Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 254: Advanced Magic

Bioman warriors rushed up and the battle was on the verge.

"Master, kill that man." Chu Cheng sent Tai Yi a coordinate directly. The silver-haired man was frightened. A pair of metal wings spread out behind his armor, and he would fly.

Tai Yi reached out his hand, palms up, and then turned.

The silver-haired man seemed to be crushed to the ground by a mountain, and the whole person was wearing armor and made a pop.

Taiyi gasped and said, "It's solved, but what kind of stuff is this, so laborious!"

Chu Cheng looked back at Tai Yi, and his breath became very weak in an instant. To kill a fourth-order enemy, Tai Yi seems to have experienced a hard battle with a legend.

"It doesn't seem to be dead?" Chu Cheng was surprised to see that the biochemical warrior still threw himself up and forgot to die.

"Dead, the soul has been completely destroyed by me." Tai Yi said with certainty.

Amakusa Cangyuan said: "He must have a clone hidden in the base, but this technology certainly can't revive him, it will only make the base a master, and the clone will not have such a powerful force."

"You killed the master!" Li Ji pointed at Tai Yi from afar, feeling an indescribable pain.

"Yeah, I killed him." Tai Yi heard clearly, and answered the biochemical combat adjutant from afar.

"The second state is on, all combat units, execute the destruction procedure!"

When Chu Cheng heard this, he felt bad. He immediately issued an order and said, "Everyone, help me withstand for 30 seconds, and retreat after 30 seconds."

Chu Cheng said, releasing the ash scepter, levitating above his head.

A golden dragon flame skull appeared in front of him, and the flame on the dragon flame skull immediately retracted into the eye socket. Now this dragon dragon's skull is advanced, condensing for three seconds, spell level +1, condensing nine seconds, spell level +2, condensing for 27 seconds, spell level will be +3, equivalent to the power of an epic magic .

This consumes 240% of Chucheng's magic pool. Chucheng's magic pool has two parts, virtual and real. The virtual parts are not counted, and all are equipment bonuses and talent bonuses.

His four-dimensional attributes are super high, and the magic outside the magic pool is much higher than the magic pool itself.

Twenty-seven seconds later, there was little left in the magic pool of Chucheng. The golden dragon flame skull in his hand flew out, flying more than 500 meters away. Chucheng released the wall of ashes, hiding everyone behind.

In the area where the dragon's skull exploded, it was vaporized within a hundred meters. The powerful shock wave also shattered all targets within a radius of 250 meters.

If it weren't for the cyborg warriors to spread out, this magic can kill all the cyborg warriors.

The goal of Chucheng is that biochemical adjutant.

Li Ji saw the dragon's skull flying towards her, and immediately calculated the consequences in her biochemical brain, which she couldn't stop. Li Ji rushed into the ground with his head, and his body broke through the soil strangely, and he rushed to a depth of more than 30 meters.

The explosion on the ground pushed the ground down, and a crater of more than ten meters deep appeared in the core area of ​​the explosion.

Li Ji felt that she was about to be crushed, and instinctively activated backup energy in her mind.

The biochemical body part immediately began to metallize, and her body also twisted into a metal snake, drilling into the distance. She drilled more than a thousand meters all the way before she drilled from the ground to the ground. In the distance, the biochemical warriors did not die, and beyond the power of the explosion, more than 100 biochemical warriors completed the transformation, burning their lives , Rushed to the team of adventurers.

Li Ji knew that these biochemicals could not kill the enemy.

The explosion was so brutal, so cruel that she lost her emotion instantly, leaving only cold calculations.

Go back, go back to the base, the master and the clone are there!

Li Ji has only one thought left now, that is to go back to the base and activate the master's clone. Although the power of the clone is not as good as the master, it is much stronger than these biochemical warriors, and it is also a fourth-order. Awakening all clones can definitely kill these adventurers.

Li Ji expelled the hole behind his back, spraying a hot airflow and flew towards the far base.

Chu Cheng and others are still fighting hard. Tai Yi slapped 90% of his strength. He did not want to exhaust all his strength to take risks. The young monk did not participate in the war. The biochemical warrior after his transformation also had a third-order power, but he had no skills, which was similar to the zombies in Qishan City.

Reinhardt dashed left and right, using him as the core, and it took more than an hour to clean up the last hundred biochemical fighters.

Chu Cheng was originally ready to run, but he did not expect him to condense the skull of the Dragon Flame for 27 seconds, and the power was incredible.

He is not a person who has not reached the sixth rank, but when he is in the sixth rank, he does not have the level of the dragon's skull. This is still his essentially only the third rank. The power of the dragon's skull has not reached the real sixth. The level you should have.

Think of it this way, the dragon's skull consumes so much, instantaneously is the power of the third-order peak.

The magic thing does not mean that the third order can only kill the third order. The legend is hit by the third order magic, or it may die at once. In addition to the defensive ability, the magical resistance has a special effect based on the magic resistance alone.

