Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 171: Spirit Worm Attached Armor

"Xiaoying, Ahu, today I will tell you why Tier 3 is called Watershed,"

Wang Mang snapped his fingers, and the three black worms in the worm sac fluttered their wings, flew out, and stopped on Wang Mang’s shoulder.

"Spirit insect! Attach armor!" Wang Mangkang spit out these four words forcefully.

The black three worms stopped on their shoulders as if they had heard some commands. The coin-sized insect pattern on the back gave out a flash of light.

Immediately afterwards, the dark and deep carapace body of the black three insects turned into a pool of red-black molten liquid, quickly enveloping every skin of Wang Mang's body.

Even Wang Mang’s face was covered with a dark mask with scarlet compound eyes and savage mouthparts.

With the mask covering his face, the insect armor made from molten liquid on Wang Mang's body was also completed.

The dark armor with complicated and exquisite insect patterns is very hideous and terrifying, closely fitting Wang Mang's bulging muscles.

The two rows of mouthparts-like serrated spines on the back extend straight from the top of the head to the tail vertebrae, and the three pairs of blood-black steel wings with a wingspan of more than one meter also slowly stretch out.

The surface of the armor that perfectly shapes the muscle contour is also alive, with small sharp steel needles growing out.

To say that the most eye-catching thing is the thick tail that grows from the tail vertebra like a steel whip.

There are many prismatic knives and barbs on this tail, and the tip is still glowing with a blue light, which is obviously very toxic.

The tip of the tail is very similar to the tip of the Molong gun, with an octagonal surface and a steel cone-like tip. It pierces the ground lightly, and it is a cracked hole.

"This kind of power! It can be truly become a power!" Wang Mang closed his eyes obsessively, spread his hands, and carefully sensed the incomparable sense of power from all over his body.

In his spirit armor state, both power, speed, and response are perfectly combined with the black three insects. It can be said that Wang Mang in his current state has all the black three insects' abilities.

This is the armor-attaching technique of the spirit insect that can only be used up to the third level. The use requirements must require the insect master to reach the third rank, and there is a third-order spirit insect that can be successfully used.

The two are indispensable, which is why Wang Mang will have a qualitative improvement when it comes to Tier 3 strength.

"Om!" A cloud of dark fire appeared on Wang Mang's palm, which was spread out and wrapped in armor.

Wang Mang stared at the dark and cold strange flames in his hands, and the corners of his mouth hidden behind the hideous mask couldn't help but smile faintly.

This cold flame in the palm of his hand is not simple, but it is the only ability that one can obtain when he is promoted to the third rank, and it is also the attribute attack that the third-order ability will have.

However, the manifestation of the attribute attack of each power is different. Some are like monsters, ejecting energy-compressed attribute light from their mouths.

Some can attach attribute energy to the weapon they hold, causing damage to the enemy. Various forms of killing are similar, all with the ultimate goal of killing the enemy.

But this group of own ghost fire is a bit special, its ability is to hit the soul directly!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Wang Mang, who was still familiar with his body, and Liu Ying in the room, Wang Hu heard a bell penetrating the eardrum at this time.

"Everyone who has lived to the present, have you become stronger now? Can you gain top strength in this last century?"

"Turn it on, the ranking of the end, let me see who of you is the strongest among the powers!"