Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 250: The guests

Wang Mang took the wooden bowl where he had eaten all the food in his hand, and scooped half a bowl of clear drinking water from a small bucket.

He raised his head, ‘gudong, gudong’ and poured it down,

The clear and sweet water seemed to cool the whole body as soon as the entrance, and the limbs and limbs were refreshing and relaxing.

"Good water!" Wang Mang wiped the corners of his mouth and exclaimed sincerely. This water is really not ordinary sweet.

I have never drunk such great water in my previous life and this life.

The abundant free energy contained in this water, if you insist on drinking it all the year round, most ordinary people can become supernatural beings!

"Guest, it's okay if you don't dislike it. The water is picked from a mountain spring next to the village, and the food is also the craftsmanship of the village women.

They are all vegetables grown by themselves and monsters beaten to entertain guests. They are a bit crude."

The middle-aged stranger who had been standing beside Wang Mang with fox ears and red tail, saw Wang Mang praised the food in his village so much, his face also showed a little smile and pride.

"You haven't asked the name of your eldest brother?" Wang Mang felt the kindness of the middle-aged stranger, and he was also preparing to negotiate business with the strongest stranger in the village.

"Guest, you just call me Honghukui. In our village, we are distinguished by the color of the tail, big and small. I belong to the red fox family, and my surname is Kui."

Wang Mang shook hands with Honghukui friendly and said:

"Brother Red Fox, let me introduce myself carefully. I am a human being named Wang Mang.

To be honest, the strength, for us, can be regarded as the upper-middle class.

I came in from the outside world, and I don’t know much about the world. I hope Brother Red Fox can give me some explanations."

It is not surprising that Honghukui heard that Wang Mang wanted to understand the world’s purpose. After the death of the old village chief, the village chronicle that recorded the six hundred years of the village’s rise and fall was passed on to his current village chief.

According to the records of the village chronicles, although the number of times humans came to trade was not many, each time they were bold, and they often bought some special products on a large scale.

Hong Hukui frowned as if thinking of something.

"Guest, our world is not very large. Except for a large forest and a small plain, the swamp has nothing else.

There are powerful monsters in the depths of the forest and under the swamp. We don’t provoke them easily.

There are also several villages about the same size as our Huahu Village. Oh, yes, there is a small town on the opposite plain, where a market is held every week in front of the town.

If you need some special products, you can go to the market to buy them.

I have also been to outsiders who have said that their world is thousands, tens of thousands of times that of ours, are you from that kind of world as a guest? "

Wang Mang frowned when he heard what Hong Hukui said, but did not interrupt him.

"More than 20 years ago, humans came to our village to conduct transactions. At that time, I was just an adult. I really admire the pride of humans."

After speaking, he smacked his lips with emotion, "But since twenty years later, the outsiders who came to the village to buy property have never been there again,"

Wang Mang was a little surprised when he heard Honghukui’s words. Twenty years ago, he was not born yet.

And it was still a civilized era, didn’t the end times have not yet erupted at that time? When did humans enter this secret realm?