Chu Cheng had to take ruby ​​ointment to quickly restore the magic power, but ruby ​​ointment can only quickly recover the consumable part of the magic pool itself. If he wants to restore all his magic powers, he is afraid to take purple jade ointment.

Chucheng is not so anxious, here is at least eight or nine hours away from the base, and the rest is automatically restored.

What really shocked me was Tai Yi.

The young monk had not seen the magic of Chucheng, but this time, the dragon's skull exploded, making him feel a deadly threat. If he is in the center of the explosion, it is estimated to be dead within a range of 100 meters in diameter.

Dragon's Skull is not only an explosion damage, but it is essentially a magic of undead, destroying life directly.

The explosion area has continuous attacks that can tear up his defense.

Others are not legendary, so they are just surprised at Chucheng's strength, but Tai Yi is afraid of Chucheng's speciality. However, he is also unique and unique, otherwise he will not be scrambled by the two schools of Buddhism.

At the end, everyone went the same way.

But when thinking of Chucheng, there were tears of dawn in the Temple of Dawn, and Tai Yi felt restless in his heart.

If Chucheng and the gods are good, it will be a big trouble.

Chu Cheng didn't know his thoughts. If he knew that he would definitely blame, although he didn't think of destroying the gods, it was impossible for him and the gods to stand on the same line.

It's a big deal, just to be alive again.

After fifty years of war, Chucheng is not afraid. For ordinary people, it is not unacceptable to die at the age of seventy. As for what to enjoy, Chu Cheng really doesn't really pursue it. He and Chu Xiang don't think how valuable Jinyiyushi is.

Chucheng controlled the speed, and the team only saw the periphery of the base in the distance in the evening.

On a tall watchtower, huge crossbow arrows more than three meters long roared. Everyone feels that this crossbow is too stiff, and the speed is not fast enough. What use is it no matter how powerful it is?

However, a dead dragon dragon technique in Chucheng exploded a crossbow arrow 50 meters away. The crossbow arrow flew upwards and shattered in midair.

The thick smoke rolled around, and Green withered with a sigh and blew away the smoke. His magic is different from Chucheng's. Two people practice the same spell, and the effect will eventually be quite different. Chucheng's withering sighs have no physical effect. However, Chucheng has Wings of Destruction, with many additional effects, such as the ability to resemble a gust of wind, which can blow away poison gas.

"Biochemical weapons." Tiancao Cangyuan frowned.

"Is there any way?" Chu Cheng also found it difficult to see the giant crossbow. Undead Pterosaurs had already detected the core base. If they wanted to kill them, they would face the closed environment.

"Wang Qingyi has a way."

"If I have a way, I won't do anything in Qishan City," Wang Qingyi denied.

"Your lamp can purify this gas."

"You didn't say it early!"

"You can't purify my virus. It's useless to say." Amakusa spreads his hand. His plague virus is not afraid of purifying things like the Holy Light, but the purification range is limited. Basically, a legendary priest is a slap.

Chu Cheng looked at the watchtower that was more than 20 meters high. The building was very strong. The lower half was almost solid. There were two floors above it, and they were all very heavy.

This thing is exploded with the dragon's skull, and it takes three seconds to reach the strongest magic level under the legend before it can be exploded.

However, condensing the skull of Dragon Flame for three seconds consumes 20% of the mana pool mana.

But are you stupid and infected by Flying Skull?

Why do you want to blow up the entire watchtower and destroy the giant crossbow above?

Chu Cheng laughed stupidly. Perhaps his strength has improved a bit recently, and his brain is not enough.

The four-dimensional flash flew out, and the sword was so bright ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In a blink of an eye, the crossbow string of the giant crossbow was cut. The team was more than two hundred meters away from the tower. After the giant crossbow was destroyed, it accelerated to approach. Fifty meters away from the watchtower, Chu Cheng released the Eclipse Ball, which slowly floated up and flew into the window.

This thing is slow, but there are many. The biochemical warriors in the guardhouse soon have nowhere to hide, and they are entered into the body by the ball of eclipse, and they are corroded cleanly in an instant.

Eclipse in a closed and narrow environment is much easier to use than fireball, without hurting people by mistake.

The enemy will be forced to hide by a pile of eclipse balls, and ordinary magic shields will also be easily penetrated by the eclipse balls. This thing releases quickly, consumes less magic power, and piles up more.

If you only rely on the magic shield, you can't beat Chucheng.

Destruction is always easier than construction, and offense is always easier than defense. Eclipse is a magic that can be advanced to the ninth level, from the bottom to the ninth level, they are all perfect enough.

The two-storey watchtower, one layer contains weapons and the other layer contains ammunition reserves.

Chu Cheng sent Chu Bai to take a look. There was nothing valuable to him, except for a crystal inlaid on the giant crossbow.