Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 37: Eliminate monsters and blood pools

Wang Mang's originally healthy face also became a little haggard, and his complexion was even more pale and terrifying. At this time, the left arm with the entire muscles was bleeding and discolored, his pulse became weak, his limbs were cold, and cold sweats were even worse. Stopped flow,

Seeing Wang Mang’s appearance, Liu Ying could not bear to let him continue, stepped forward, and said cryingly: "Husband, what are you doing, let's go out, okay, I don't want baby, let's go, I don't want you to become This looks like,"

Liu Ying grabbed the female worm in the palm of her palm with both hands, trying to drag it from the wound, but the female worm is Wang Mang’s natal worm. Where is it that Liu Ying, a person who has not reached the second order, can move, it may be the mother’s detection. When Wang Mang was abnormal, he voluntarily gave up and continued to **** blood. The insect pattern flashed and disappeared.

Wang Mang also opened his eyes at this time and shook his head. The brain that had just been sucked by the mother worm was a little dizzy, "Husband, you are fine, why are you doing this? Let's not baby it, okay, we Let’s leave now.” Liu Ying saw Wang Mang open her eyes, threw herself into his arms, and hugged Wang Mang’s body tightly, her delicate little face was covered with tears, and her eyes were still red.

Wang Mang rubbed Liu Ying's small head in his arms, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Blame me, blame me, I didn't prepare enough. I made a few more small leeches before, and I don't have to be like this."

In the short three minutes of the female worm sucking blood, Wang Mang said that he had been sucked nearly half of the blood. If the female worm sucked the blood and fed back the essence of life from the wound, otherwise, Wang Mang would have sequelae. ,

With a thought, a transparent medicine bottle appeared in Wang Mang’s hand. There was a layer of light green liquid at the bottom of the bottle. Wang Mang looked a little bit disheartened, but he opened the cork and poured it all into his mouth in one breath.

Hey, Wang Mang slapped his mouth, don’t tell me, this life essence is sour and sweet. The light green life essence flows down the mouthparts into Wang Mang’s stomach, and quickly flows through the digestive system. All parts of the body, the bloodless left arm that was sucked was refilled with vitality, and the pulse became stronger.

Even Wang Mang’s pale complexion looks pretty good. The essence of life is strong, but it will take some time to transform into essence and blood, but his current strength is barely able to control these leeches.

As soon as his mind moved, 56 crystal clear, pearly leech eggs appeared in Wang Mang's palm. The pitch-black and ferocious worms became a little moist, and the fierce worms tattooed on the insect patterns seemed to become a little softer. After all, these eggs Are all small lives,

"Pop" a worm egg broke. A parasitic leech with the thickness of a toothpick, which was smaller than a fingernail, broke the worm egg and stuck out the head with a suction cup.

The small sucker is attached to the crystal-clear worm eggs, and it seems that there is a steady flow of energy from the worm shell to the newly-born babies. When the last bite is taken, the worm eggs are no longer crystal clear, and the larvae of leeches with the thickness of toothpicks are also growing. Much larger until it becomes an adult,

One after another, the eggs were hatched smoothly, and one after another larvae grew into adults. Wang Mang could clearly feel the kindness of these leeches to him, that was the resonance in the blood.

After the fifty-six parasitic leeches all hatched into adults, Wang Mang also waved his big hand, and all fifty or sixty flying insects in the sac were summoned. The sucker of the flying insects sucked the back of the leech and flew one after another. To the black swarm,

Wang Mang looked at the flying worms with emotion. After all, his own worms are not rich enough. Flying worms cannot absorb the blood of worms, and so are their own first-order parasites. Only leeches have this ability. Otherwise, he There is no need to be so painful to be sucked blood,

The flying insect swarm quickly returned. My own 66 parasitic leeches were taking the lives of the strange insects at a plague-like speed. The strange insect swarm was rapidly decreasing. In just five minutes, there were more than three thousand disgusting strange insects. Drained life fell on the stairs, smashed to pieces,

The insect swarm began to panic. Some clever monsters actually took the initiative to fly away from the group, flying away like a corridor deep, and their own sixty-six parasitic leeches, because the monsters are not far apart, the number is large, and the absorption speed is unexpectedly Not the slightest drop,

Wang Mang’s mental power watched the female worm in the insect pattern continuously spit out the light green life essence, Wang Mang’s mouth opened with a smile, "Xiaoying, Ahu, try it," Wang Mang took from the storage space. Out of two paper cups, each poured a dozen drops of life essence, and handed them to them.

Liu Ying and Wang Hu took the paper cup and smelled it, a kind of vital fragrance, grunting, a dozen drops came down to their mouths, both felt hot in the chest and abdomen, and became energetic.

The essence of life spit out by the tumbling female worm filled a whole potion bottle. Wang Mang quickly took another potion bottle. The increase of the essence of life represented the disappearance of the life of the insect swarm. More than 10,000 strange insects were here. Nearly nine thousand died without noticing the danger,

Except for the dozens that have escaped, only a few hundred are hanging on the top of the gallery dissatisfied with the black slime. The parasitic leeches, with suckers against the wall of the gallery roof, wriggling close to the only remaining monsters.

