting. It is called ‘Hundred Thousand Gold’.

This alias has a great background, meaning that one hundred thousand golden dragon coins will not be exchanged! No one, just because the function value of this jade card is huge, that is, it can summon the entrance to the secret realm!