Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 689: Monitor lizard in the pothole

"Kacha~Kacha!" The hard carapace of the black-clad mantis made an unpleasant and harsh sound in the monitor lizard’s mouth.

At the end of life, the black armored mantis with extremely powerful survivability cut through the maxillary artery of the monitor lizard with its sharp serrated forelimbs.

A stream of red blood was flowing down like water, the monitor lizard's eyes widened, struggling to crawl back into the cave, but before it could take a few more steps, its limbs weakened and fell into a pool of blood!

"Damn it!" Wang Mang quickly trot to the corpse of the monitor lizard, watching his precious black armored praying mantis die unexpectedly, he also expressed regret and sadness.

After only about five kilometers, five black-armed praying mantises died. If you go to the back, it will be a question whether you can have one black-armed praying mantis!

"Hiss! Hiss!" In a pit beside Wang Mang, a greedy monitor lizard saw Wang Mang squatting. His sturdy limbs slammed on the ground, and his big fishy mouth bit towards his thigh!

"Fuck!" Wang Mang didn't even have a head, and with one hand, he grabbed the throat of the leaping monitor lizard and slammed it against the hard mud.

Even the ground was smashed into a shallow hole, the monitor lizard convulsed and gurgled with blood. It just struggled for a while and stopped moving!

Wang Mang ignored the corpse of the lizard, only took out the remaining half of the black armored mantis limbs, looked at the two hard and sharp forelegs of the sickle, a bold idea came to his mind, without weapons, he could make one by himself. Well!

Just do it! Wang Mang pulled out the forelimbs of the two sickles along the joints of the black armored praying mantis, and forcibly straightened the curved joints, and forcibly plugged the two sickles along the hollow joints and fixed them together!

Suddenly, a double-headed serrated straight knife with a length of 1.5 meters was created. Wang Mang grabbed the knife shaft and danced a beautiful knife.

Wang Mang lowered his head slightly and looked at the monitor lizard corpse on the ground, "Bah! With a sound of cutting the leather, under Wang Mang's tens of tons of vigor, even an ordinary fruit knife can cut through the hard and thick skin of the monitor lizard, let alone the mantis sickle in his hand!

The snow-white skull was neatly and smoothly cut in half, revealing the muddy pile of ‘rotten tofu’ Wang Mang endured nausea, reached in and fumbled for a while, but was disappointed that he did not touch the black pearl!

Fortunately, the rest of the monitor lizards were almost taken care of by the black armored praying mantis of Tier 4 strength. Wang Mang simply scratched his skull one by one and searched.

"Hey, it's another one!" Wang Mang carefully wiped a black pearl the size of a soybean and put it in his jacket pocket. The corpse of the lizard sighed with emotion, "The probability of the appearance of this black pearl is really not high. On average, only one out of five monster beasts will appear!"

"No matter! Now I have accumulated fifty-two of them, and I will wait until the safe hillside to see!" Wang Mang whistled to the several black-armed praying mantises who were eating the corpse of the monitor lizard, and they immediately vibrated With wings, flew towards Wang Mang!

"Well, this place of trial still has some merits, at least it still has a big advantage for my bug system ability!"

Wang Mang looked at the black-clad mantis flying over after a meal, and the corners of his mouth also showed a smile. As long as these black-clad mantises do not die, I am afraid that his strength will rise to a great level!