Looking at the gratifying scene, Wang Mang was also very happy. In less than 10 minutes, there was no strange bug on the top of the gallery, but fragments, a thick layer of insect shells, piled up the corridor.

Wang Mang saw that there was no danger. He took the two of them to the side of the worm shell pile without any rush. He looked up and saw that there was only a thick layer of mucus. Wang Mang opened his left palm, and the worm pattern on the palm of his hand glowed brightly, which was attached to the roof Sixty-six parasitic worms, like suckling swallows that received a summon, dropped from the roof of the gallery on Wang Mang’s palm worm pattern, without any deviation.

"Let's go, it stands to reason that we have passed this test, and there will be good things not far away." Wang Mang has completely recovered to his peak state at this time, and he has even passed it. The life essence throughout his body has repaired many difficult problems. For the perceived dark disease, if the previous body can use nine-tenths of its strength, now the body can use its full strength, which means full control of the body.

Wang Mang opened the road with a steel gun in his left hand. The flashlight in his right hand illuminates the road ahead. He carefully observes whether there is danger ahead. With the lessons learned from the past, the three people should carefully look at the roof of the corridor three or five times.

The three of them walked less than a hundred meters, and it was another curve. Wang Mang stopped the action of the two of them trying to move forward, and still went forward to investigate with one shot.

Wang Mang pressed his teeth against the wall, gritted his teeth, rolled against the corridor that needed to turn, and quickly stood up, that is, the steel gun slammed forward. After the attack, Wang Mang found that everything was normal and nothing unusual.

A few meters ahead, there was a small puddle half a meter square. It was not stinking stagnant water, but a stream of crimson blood. Wang Mang carried an electric light, and shone light on the walls and verandas, but nothing was found. Danger, only then came forward to check,

Before he got even closer, Wang Mang smelled a strong **** smell. This **** smell was extremely unpleasant, like the smell of fermented corpse blood with residual limbs, like a determined person like Wang Mang, he couldn't help covering it. Snout,

Wang Mang leaned close to the pool of blood, squatted down, looked at this not deep pool of blood, but his eyes lit up, and he put a few drops of crystal clear blood on his nose and smelled it. That’s right, that’s the smell.

Liu Ying and Wang Hu were also worried about Wang Mang at this time. They walked out from the corner of the corridor. Both of them looked anxious. They were relieved when they saw Wang Mang squatting. Wang Mang grinned when he saw them. , Said happily: "Xiaoying, Ahu, you two are coming soon, this is the baby I'm talking about,"

When Liu Ying and Wang Hu saw Wang Mang's greetings, they both stepped forward, smelling the **** smell, and they were a little uncomfortable. Wang Hu was better, but his face was a little ugly, while Liu Ying was covering her mouth and was irritated by the smell. Vomit,

Seeing that the two of them were uncomfortable, Wang Mang quickly retreated back to a place where he could not smell the blood, and then he pointed to the blood pool and explained: "Xiaoying, Ahu, that blood is not easy, don't read it. It's a little uncomfortable, but that's an extraordinary good thing."

Wang Mang summoned a glass bottle from the storage ring, poured a bottle of blood, and said to Wang Hu, "Ahu, you can try it."

Wang Hu smelled the **** water, his face was frightened, "Brother Mang, this... can this thing be drunk?" Wang Mang heard Wang Hu's question and looked at him with disdain, raised the glass, and poured it. After taking a big mouthful, "Shuang" Wang Mang frowned, but his face was filled with concealed enjoyment.

Although this **** water smells unpleasant and unpleasant to drink, it has an advantage enough to cover these blemishes, that is, ‘activate blood’!

Even for ordinary people, there will be a variety of bloodline factors in the body, and the supernatural person links some scattered factors together, so that they have a strange ability that exceeds the average number of people.

This blood water is to help the ability players and ordinary people to strengthen a small factor chain. After drinking this blood, the ability person may acquire an auxiliary ability or a special physique, and ordinary people may directly awaken. I'm a supernatural person, and it can be seen how powerful this blood water is,

Wang Hu’s thick eyebrows were almost twisted. Although he saw Wang Mang taking a big sip of the fishy blood, he still felt a little guilty when he smelled it. Wang Man put most of the cup of blood in front of Wang Hu, and Wang Hu watched. With this **** water, my heart shook, after taking the glass, I poured it directly into my mouth, grunting, grunting,

Cough cough, this water is really awful, like a river of dead fish. After Wang Hu finished his last sip in the cup, he suddenly felt warm all over his body, especially his heart. The warming feeling became more obvious.' Hiss, there was a scorching heat from his arm, and a blood-red weird tattoo was slowly emerging on the arm.

Wang Mang also looked at the faint blood-colored tattoo on Wang Hu's arm, thoughtfully, and immediately said, "Ahu, in your case, you still need to drink two more glasses." Wang Hu's mouth twitched, holding the glass in his hand. All tremble a little.