Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 2: Criminal mission

The first task turned out to be: rob a gold shop (completed within 3 days). Wang Mang took a sip of the wine, but he didn't come back in one breath, choking and coughing, tears came out. Caressed his chest, succumbed to the air, and my heart turned a thousand times. In previous lives, people from the Alliance of the Chosen had said that the more difficult the task given by God, it also proved that the person's potential is stronger and the reward will be more generous. Wang Mang thinks it’s not a big deal. Robbery is not a trivial matter for an old bird who has lived in the last days for six years. By the way, he has a good brother in this life, so he took out his phone and dialed out a familiar one. number.

"Beep-beep-beep, hello, brother, why did you call me, aren’t you in class, brother, did you just see that total solar eclipse? It’s dark in less than a minute, I’m long This is the first time I have seen you at this age."

A familiar voice came from the phone. Wang Mang rubbed his nose, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He said with joy, "Well, I saw it. Those who were absent from class in the afternoon, you also got off work, right? I am waiting for you at the farmhouse stall opposite the school. I will discuss with you if I have something to do."

"Okay, brother, wait for me, I'll change my clothes, and I'll be here."

"Well, hang up, I'll wait for you."

Wang Mang hung up the phone, wiped his tears, and turned his head to look at the door, as if his brother that he hadn't seen in a long time would appear there in the next second.

"Boss, fry two more meat dishes, 4 portions of rice and a beer, and pack them together." Wang Mang said to the boss after drinking the last sip of wine in his glass.

Turning his head and looking at the door, a familiar figure was standing at the intersection and looking around. Wang Mang recognized him at a glance: Wang Hu, excited and uncontrollable, quickly ran to the door and waved his hand vigorously. Wang Hu grinned, beckoned, and ran over.

When Wang Hu really approached, Wang Mang saw that his sturdy body was only wearing a washed, white, swollen T-shirt, and the skin on his face was also rough and dry. Feeling a little uncomfortable, he patted his shoulder without saying anything.

Speaking of Wang Hu, I have to mention his life experience. Wang Mang and Wang Hu originally grew up in an orphanage. They have very good brotherhood, but Wang Mang was more fortunate and was adopted by a family. Wang Hu Life is more difficult. After coming out of the orphanage, I have been doing odd jobs on the construction site and doing some physical work in order to earn enough food and clothing.

Wang Mang's adoptive father got mentally ill and ran away from home when Wang Mang was 18 years old. In the same year, his adoptive mother also passed away due to mental fatigue. Fortunately, his adoptive parents left Wang Mang with a deposit of tens of thousands of yuan, plus the salary of winter and summer vacations, and barely survived. Down. "At that time, the two got in touch again.

"Brother, why did you skip class? Did you have a bad time at school? Hiccups" Wang Hu picked up the half bottle of beer on the table and poured it down, then hiccuped.

Just as Wang Mang wanted to speak, the boss put the packed rice and stir-fried vegetables on the table and said, "Beer is in the house. Just move it yourself."

Seeing that he hadn’t left yet, Wang Mang glanced at the boss with contempt, patted a hundred-yuan bill on the table, and said to Wang Hu: "Go, you go to carry a box of beer, and the specifics go back to my house. Let's talk about it." After talking, he left the food stall with the packed meal, and Wang Hu followed behind with a beer.

When he got home, Wang Hu opened the food and gobbled it up. His mouth was full and he stubbornly signaled Wang Mang to eat together. Wang Mang grinned when he saw his stupid appearance; his brother really hasn't changed at all. what.

"You eat slowly by yourself, I have eaten in the store," Wang Mang looked at him and drank.

Twenty minutes later, after Wang Hu was full of wine and food, Wang Hu wiped his mouth and asked, "Brother, what happened? Why did you suddenly call me back." "The world is going to change, 10 days later. The last days. Today's solar eclipse is the prelude to the last days." Wang Mang sighed.

"At the end of the solar eclipse today, a strange voice appeared in my mind. It claimed to be a god, just like Brother Mang said." Wang Hu rubbed the wine glass in his hand, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"Yes, what the strange **** said is true. The end times are really coming. We have to prepare. By the way, what is your mission? Just remember it carefully in your mind." Wang Mang clicked on. A cigarette makes me feel sad.

Wang Hu was a little surprised when he heard the words, but the eldest brother said it was true then it must be true. Then I closed my eyes and remembered,

"My task is:

Robbery of 100 cigarettes (limited period of three days)

Although somewhat psychologically prepared, Wang Mang was still a little surprised. He remembered that Wang Hu's mission in the previous life was not such a crime. Could it be that his rebirth butterfly incited the changes caused by its wings?

Wang Mang rubbed his temples and felt a little annoyed. It seemed that he couldn't survive according to the method of his previous life. Since the strange gods gave such a difficult task, the reward must be rich and terrifying. In this life, he can no longer shrink and live. Whoever prevents me from becoming stronger will die!

Wang Mang took another sip of beer, frowned and thought. After thinking for a long time, he initially established a plan. Wang Hu looked at his eldest brother with a straight face and looked serious, and asked cautiously: "Brother, what is your mission? what?"

"En?" Wang Mang just came back to his senses, "My, my three tasks are: rob a gold shop (with a three-day period)

Robbing a cash transport truck (with a five-day period) and killing ten of your most annoying people (with a ten-day period). "

"Brother Mang, how come you have three tasks?" Wang Hu stared wide.

"Maybe Qishen valued me more." Wang Mang let out dirty smoke.

"Brother Mang, you have completed all these three tasks. It's not enough to shoot you ten times." Wang Hu smiled slyly.

"Fuck you, your task is no better than mine. If I get caught, you probably have to go to jail to accompany me."

Wang Mang’s remarks weren't indiscriminate. A hundred cigarettes would at least rob a medium-sized supermarket. Hehe, do you want to be on the wanted list? All these difficulties must be overcome. To have a complete and feasible plan, all aspects must be considered. It is really difficult.

"Ahu, I'm not joking with you. After ten days, the end of the world will be an ironclad thing. The punishment for not completing the task is also very heavy. You may be disabled or even killed. You should not treat this task as a trifling matter." Wang Mang's face was full. serious.

"Brother Mang, I know, I've had enough of these peaceful days, but you still need Brother Mang to make an idea how to complete the specific task." Wang Hu's simple eyes showed a fierce light, that is the desire and addiction to the end times. blood;

Wang Mang knew that his brother had no father or mother, and that he hadn't had a friend who could talk to him since he was a child, but he was still a little touched by trusting him so much. So he groaned and expressed his initial plan, "I still have 4,000 yuan. Tomorrow you go to the second-hand market to buy two sets of old clothes, masks, hats, gloves, and safety shoes. You have to buy all of them. Try to buy that kind of sales. The best, the most common, I will prepare the weapons, and I will come back to my house at 12 noon to make peace." After that, he handed over a thousand yuan to Wang Hu.

Wang Hu picked up the money, scratched his head a little puzzled, and didn't ask anything. After listening to the arrangement, he went back to prepare for tomorrow's purchase.

While Wang Mang leaned on the chair, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself: Jindian, Jindian; it depends on tomorrow if it is a dragon or a worm in this life.