Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 218: Operation Dragon City 14

"Om! Om! Om!" The sound of feather arrows cutting through the air suddenly burst.

The slender shafts and sharp arrows flew out of the gaps in the walls on both sides of the passage at lightning speed,

None of the more than a hundred sharp arrows fell, and they shot directly at Zhang Zi, who was still trembling. Suddenly, Zhang Zi was filled with arrows.

A sharp arrow pierced his throat, limbs, and internal organs, leaving only a pair of dead eyes still open! As if accusing something,

Wang Mang's brows jumped and he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that, he didn't expect that his guess was right.

This prudent personality of Shi Shui, if there were no traps in his most secret real treasure house, it would be really incredible.

Wang Mang took two steps, squatted next to the corpse of Zhang Zi, drew out a **** feather arrow, and glanced at the barbed arrow.

Sure enough, the blood stained with the arrow was faintly black and smelly, and the black substance remaining on the arrow was probably a kind of poison that would corrupt the body!

Wang Mang frowned, sighed quietly, stood up, and the worm pattern on the palm of his left hand suddenly lit up.

With a dark carapace, the ferocious-looking black three insects flew out with three pairs of iron wings.

Eight tough and slender worm limbs are attached to the body of the worm, and are attached to Wang Mang’s arm. The whole body gradually melts into a black sticky mass.

Instantly covered Wang Mang's whole body, turning into a set of hideous and fierce close-fitting monsters.

Wang Mang clenched his fist, and the tightly fitting hand armor on his fingers made a creaking metal crash, and the barbs on the back of his hand also stood up, glowing with a faint cold light.

Wang Mang scanned the whole body, still a little dissatisfied, his third-tier low-level strength was a bit weak after all.

Although it is also possible to summon spirit insects to attach armors, the three black insects must fly out of the insect pattern and stick to their skin before they can.

When you reach the third intermediate level, the magic of the spirit insect attaching armor is really convenient and quick. As long as you move your mind, you can attach to the whole body.

Through the solid head armor of the worm armor, Wang Mang glanced at the stepped passage that continued to grow downward. The tail vertebra was covered with barbed steel whip worm tails. He immediately rolled up Zhang Zi's body and threw it down the stairs. Go down,

Suddenly clusters of dark arrows, sharp knives, and various organs were revealed as Zhang Zi’s corpse rolled.

Wang Mang followed Zhang Zi’s tumbling corpse and walked slowly. When the corpse stopped rolling, his tail was thrown again.

In this way, when Shishui arrived at the Shishui Treasure House, Zhang Zi’s corpse with feathered arrows and sharp knives had been destroyed in a human form.

Wang Mang did not sympathize with him. Since he is dead, even if your body is expropriated by himself, it can be regarded as showing some residual heat.

As soon as he stepped down the stairs, Wang Mang was stunned by Shishui’s treasure house. It was not the jeweled treasure that made Wang Mang stunned, but Shishui’s most secret treasure house was too crude.

A small room with an area of ​​less than 10 meters, the walls are all wet, it looks a bit damp and run-down, a very ordinary mattress is placed on the ground, some bedding and clothing are placed on it,

Excluding the mattress, there is only a good-looking Eight Immortals table in this small room.

On the table are piles of messy golden dragon coins, some crystal clear, fingernail-sized small stones, except for these, there is nothing else!

Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in his heart. The treasury he worked so hard to find was just his mother! ?